The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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I $6 ROOM laundry: white jtitnplnyed GIRLS of fee you mi Stenographer Waitresses Ground loor Midland Bldj STENOGRAPHER NELSON LADIES Apply in person 2 to 5 CO WAITRESS NIGHTS necessary Apply Monday WAITRESS Earn Help Saleswomen 27 28 Employin' Bureau emale 5 is PBX heavy board We to work' $152 Supervisor 170: Room private home kitchen privilege: lady 671 7683 TYPIST: Accural hav inti tin! I '0 3 OR ADDRESSOGRAPH GRAPHOTYPE DEPT MANPOWER INC 314 SUEMOR Personnel Dept Euclid at 9th Must be over 21 years of age Good pay steady position experience not Pontiac Motor Division General Motors Corp 20950 Center Ridge Rd 49h $390435 $350 SJ50 $400 $300 be and Allen Cleaners 14019 PUR1TAS or call WY 1 8080 the any Receptionist for Photographer $200 Area No Experience If you live In th Southast section Cleveland type a bit and ilkr to meet people you don't need any experience to start Immediately as the reception ist in a well known photography studio A bit of lota of pybllc contact such ai greeting customeia setting up appointments etc Nancy James Inc Branch 13203 Mlles Avenue (Above Woolworth'S) LO 1 2550 LEPTONS RESTAURANT AND DELICATESSEN 175 Green Rd EV 2 5350 WOODBRtDCE Private home front room: lady: privileges SH 1 4922 To Manage Dry Cleaning Stores 1005 HIPPODROME BLDG 720 EUCLID AVE TO 1 8100 With minimum 2 years expe rience intresting work of fering an excellent opportu nity for qualified person ax rienced in shorthand Var ied duties Salary 5 day Interesting and diversified duties for young lady with shorthand and typing skills 5 day week salary based on qualifications and experience Many employee benefits Union Commerce Bank If you hare axpenenea ai teller er cashier we'd like to talk with you about a posi tion in our Turneytown of fice 493 2 Turneytown Car field Heights Age 21 35 5 day week many employee benefits See LAKE CITY irst rio Tne Arcade OPEN MONDAY A TO 7 Employment Service 0011 Broadway st Mlles VU 3 070 (Mcond floor cor Bldg) Placing Southeast Girls for 13 years STENOGRAPHERS Temporary 1122 Terminal Tower 21 Help Winhd inal WOMEN Part time Thera are over 5 million American wives and mothers working part time and add 1 ing $4000 to $7000 or more vearly to their husband's pay checks The United States De partment of Labor states that the majority have full family responsibility and live up to them too An increasing number of women are simply realizing that their spare time can be spent at a profit Sales specifically home pro duct sales is undoubtedly the most profitable and attractive part time work for house wives Tenax Corp of New York the largest Direct Home ood Service Co in the country operating out of 9 major cities employing several hun dred women are now taking interviews for women inter ested in direct home consumer selling here in the Cleveland area All leads are furnished and fully qualified We will train you thoroughly and re quire only 2 to 3 hours a day of your time A car is necessary This is strictly commission Personal inter views only Monday and Tues day II a to 3 ederated oods of Ohio Inc (Subsidiary of Tenax) 1900 Euclid Room 411 Ou? specialty turning your hours tt dollars Applicants over 40 efccme 314 SUPERIOR KI TO 1 5470 ROOM 812 POISED and GRACIOUS! BOB This a hony of a $DOt as OmClAL GREETER for this terrific Co If you are poised gracious and you like to talk what gal and have typing ability you may well be the lucky one to head up their plush front office Hurry In vr call today on thia one! I to $350 (ee Paid) Kitchen Helpers Meals uniforms company benefits Must have own transportation CONTACT MARION BOWMAN Secretary company executive 69 1867: rooms nicely fur nished Colored 361 61 1 9 69 1882: 3 lovely rooms Colored HE 1 6653 Birchdale Crawford opposite Wade Park beautiful 5 rooms newly decorated Electric and hot water Colored $85 rno Mr Burrell EX 1 6999 or EX 1 4088 "YAKITTY YAK" BOB