Tracking Biden’s environmental actions (2024)

Updating greenhouse gas reporting requirements for oil companies

The EPA finalized updates to greenhouse gas reporting requirements for the oil and gas sector. The changes to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, which were mandated by the Inflation Reduction Act, are intended to improve the accuracy of the sector’s reported methane emissions, a major driver of climate change. Read more »

Slashing greenhouse gases from coal- and gas-fired power plantsBiden sued

The EPA finalized the strictest-ever greenhouse gas limits for new gas-fired power plants and existing coal-fired power plants. The rule will push all existing coal plants by 2039 to either close or capture 90 percent of their carbon dioxide emissions at the smokestack. Read more »

Setting efficiency standards for federally backed homes

The Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Agriculture Department updated energy efficiency standards for new HUD- and USDA-financed housing. The congressionally mandated requirements will save residents an estimated $15,071 for single-family homes and $5,886 per multifamily unit over 30 years, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Read more »

Limiting mercury and other toxic emissions from power plants

The Environmental Protection Agency finalized stronger limits on mercury and other toxic air pollutants from power plants, as part of a broader attempt to slash pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Read more »

Eliminating fossil fuels in new federal buildings

The Energy Department finalized a rule that will end the installation of gas furnaces, water heaters, and other gas appliances in new federal buildings beginning in 2030. Read more »

Limiting ethylene oxide and chloroprene from chemical plants

Roughly 200 chemical plants will need to reduce emissions of ethylene oxide, chloroprene and other toxic air pollutants under the EPA final rule. Read more »

Curbing greenhouse gas emissions from trucks and buses

The EPA finalized a rule requiring manufacturers to slash emissions of greenhouse gases from new trucks, delivery vans and buses from model years 2027-2032. Read more »

Setting CO2 standards for cars and SUVs, model years 2027-2032

The Biden administration finalized the most ambitious greenhouse gas standards yet for the nation’s cars, pickup trucks and SUVs, in an effort to speed the transition toward electric vehicles. Read more »

Reducing pollution from iron and steel manufacturing facilities

The EPA strengthened standards aimed at reducing hazardous air pollutants from integrated iron and steel manufacturing facilities. The final rule covers new and existing sinter plants, blast furnaces, and basic oxygen process furnace (BOPF) shops. The nation’s eight integrated iron and steel mills emit hundreds of tons of arsenic, lead, and other toxic metals into neighboring communities each year, according to the environmental law firm Earthjustice. Read more »

Curbing pollution from gasoline distribution facilities

The EPA finalized standards aimed at reducing toxic air pollution from gasoline distribution facilities, including storage tanks and loading operations. The rules, which exclude gas stations, are expected to reduce emissions of air toxics, including benzene, hexane, toluene, and xylene, by 2,220 tons per year, according to the agency.

Requiring taconite plants to slash mercury emissions

The EPA finalized a rule that for the first time would require companies to limit mercury emissions from taconite iron ore processing plants. However, Native American tribes in Michigan and Minnesota say the rule doesn’t do enough to prevent them from eating freshwater fish with high levels of mercury.

Strengthening efficiency standards for gas and electric stoves and ovens

The Energy Department tightened efficiency standards for gas and electric stoves and ovens. Over 30 years, the standards will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 4 million metric tons, according to DOE. Read more »

Requiring more efficient washers and fridges

The Energy Department finalized a rule requiring stricter efficiency rules for household refrigerators and freezers. Read more »

State-level cuts to transportation emissions cuts

The new rule will require state and urban transportation and planning officials to set goals to reduce carbon emissions from cars and trucks on major roadways. Read more »

Emission standards for non-new locomotives and engines

The Biden administration changed existing policy to no longer categorically preempt certain state regulations of non-new locomotives and engines. The agency will allow California to adopt and enforce certain more stringent emission standards, and permit other states to follow suit. Read more »

Finding lead pollution from airplanes poses a threat to human health

The Environmental Protection Agency found that emissions from airplanes using leaded gasoline pose a danger to human health and welfare, opening the door to the agency’s first-ever limits on aviation fuel. Read more »

Restricting the use of super-polluting hydrofluorocarbons in certain products

The Environmental Protection Agency restricted the use of hydrofluorocarbons, a potent greenhouse gas, in certain foams, aerosol products, and refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump equipment starting in 2025. Read more »

Strengthening energy efficiency standards for gas furnaces

The Energy Department tightened energy efficiency standards for gas furnances, which the department estimated would save households $350 over the life of the furnance and cut 332 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions from furnaces sold over the course of 30 years. Read more »

Exempting EV charging stations from certain environmental reviews

To speed the adoption of electric vehicles, the Biden administration exempted EV charging stations from certain requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act Read more »