SAYSU Most of your time 111 be spent talking to and making friends with the client of this pre tlge Cleve land firm A warm smile friendly manner plus acme typing are main attributes You won't find dull routine A real goodyll to $300 (ee Paid) STRAND HOTEL 2209 PAYNE AVE Reasonable wreklX monthW rite Parkins Restaurant Barbershop $210 No Experience If you hae a pleasant telephone voice and just a bit of typing (hunt and re will rfo you can be t'ir phone gl 1 receptionist In a dowrtoAi sate? Greet customer paments answer the phone Lets of variety here for personable beginner Nancy James 1331 Nat'l City Bank Bld 1 3030 fast this lot STENOGRAPHERS LEGAL GENERAL TEMPORARY WITH Manpower Inc 21 1 plW aWal (Contluu rd In eat Column) EMPLOYMENT OICE UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS 3065 Adalbert Rd OTTERVIEWINO HOURS and dy ca pr pco ULL or part Hrr for direct selling of quality product High commission Car necessary Mrs Gordon AD 5 2373 appearance Start $450 Howard 5555 Brecksville Rd Rt 21 ADVERTISING RECEPTIONIST $325 NO I EE Capllai'ae on your radio voice vh atious personality to brK a namic day Is reer Must have a warm sincere banality and the abiliy to put nle al rar with a hant mHe CRAIG PERSONNEL SYSTEM 75 Public Square Suite 400 CH 1 8154 fl ItintHounkMpImfhin Gn nd jrra rwedi irjCW EDMUNDS: 3 lovely rooms nicely fu niahed colored CK 1 6207 EUCLID 651 REASONABLE RATE KITCHKNETTK rooms! kuCUD 102: 3 and 3 rooms Own entrance White SW 5 6765 HAHLOrJ90 it IOS: Horror kitchenette SteamServlcojadlea MILES 13201: Own exit bath utif Hies bus VU3 1 540 (ConlinaM rm medlnr in Pleasant 29 emale Instruction POWER SEWING DRESSMAKING Tailoring Designing SU 1 4595 Prflrresslve ashion School 4 06 Euclid SUPERVISOR HOUSEKEEPING Dutiet includa reipomibilitie for clranlin of a building and upervision of porter and maid High achool graduate 35 to 55 year of age will train if neceary alary 40 hour week fringe benefit BOOKKEEPERS 300 400: tE PAID Experienced ru to work In downtown kxd utuibn tflCTs Don wait see or call HALLMARK ASOC 402 Michell BMs MA 1 S46T ixes92 0615 or IV 6 2 192 I BOB SAYSI! Th! vnur b'C Chinee to get In with a top notch ftrm and learn alt about the business world reputable famous Co will train vou to do many a riel and highly In teresting jetx and prepare you for future promotions High class co wce'lent benefits to 75 (ee Paid) Clerk Typist $325 Work In cnmpuiy library soma col desirable JONES BCHOHEt BLDG TO J2 2 (Cenllniie rot rrecedin tehunnT 21 HI Wanfid aaali TELLER Belvoir Cliffs Lovely 2 bed room ruttes ovtrxlted closets stove refrigerator play areas Beautifully landscaped grounds closa to schools and shopping bus stop at front door rom $9S Days IV 1 1120 Eves Sat Sun I 6 04 2 4 12015 BEULAH: 3 ROOMS BATH DECORATED HR 1 9535 CEDAR Green: Room privileges: lady references EV 2 6088 LO 1 849 4 STENOGRAPHER TYPISTS Temporary Top hourly rate 745 Leader Bldg SU 1 4750 To downtown firm Strong kills top fee paid LAKE CITY INC HEADQUARTERS OICE POSITIONS Secretaries Stenographers etc NO CHARGE TO LAKE Cm APPLICANTS NEED BABY NURSES VACATION MVRS GOVERNESSES CALL MRS STORK Snr Lmiie Nuraea Registry 207T 1 1031ft ST fiW 1 IMI TYPIST sorne thorthand required J'tg saary $74 40 hr wk Callor appolntmert Vtf 3557 1 ARBOR RD 453: room use kitchen tn entrance young MU 1 14 05 BAEEITT 222 area Euclid O' meals man RE 1 5753 BROADWAY 7326: very 11 0 BR 1 0113 MI 061 5 CASE Reserve 2039 Ornell: Park'nz uekitchen sw 5 1149 CASE Reserve area: Ides for men excellent meals GA 1 6132 CASE Reerve area: Rocin home privheges bus white RA 1 0218 Stenographer Esperinced under 35 food at flf urei for permanent petition 40 hour week Vicinity Westgate ahopplng tenter Along With Men?" BOB This fabulous ore of the indushy this to aay about the girl they are locking must be able work with a Mt of men Attractive well dressed pleasant personality for important cus tomer contact work Some college math or programming exp A career type