Establishing the American Climate Corps

President Biden established a program aimed at training and employing young people to help speed the clean energy transition. Read more »

Phasing down hydrofluorocarbons Biden sued

EPA finalized a rule phasing down the production and import of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), potent greenhouse gases used in refrigeration and air conditioning, 85 percent by 2036. EPA has mandated a 40 percent cut in use and production by 2024. Read more »

Approval of Ocean Wind 1 Project

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management approved Ocean Wind LLC’s plan to construct up to 98 wind turbines and as many as three offshore substations, 13 nautical miles southeast of Atlantic City, N.J. Read more »

Energy conservation standards for electric motors

The Energy Department finalized new efficiency standards for 100 to 250 horsepower motors and established first-time efficiency rules for 501 to 750 horsepower models. Read more »

Granting California’s waiver to phase out diesel trucks

The Environmental Protection Agency approved California’s rule requiring manufacturers to sell an increasing number of zero-emission trucks starting in 2024. Read more »

Energy conservation standards for air purifiers

The Energy Department detailed plans to began to phase in national efficiency standards for air purifiers. Read more »

Energy conservation standards for room air conditioners

Would mandate that certain room air conditioners become more efficient, which regulators estimate will save consumers money over time on utility costs. Read more »

Targeting smog-forming pollution from heavy trucks

The EPA finalized a rule intended to reduce tailpipe pollution from new tractor-trailers, buses and other heavy-duty vehicles that form smog, as well as emissions that warm the planet. Read more »

Launching Clean Technology Fund

The Treasury Department launched a $1 billion fund to help support clean-energy development in developing countries. Read more »

Passing the Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act provides roughly $385 billion to address climate change and speed the shift to clean energy, including $260 billion in clean energy tax credits, $80 billion for rebates for electric vehicles, home energy efficiency upgrades and $1.5 billion in rewards for cutting methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Read more »

Doubling funding for climate-resilient infrastructure

President Biden doubled funding for the Building Rresilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, bringing its budget to $2.3 billion. The program, started under Donald Trump, aims to protect communities from climate disasters before they strike. Read more »

Establishing the Navy’s 2030 climate action plan

The Department of the Navy adopted a blueprint to reduce the equivalent of CO2 emissions from 1 million cars through natural sequestration on Navy-owned lands by 2027, and establish climate-resilient, cyber-secure microgrids. Read more »

Strengthening forest management

President Biden signed an executive order aimed at strengthening forest management, to curb wildfire risk in the United States and global deforestation. Read more »

Cutting carbon in state transportation

The Transportation Department announced that it would provide $6.4 billion in funds under the bipartisan infrastructure bill to states. The program has few requirements, only calling for states to spend the money on programs aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Read more »

Federal support for failing nuclear plants

The Energy Department announced that it would provide $6 billion in funds under the bipartisan infrastructire bill to support struggling nuclear plants. Read more »

Launching new sustainability performance standards for federal buildings

Biden officials developed the first “building performance standards” for federal facilities, which will take effect in April 2023. Read more »

Auctioning wind leases off New York and New Jersey

The Biden administration auctioned off more than 488,000 acres of offshore wind leases in the Atlantic Ocean, netting $4.37 billion. The total energy that could be generated from the leases, an estimated 7,000 megawatts, would be enough to power 2 million homes. Read more »

Launching a U.S. Army climate strategy

The U.S. Army set two major climate goals -- a 50 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, and net-zero emissions by 2050 --as well as a plan to achieve them. Read more »

Investing in climate strategies through the USDA Commodity Credit Corporation

The Agriculture Department announced that it would invest $1 billion in climate-smart commodities and practices through its Commodity Credit Corporation. Read more »

Set hazardous air pollutants emissions standards for major industries

Since Biden took office the EPA has issued proposed or final rules for hazardous air pollutants stemming from copper smelting, cyanide chemicals,carbon black, refractory products, and polyurethane foam

Funding breakthrough climate technology and demonstration projects

The Energy Department established the office ofClean Energy Demonstrations to support up to $20 billion in projects with funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Making the federal government carbon neutral by 2050

President Biden signed an executive order calling for the federal government to run on all clean power by 2030, switch to zero-emission cars and light trucks by 2035, and make federal buildings carbon neutral by 2045. Read more »

Analyzing greenhouse gas emissions and social cost of carbon from oil and gas leases

The Bureau of Land Management announced it would analyze the national greenhouse gas emissions of all new oil and gas leases, and the social cost of those emissions, in its environmental impact statements. Read more »

National Intelligence Estimate on Climate Change, and related strategies

The Biden administration issued the first-ever National Intelligence Estimate on climate change, as well as a Defense climate risk analysis, and launched efforts at the Department of Homeland Security to address climate-related challenges including an uptick in migration to the United States. Read more »