of ocitionll How about it girls is this $450 to $550 4" expenses toperience necessary 3125 per hour Ips tips shift 11 am to 7:30 pm uniforms furnished Gray Drug Store Great Shopping Center North Olmstead Big Wheels BOB Ti yunr dynsmfc Executive Pres for this world fam ous Co wants a happy responsible secretary to help him run things 5ust be able to get along with people be loquacious and know how to ueur clothes An ideal downtown location plus many many benefits Need say more? to $450 (ee Paid) SI Position siniU 14 Rent Rssms Bii6 (Eut) (Centlnsed rom rwdinf Charon) Union Commerce Bank Pronnel Dspt Euclid at 9th TRANSCRIBERS or DICTAPHONE EDIPHONE SOUNDSCRIBER TEMPORARY need experienced help WAITRESSES Positions Open COUNTER AND TABLES Days: meals and uniforms furnished HOWARDPJoHNSON'S 4 54 6 MAYTIELD ID WAITRESS Earn above average In tip and a welLxnown restaurant will train exprlenrt not needed: mut have good reference Apply between 2 5 only Ca 11 RA 1 130 1 or West Side manufacturer accurate typist shorthand required: excellent compiry paid benefits: good working eoftdltlOM with Job security Lester Engineering Co ZTIl CHURCH AVE Corrsaa HA 1 8814 STENOGRAPHER Eart Side Buckeye Woodhlll area manufacturer has opening for experienced stenographer 25 40 ean old pleasant air conditioned offices flee shop and lunch room 5 day 40 hour week: ro Saturday or Sun day Phone for appointment fW 1 7225 STENOGRAPHERS TEMPORARY ORK 1 TO 5 DAYS PER WEEK HIGH HOURLY RATE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 710 Citizens Bldg 850 Euclid Are 21 uraaa am alt NELSON SPECIALIZED ET'OMNEL SERVICE IXC 629 Euclid SUITE Tn 1 6183 SECRETARIES Select A our Choice To Enzineeting Exec To To VP industry To Sa! Depv tmcnt To To Controller To Administrate medical To A 'Tn social service Van Aken To S300 Legal To 5400 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS Euclid Height Blvd new modern kitchen til garage utilities: 5120 "Exciting BOB As a secretary In the pace industrial relations dept of vr hti Mtihr CYl YftU'U find ot exciting variety (plenty of public contact) Uut wxU make the time pass quickly A personality girl with secre tarial skills is just what the doctor orde ed $375 (ee Paid) OICE GIRLS 819 Hippodrome Building 720 EUCLID TO I 5 II8 PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO RECEPTIONIST $36666 MO TO START JOO" reception and rublie contact No secretarial skills necessary Must be neat and attractive with the ability to graciously greet clients in plush studio Must be exceptionally outgoing and personable Complete break from humdrum routln CRAIG PERSONNEL SYSTEM 75 rubile Square Suite 400 CH 1 8454 OICE MANAGER' TO $375 MO TO START Position of responsibility Rapid raises to $420 mo Must be able to handle people and retain confidential informa tion You will manage two centrally located offices Con tact Craig Personnel System 75 Public Square 400 CH 1 84 54 Receptionist or Clinic No Experience $240 Lake wood Area A grnyp of young doctors are looking for a friendly beginner typist who lives in ths Lttcewood area to be ths recep tionist In their busv clinic It you type and like to meet people you can start there greet patients set up appointments answer the phone etc Variety Nancy James Inc Lake wood Office 302 Detroit Warren Bldg AC 6 2828 Apply 6 to 13 N3OI Sew yr Amroff SUMMERS 63 A CARNKGIB AVE ODA BAR lltbt lunch 35 to 4 5 years 10:30 a to 6:30 Nd holidays or Sunday ATP'y between 3 and 5 2511 Superior 1010 EUCLID SUITE 414 PR 1 551 1 01! Satumar 1 3 Melba Oliver CLEVELAND HEIGHTS i RCX9MS 3d white YE 2 3157 "wa CLEVELAND HETCHTS: 4 ROOMS 1724 MIDDLEHURST ER 1 292L CLEVELAND 1W silts 2644 Mayfleldr 3 rooms redecorated YE 2 8399 CLEVELAND Helahts 3 room on 3d: ER 1 0729 CLIVIEW TERRACE 18028 EUCLID AVE 2 bedroom suite in garden typo partment hardwood floors new storm windows $122 month Ca rage avail able Within I block of hop" ping center expre buae and other advantage of Euclid Ave Beautiful patio for cook