Adopting an Interior Department climate action plan

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland issued a climate action plan six months after signing Secretarial Order 3399. That order established a climate task force and instructing the department to prioritize environmental justice concerns, tribal rights and scientific transparency in decisions through the National Environmental Policy Act. Read more »

Factoring climate risk into National Flood Insurance Program insurance rates

The National Flood Insurance Program instituted a more equitable pricing system for policies that would take climate risk into account. The change raises the premiums for most homeowners, including on the coasts and in flood-prone areas, while reducing them for some. Read more »

Establishing electric vehicle target of half of new car sales by 2030

President Biden signed an executive order calling for half of all new cars and light trucks sold in 2030 to be electric or plug-in hybrids. Read more »

Requiring pipeline industry to curb methane leaks

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration notified the pipeline industry that they’re legally required to fix leaks of methane, a potent greenhous gas, in their pipelines and pipeline facilities under the Protecting our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety (PIPES) Act. Companies must update their maintenance and operations plans as a result. Read more »

Assessing climate-related risks across the federal government

President Biden tasked his top climate and economic advisers with developing a strategy for assessing climate-related financial risks to government programs, assets and liabilities within 120 days. Read more »

Promoting ‘climate-smart’ agriculture and forestry

Agriculture Secretary issued a plan to spur ‘climate-smart’ farming and forestry strategies on May 20, 2021. Read more »

Cutting U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 50 to 52 percent by 2030

President Biden pledged the U.S. would cut its greenhouse gas emissions by between 50 and 52 percent, compared to 2005 levels, by the end of the decade. Read more »

Establishing Department of Defense climate working group

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin established the Defense Climate Working Group to incorporate climate risk analysis into all of its operations and assess how it can curb the department’s greenhouse gas emissions. Read more »

Transitioning to a clean federal vehicle fleet

President Biden mandated buying clean and zero-emission vehicles for the federal fleet. The administration set targets for the 2027 and 2035 fleet on Dec. 8, 2021. Read more »

Making climate change a national security priority

President Biden ordered national security agencies to report within 90 days on integrating climate change into their work. The agencies submitted their reports to White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, but did not release them to the public. Read more »

Protecting communities from treatment of waste explosives

The EPA proposed to strengthen standards for facilities that use open burning and open detonation to treat waste explosives such as munitions, fireworks, flares or airbag propellants. The proposal would better protect communities and military families from pollution, the agency said. Read more »

Charging oil and gas companies for methane emissions

The EPA proposed steep new fees on methane emissions from large oil and gas facilities. The proposal would implement the Methane Emissions Reduction Program created by the Inflation Reduction Act. Read more »

Strengthening standards for large facilities that burn municipal solid waste

The EPA proposed strengthening air pollution standards for large facilities that burn municipal solid waste. Such municipal waste incinerators are often in disadvantaged communities. Read more »

Banning most old-growth logging in national forests

The Forest Service proposed the first national plan to protect old-growth forests from commercial logging on the nearly 25 million acres it manages. Read more »

Reducing leaks of climate super-pollutants

The Environmental Protection Agency proposed a program to reduce leaks of hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) from equipment such as air conditioners and refrigerators and require the use of reclaimed or recycled HFCs for certain applications. Read more »

“Zero-emission” building standards

President Biden outlined a national standard for what constitutes a “zero emission” building, in an effort cut energy use in a sector that accounts for nearly a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Read more »

Energy efficiency rules for water heaters

The Energy Department proposed tightening efficiency standards for water heaters, which it estimates would prevent 501 million metric tons of carbon dioixide from entering the atmosphere over a 30-year period, and save Americans $198 billion in energy costs during that same timespan. Read more »

Efficiency standards for beverage vending machines

The Biden adminstration is seeking more stringent standards for unbiquitous vending machines Read more »

Curbing power plant pollution across state lines

The Environmental Protection Agency proposed tougher limits on pollution from power plants and industrial operations, including nitrogen dioxide and soot, which crosses state lines. Called the “good neighbor” rule, the new proposal includes California, Nevada and Utah for the first time. Read more »

Proposed offshore wind leases in Gulf of Mexico

In a first, the Interior Department announced a proposed wind lease sale for three areas in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coasts of Texas and Louisiana, part of a push to ramp up offshore wind by 2030. Read more »

Factoring climate change into federal environmental reviews

The White House Council on Environmental Quality issued interim guidance on how to factor climate change into federal environmental reviews. This updates a 2016 guidance issued under Barack Obama, which was reversed under Donald Trump. Read more »