out and un bathing See cu todian or call IV 6 0214 Apply SOHIO MONDAY THRU RIDAY SUPERVISOR DIETARY Interesting position for wom an with some experience to supervise food service per sonnel in kitchen and cafe teria High School education required 25 to 50 years of age 40 hour week paid va cation fringe benefits APPLY ETPLOYMENT OTTCg UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS 2065 Adalbert Rd INTERVIEWING HOURS 9 am to 4 MONDAY THROUGH RIDAY 38 Rent ousaltaiping (W) BENNINGTON off 130: 3 rooms private bath entrance UHUties ana washing faculties Wl 1 8727 BOSWORTH Rd 3634: 3 large rooms' private bath CL 2 6976 Ave 4 floor clrety room Private bath enhance refrigera tor Bus No drinkers 10 wk CL 1 4072 TLA RENCB 1380: Studio roorn new I A JjlJlOT DENISON 3furnlshed up private en trance £15'kON KAMMS Corner area Exclusive reil dentfal section overlooking valley park ing OR 1 99 86 WADE 3200: 3 'rooms down front convenient private adults 25 3507 2 rooms up: private entrance utilities paid couple pre feritfd IX) 1 5S69 4 4: 2 rooms private entrance utUUifS laundry OL 1 5497 52 1970: 3 ROOMS BATH uT ELOVED COUPLE 69 201 2: 3 rooms in a dor owa entrance Madison busv Reasonable 91 9015 Willard 2 rooms ing laundry own entrance 117 3191: aTroomi (Tv7bedro sunroom) Ideal for retiree's home Receptionist or Travel Office No Experience $350 Believe It or net If you got good grades In typing and shorthand In school and have a "meets people" personality you don't need any working experience tn start at 5350 as the "Girl riday" In a busv downtown travel agncy Very little dictation on this your duties will mostly consist of welcoming customers and visitors helping travelers plan their trips and vacations arrange teserva tlons etc TOP UTURE Nancy James 1531 Nat'l'Ctly Bank Bldg TO 1 LAKEWOOD AREA JOBS OR GIRLS Receptionist auto showroom 260 ReocptlonUt Pearl Road $240 Rte Madnofi Arenue 5250 Receptionist Bay Village $240 Receptlo iit Lorain Avenue $260 Receptionist "Girl riday" $300 Phone Girl no experience $210 Jr Secretary no experience $260 Variety Typist Parma $285 Private Secretary no experience $300 Nancy James Lakewood 302 Detroit Warren Bldg AC 6 2828 iWarren and Detroit Road) No Shorthand Interesting environment educational field boss downtown dictaphone Start $300 paid A 1 Typist igure ability will helo land this nice spot with invest ment firm Start to $325 Library Aide Assorted personal responsibili ties for outstanding publishing firm college good typing Start $300 negotiate fee Receptionist Beautiful offices and excit ing environment in advertis ing field awaits you here phone voice typing Personnel Bright girl with secretarial skills and a way with people Io hold forth in prestige em ployment Downtown Start $450 fee paid Jr With Car or a lucky West Side ginner with some typing 1 brain ability Start $275 Brookpark Area Perry Maon type job for the hard to pleaae girl secretarial skills 22 dependable APTS OR COLORED 1591 Crawford 4 5 Roms 1607 78 4 rooms newly deco rated apts relief clients accepted See custodians ARGUS bio Lake Shore 4 bathr children $70 IV 1 0673 ASHBVRY area: 10808 Orville: 4 $8750 6 $105! decorated heat' BARRETT 10317: 3 rooms $65 mo 1 1 1 ccor a PR 1 7 0 50 BEDORD Heights: 3 large rooms upi gas light heat and phone $90 Eg 2 9481 after 5 customer demand? for work o' erkxds APPT now ROOM 512 TO 1 5470 1YP1STS MANUAL ELECTRIC IBM EXECUTIVES TEMPORARY STATISTICAL TYPIST for inrentory work COT TYPISTS for ewrwDondtncw 2t Empleyni't Bdrsfu ahuTe McBride SEE KAY HUGHES OUR EMPLOYER CLIENTS WILL DlsCUSS THE EE WITH YOU SECRETARY $425 Engineering East Slds Co SECRETARY $425 Administrative aje 30 40 SE SECRETARY $400 Industrial Relations downtown SECRETARY $400 Public Relations downtown STENOGRAPHER $400 Good typing engineer town STENOGRAPHER $400 Leal downtown office BOOKKEEPER $J75 ull charge downtown office PERSONNEL $375 Collet trad under 30 east SECRETARY $375 Some college personnel town SECRETARY JR $325 Legal downtown office PBX RELIE $325 3 Very Itnerestinc position Ec TYPIST $300 Southeast Side must drive TYPIST $300 Lovely downtown office TYPIST JR $275 Relief PBX downtown TYPIST $275 Good at funires extreme west STENOGRAPHER $275 Will take beginner downtown 256 Hanna Bldg SU 1 4204 37 Rant Housekeeping (East) ORD fsssi 2 Ttwins bath private entrance MU 1 5909 BRATENAHL club private room conking: btach $13 GL 527 2j EAST Cleveland 1819 armJnston Near ttctid: 3 clean rooms on 1st all conveniences: one la 55 Broadwsy area: 2 rooms bath White references yy 3 0057 WOMEN OVER 21 Interesting positions with National shopping nervice No experience uroei sary Must be fre to travrl from time to timt Interestlnr Investigation field Salary and travel allowance paid 519 CITIZENS BLDG (No Phone Calls) GIRL or East Side stores Toiletries Coe metka health and beauty a da etc with chln drugstore experience Ulj nm in prjq vacations gw Ing conditions APPLY Giant Tiger 03 19 St Clair Placing GIRLS LIVING WEST or 10 Years SECRETARY WEST $360 On Brookpark to VP excellent opening tor htrhlv Qualified rirl COST ACCOUNTING $285 Thoroughly experienced girl In all phasr nf rrt Wert RECEPTIONIST VEST $25 or small manufacturing Co good typist attractive younc woman TYPIST BROOKPARK $260 To be secretary to 3 men age 23 ACCOUNTING $300 Port acemint receivable good handwriting important CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG Evening Appointment if Working CL 1 8030 11720 Lorain 40 Rent Apartmantt (East) ALCOY Rd 1821: Nefa Park area near Euclid: Efficiency 1 bedroom In new modern bidg ail elecuic appli ances including air conditioner washer drier immediate occupancy $95 KE 1 0082 AMOR 10900: 5 Urge rooms heat redecorated Colored YE 2 8275 ANSEL 1644: 3 rooms near park garage colored $65r EV 1 4730 RECEPTIONIST TO $350 MO TO START A mililon donar Cleveland firm ur gently needs a young woman who can warmly welcome distinguished clients and announce their arrival to execu tives You must be pleasant and at tractive CRAIG PERSONNEL SYSTEM 75 Public Square SuPe 400 CH 1 8484 Reservation! Trainee $250 Southeast Area A small Southeast Cleveland travel ceiij will train a bcsnner who (yes very well In all phares of In 'erMtinc travel reservations wrrk Help travelers plan trips and vacati' ns ar ante holiday tourx tickets etc Learn you earn Nancy James Inc Branch 13203 Mlles Avenue (Above Woolworth's LO 1 25 5 5 day week lalary fringe benefits Excellent working conditions Please send resu me to Box 12519 Plain Dealer TELEPHONE SALES Commonly reedd household products Earn best commission rate raid for your spare time Experience preferred but not peceaMry SH TELEPHONE SALES ULL OR PART TIME GUARANTEE PLEASANT OICE MAGARJNE SU 1 5309 TELEPHONE solicitors or part time from your home West Bide resident 521 4996 between 1:30 and 3:30 pm fELXPHdNI SOLICITORS Experienced full time work in beau tul a conditioned office salary andommisslon jy 1 7460 TELEHCiNE solicitors lry nd eom Won esoi Xuclid are tX 2 1535 Telephone Solicitors per salary AC 6 1141 for appHntment IJIEPHONK solicitor for rxrluafve opportunity for InreLlgent exp person sk 1 3302 AC CXmUM9 KJUM ALM MOMOAY MAY 1t6l 2S Wanted amala (Qgttrtped Press Preceding Page) Sewing Machine Operators Women's coati and suits' Ex perienced Good earning on piecework with hourly guar anteed rate The Printz Birdcrman Co 1974 61 St (Off Euclid) SHAMPOO LtL experienced only Maple Mrh ts area GR 5 3269 SHOE SALESWOMAN full or part time exp lady's high grade novelUe Guld Shoes 13929 Cedr Rd SILK INISHER Dry eJeanl ig plant Must be A 1 Piece work 1 541 7 Klnarun Silk Presser Prperlenced fnlifcer hour! rats plus boaus Steady year round work Health accident and life inrranct SECRETARIES EXECUTIVE: Downtown M50 DICTAPHONE i2: Varied toS Jvo ADVERTISING: West: electric 100 RECEPTIONIST: Genera! JUNE JOBS CMrr nt ntrrvlrr: start June ta cptlonil opportunltes tor 6eirMrs all fields Interviews Saturday by appointment