Tightening restrictions on soot emissions from industrial sources

The Environmental Protection Agency proposed tightening restrictions on industrial soot emissions, one of the deadliest forms of air pollution. The move reversed the Trump administration’s decision not to change the standard. Read more »

Energy-efficiency standards for electrical transformers

Proposed new energy-efficiency standards for several categories of distribution transformers would go into effect in 2027. The goal is to lower carbon emssions and utility bills, and increase power grid resilience. Read more »

Raising the minimum level of lightbulb efficiency

Biden administration proposed new rule significantly raising the minimum efficiency level for most common lightbulbs. The rule is meant to complement other actions aimed at speeding the transition to longer-lasting, lower-energy LED bulbs. Read more »

Tighter restrictions for venting and flaring methane on federal and tribal lands

The Bureau of Land Management proposed a new rule to prevent oil companies drilling on federal and tribal land from venting and flaring methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Read more »

Requiring major federal suppliers to cut their climate pollution

At the direction of the White House, the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council proposed requiring any company with at least $50 million in contracts with the federal government disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and set emissions reduction taregts in line with the 2015 Paris agreement. Read more »

Establishing new standards for household gas furnaces

The Biden administration proposed strengthening efficiency standards for household gas-powered furnaces. The update would effectively phase out older “non-condensing” furnaces that burn more gas. Read more »

Establishing new standards for commercial gas water heaters

The Biden administration proposed tightening efficiency standards for commercial gas water heaters. The Obama administration proposed similar standards in 2016, which were blocked under Donald Trump. Read more »

Energy conservation standards for consumer pool heaters

The Biden administration is seeking heightened energy efficiency standards for pool heaters, saying it will benefit consumers if finalized. Read more »

‘Good Neighbor’ plan expanding cross-state air pollution requirements

EPA proposal expands the implementation of the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone. It covers additional states -- California, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming -- as well as industrial sources such as pulp and paper mills, cement kilns and boilers and furnaces in iron and steel mills. Read more »

Modernizing building performance standards by Earth Day 2024

President Biden announced the creation of a coalition of 33 state and local governments that will work with the Energy Department and labor unions to cut emissions from homes and commercial buildings. The goal is for each participant to produce new regulations and legislation on building energy peformance standards by April 2024. Read more »

Limiting utilities’ effort to recover trade groups’ fees from ratepayers

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is taking comment on whether it should restrict power companies’ ability to force customers to finance the work of utility trade groups that advocate on behalf of fossil fuels, including the Edison Electric Institute and the American Gas Association. Read more »

Launching a government-wide strategy to cope with extreme heat

President Biden launched a government-wide strategy Monday to combat extreme heat, including the development of new federal labor standards aimed at protecting workers from rising temperatures linked to climate change. Read more »

Replacing traditional jet fuel with sustainable alternatives by 2050

The Biden administration set a goal of replacing all traditional jet fuel with sustainable alternatives by 2050, by boosting fuel production from waste and plants. Read more »

Assessing climate-related financial risks in the insurance sector

As part of efforts to assess climate change’s impact on the insurance sector, the Treasury proposed collecting data on climate-related risks from property and casualty insurers. Read more »

Establishing climate guidelines for federal coal leasing

The Bureau of Land Management said it would seek public comment on how to assess “the potential environmental, social and cultural impacts of the coal program” it operates. Read more »

Imposing new climate disclosure requirements on federal suppliers, lending programs

President Biden instructed his deputies to consider imposing new greenhouse gas disclosure requirements on federal suppliers and improve reporting and management requirements for federal lending programs that take climate risk into account. Read more »

Encouraging financial regulators to improve climate-related disclosures

President Biden instructed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin, in her role as chair of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, to provide a report in 180 days on what the government should do to integrate climate risk into regulation of the financial sector. Read more »

Establishing new Energy Star standards for heat pumps and investing in innovation

Biden officials announced the government will develop new Energy Star ratings for electric heat pumps and invest $10 million in research and deployment of heat pump technology. Read more »

Doubling climate aid to developing countries by 2024

President Biden promised to work with Congress to boost annual public climate financing aid for developing countries to $11.4 billion by 2024. Read more »

Funding breakthrough climate technology and demonstration projects

President Biden proposed spending $35 billion on breakthrough climate technology and $15 billion on climate-related demonstrated projects. Read more »

Proposing Energy Efficiency and Clean Electricity Standard

President Biden proposed an “Energy Efficiency and Clean Electricity Standard” that would require utilities to get a percentage of their power from carbon-free sources. Read more »

Permitting for the Vineyard Wind Project

The Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management signed off on the final environmental review for Vineyard Wind, an 800-megawatt offshore wind project. Read more »

Tracking Biden’s environmental actions (2024)


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