WAGNER GUSTIN 11620 Madison at Rapid IA 1 8433 Staff Assistant East Lesl department of large company needs a mature woman lu file check and handle their documents No shorthand no typing must be very Lttstr Biaienaa ina age 30 44 PAN PERSONNEL SYSTEM 6 16 C1U ren's Ridg 830 Euclid PR 1 7828 anted 2 experienced factory workers Base pay plua pro duction incentive East Side location Age 25 to 35 Some High School Additional fringe benefits Call RA 1 1990 ErS Employment 1934 90 St suf 1 LEGAL SECRETARIES EE PAID TO $400 Lrzal rxo hrloful nnr m'i work In downtown firms combination recrptlon wrrtry also avattatile Srr or call HALLMARK ASSOC 402 Marshall BWc MA 1 S487 Eves 752 0(113 or IV 8 2192 Doctors Receptionist Trainee $240 ee Paid Young doctor would like a bright personable young lady to manace his office for him Will receive patfn answer the phone and type his state mnt Can be married or single Ths ase It 21 to 33 PAN PRONNTL SERVICE 618CIU zenx Bidg 830Euchd PR 1 7828 BLUIM INGALLS' National City Bank Bldg ma 7476 Bookkeepers S300 M00 Secretanes Sienographera $2 75 $4 25 Legal Secretaries $375 Stenographers temporary $16 day Typists Office Clerks 250 S350 Dictaphone operator 3 35 PBX Operator $3nh Receptionist $275 Beginners Excellent Opportunities STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced shorthand typing Permanent position with large corp Rest of future 35 hour 5 dey week Mr Christopher MA 1 4202 STENOGRAPHER Itv office will train stats salary Box 22919 Plain Dealer CENTER 2011 Warrensville: 1 tedroom: $135 with garage win redecorate to suit HI 2 3783 EV 1 9129 CEDAR A IRMOUNT 2 bedroom suite with xheat furnished! $95 mo ront porches ER 1 4 657 8 a 4 CEDAR 9607 3 room kitchenette bath with utilities $30 Adults Chagrin Valley Private Country estate: several nw unique luxury apartments now belne com 2 and 3 bedrooms fireplacesndlvl ual sundeck patios overlooking private lake: 10 minutes to rapid tran sit Private club food and servlet available References CH 7 700 0 CH 7 CHESTER 83 4U rooms bath: appliances: elean modem: steam heat: white Wi 7213 1932 83 CHESTER 101 2 room efficiency? adults only white GA 1 0798 Rugs $6 axp couple MU 1 1065 CLEANING dlahwashrr Partially sixhted smsl! salary MK 1 4579 CLEANING of any kind and spring cleaning A Ironing SW 5 618 5 CLEANING eves office etc reference experienced GL 1 8884 CLEANING ironing experienced I refnces PO 1 9246 COMPANION: Best references in rood home other help No heavy duties Box 27721 Plain Dea let COMPANION to elderly person: re I fined lady Box 6219 Plain Dealer COOIv7a 1 general work: responsible i woman: 3 mornings or eves Hefer encn EX 1 0384 eves COOK A 1 hotel club tearoom or restaurant vominrrciai omy uuy rer erences EX 1 2143 i COOK fully experienced American Hungarian: In restaurant tavern or i cafeteria WO 1 1078 COOK Short order exp Hungarian American WH 3 0023 1 COOK: Exp for institution or large groups 752 506 3 CUSTODIAN services and aupervlslon rental exp In exchange for apt ref 1 Box 5519 Plain Dealer DAYWORK: Cleaning exp: every other Wed Thurs rt References HE 1 7467 DAYWORK: A 1 REERENCE L1 8 0 3 5 DAYWORK housecleaning and laundry 1 UT 1 6772 DAYWORK light cleaning Ironlnt Wed Thurs Sat SW 1 7652 DAYWORK cleaning and Ironing ex perienced KE 1 8536 DAYWORK: General references $350 I EMdent able PO 1 6421 DAYWtJRK: Mon Tues every other ed Thu rs References SK 1 6827 DENTAL or Doctor's Assistant Lab Tech Experience mature 541 7190 i DICTAPHQK Serretfry: PBX reHof OR 1 3430 DRESSMAKING alterations and dra pery MU 1 1711 DRESSMAKING mending alterations gowr3 drapes spreads LU 1 0166 HOUSEKEEPER: country Adults Good home Box 18020 Plain Dealer HOUSEKEEPER baby sttter your home Kx pe rienct EX 1 8639 HOUSEWORK: 9 5: 4 or 5 days references LO 1 3611 HOUSEWORK: Lire tn Dependable experienced colored CE 1 1678 HOUSEWORK and taby sittlng for room and board only 1526 47th HOUSEWORK: MON TUES THURS REERENCES MU 1 8999 IRONING and washing family bundle $4 48 hrs service A 1 finishing ashed clcanpick up HE 1 6398 IRONING by the day or hr and car fare Mon Tues and ri EX 1 1198 after 6 IRONING $4 per bushel REE pick up and delivery WORK urgently needed OL 1 6326 IRONING MENDING my home (West Si del OR 1 3942 $4 BU EE PICKUP DELIVERY WQ 1 6335 IRONING my home urgently needed Pick up and deliver EX 1 6382 IRONING DONE MY HOME: A 1 BErea 4 9563 IRONING: MY HOME: $5 BU: A 1: PICKUP SERVICE WI 1 2 921 KEY punch operator trainee prefer Northeast KE 1 268 1 LAUNDRY done in my home experi enced on shirts SW 1 10 97 LAl'NDRY by hand: exp ref plck up and deliver PO 1 8 782 LAWN' MOWING Window Cleaning General Cleaning UT 1 7608 NURSE PRACTICAL PRIVATE OR HOSPITAL: HOURLY or llv in SU 1 4200 day or night Ohio Practical Nurses Registry NURSE practical: Maternity cases also vacations Recent city references RA 1 4347 NURSES aid experience Ln nursing heme care RA 1 1358 NURSING: PRIVATE DUTY LIVE 0R NOT SW 5 0239 OICE cleaning motel 2 references transportation MU 1 39 37 OICE cleaning or factory work own car GL 1 7698 RECEPTIONIST in office West Side 6 yrs exp OL 1 RESTAURANT: AU around full time 5 days PR 1 1563 ENGINEER ING REAL ESTATE SALES SW 5 0 530 stenographer secretary Capabl mature: diversified experi ence: 325 QL 1 4452 Ti'PING ELECTRIC: MY HOME ACCURATE ON 1 1748 TYPING or addrewdns experienced my home: neat HE 1 1122 TYPIST PBX receptionist experi enced full or pars time day or eve HHH jIv WAITRESS age nights 541 0022 WASHING woodwork part time days A V5 WINDOW Decorator ile Clerk Sales girl 5 yrs Experienced GA 1 63 79 YOUNG mature Negro mother de peratelv needs job Aptitude test has proven that I can be easily trained in any field 431 8143 31 Position omalo ACCOUNTS receivable Burroughs Senslmatlc general office: PBX ull eves ON 1 194 2 after 6 ADDRESSING TYPING HAND LET TERING home WA 1 1299 addressing typing billing etc general ofilce my Jiome HI 2 l38b ADDRESSING and stuffing envelope at home experienced SU 1 8591 ALTERATION: chil rtothex RA 1 3941 ALTERATIONS dre making: vour horn': st work SW 1 RABY SITTING your home exp ht'Jthcri 5 de ya OL 6854 ves BABY SITTING your home daywork hotel maid EX 1 9908 BABY SITTING light housework: 3 4 days wk References LI 1 8249 BABY SITTING at night from 6 onyour home UT 1 8152 BABY SITTING I aundry jour home References LO 1 6202 BABY SITTING your home iron light housework $25 wk UL 1 717 9 BABY SITTING: hnme eves or carttlerL eves ON 1 1435 BABY SITTING or office cleaning: xperienc ed HE 1 2614 BARMAID 24: ull or part time nights Call 791 7341 BOOKKEEPING to trial balance gen eral office parrot! IBM typewriter Small nt: lee east southeast CE 1 3124 after BOOKKEEPING typing tn my hom*o Auto exp references RE 2 7489 BOOKKEEPER typist payroll exp part time PO 1 9787 BOOKKEEPER: Part time evenings TE 1 9139 after 6 CHILD CARE TN YOUR HOME DAYS WI 1 8748 CLEANING and Ironlnjr Mon and Tues Steady RAJl 29tl (Continued in Neri Column) 2681 rooms bath: A 1 6689 CLEVELAND Heights: Large bright bedroom suite fine shopping and transportation heat Included See cus tedian 3211 Yorkshire Rd or call YE 2 9062 or CH 4 2 9 3 CLEVELAND 2465 NOBLE RD 5 riwn apt (2 bedrooms $135 in cludes heat ALL UTILITIES See cus todian or call EV 1 1366 CLEVELAND Heights 2496 Derby shire: 2 bedroom suite new ato $110 also 4 room basem*nt suite appliances all utilities $35 YE 2 5683 CLEVELAND Heights: 414 roomZ $125 4 large rooms 8100: express bus atop See custodian 2189 Euclid Heights Blvd CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 200 Derby shire 4 rooms 3d: $95 Includes stove refrigerator and heat A 1 851 1 SK 2 1907 CLEVELANDllelghts 2106 Surrey Rd spacious 6 room apt Newly decorated Living room and hall carpeted Custo dlan Cail TB 2 4085 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS OVERLOOK 2489: bdroom ntu utiHUes: taraj avaUabl ERl 1476 NDHeljhts Euclid Helahtl New bedrom suite: garage: $130Hl 2 3738 Al 80 39 CLEVELAND Heights: 3 rcr ms ne refrigerator stove newly decorated $88 per mo fa 1 2201 CLEVELAND Heights: 4 "rooms" $90 heat stove refrigerator 2568 Over look Ret YE 2 3172 CLEVELAND Hrtphtf Overlock Rd: Redecorated 2 bedronm apt $95 5 rooms $100 New appliances CLEVELAND Height! 2783 Lancashire f000! on 2d Decorated Steam heat $83 See custodian CLEVELAND Heights 3205 Meadow rocm 1 bedroom $100 YE 2 2463 WY 1 8755 eePaid Downtown Prestige concern wants a young lady with a sunny personality to Join their top notch organization G'd typing and medium shorthand ability re quired Tire ate is 23 to 33 PAN PERSONNEL SYSTEM 616 OH sen's Bldg 650 iicjld PR 1 728 Receptionist $300 Southeast Cleveland Personality more important than tvping i'eed or experlmce fnr this inreresGng vjuNiui jvu on lurncy K'aa vei I cust' mer niwr the phone etc ITLIC CONTACT Nancy Junes Inc Branch 1 15nT I Above Woulwort h's 10 1 25 30 Travel Trainee $275r exnerlenre necewserv fn in international atmoepbere of a world ide transportation firm Tf you and want a Job 'h for ynu work with shipping srird' sailing dales world travelers LEARN Nancy James T5J1 Nan Citj Bank Bldg TO 1 3030 isl Mlln twin for jobr tn ployed renUrmm whhe Mt 135TH 3641: 2 roomr with kitchen prlvllrgc Nr bin 14 6 1M: brt room kitchenette parking employed man PO 1 7 94 2 14779 1 St Clair Room for 1 2 privileges $8 up 175 4807: Beautifully person rl vjle esI 1 068 6 KLG1N 10520: urnished front room for gentleman PO 1 7380 EUCLID 17917! Stnele TV: use kitchen IV 3O73 IV 1 J00J LEET 65: Room 1 2 men own entrance: privilege VU 3 3312 GIBSON off 93: K1 man lady Mllrt7yj GLENVILLE area: Comfortable room Private home Gentleman colored PO 1 73 22 HATHAWAY sleeping room for col ored gentleman CA 1 2088 "Lake Shore Country Club ROOMS MEN ONLY Lake Shore Blvd at Eddy Lf 1 4400 LAKS SHORE area: Man Private home shower parking IV 1 185 LAKE Shore Blvd 140: Room sober juan garage 1V 1 5062 MILES Ave Ill: nice clean room for man privileges Ml 1 5745 MiLESAve room for employed man busline DI 1 4612 MT PLEASANT: Better are Double twin beds Prefer 2 refined colored men After 6 WA 1 8074 MT Pleasant: Nice room single man Colored WY 1 6535 ORVILLE Ave: Room with child care tor sober working mother Colored $60 mo SW 1 99S2 Parmly Hotel 1929 20 Decorated Mld service TV Lonnie 3 Oktrnltht guest 2 50 ST CLAIR 6714: Room tor man: clean nice lurnlture SS week Inquire Mr Martin Room 2 upstair SCOTTSDALE Lee! Sleepinc room near transportation LO 1 6O33 SHAKER square area: Room: em ployed girl: privileges: maid rvlce mealitf desired GA 1 3674 3536 Hlldana Rd pleas ant room! sentieman: saraze LO 127 0 SHAKER'VAN AKES: Transportation around comer urnished room ana bath: private 8 1 5207 SHAKER HEIGHTS Chagrin Lea: Working man preferred garage WA 1 1 997 SHAKER: Room private bath 3d floor Gentleman Near Van Aken rapidLO 18 3 2 22 SHAKER Heights: Comfortably room gentleman LO 1 2158 SHAKER: Large comfortable front 2d man phone parking SK 1 18 2 SHAKER: Room: private bath prb ate home businessman WY 1 0298 SOUTH Euclid: Large "ron elephone extension man Ev 1 0814 SOUTH Euclid: Nice clean room 0 bath entrance: man EV 1 16 SOUTH Euclid: Beautiful room pri vate bath EV 3 5608 SWENEY 317 Hippodrome Bldg MA 1 6232 AClSoRY far west $125 COUNTER girls $36 wk uiucr car COOK WAITRESSES Eut Weit BARMAID LOCKER room attendant live in: fee paid Receptionist or School No $250 rvwntAwn private aci100 nelt frtendlv attractive typist to greet vis lion help students rentier and an swer questions in the front office No experience of any kind neceuarv MEET PEOPLE Nancy James 1531 Nat City Bank Bldg TO 1 3030 CEDAR Lre area: gentleman private bath entrance YE 2 2861 CEDAR near May Co Room own bath: gentleman A 1 5745 MOTEL CLEVELAND 17027 Euclid Nice rooms with pri vate bath air conditioned in summer ull motel service Express bus aervjce at door Reasonable $80 mo IV 6 1700 CLEVELAND Heights 2445 Drbvh1re' 1 near Alcazar Hotel 2 tn family i niin to 3 bu lady A 1 2140 CLEVELAND Heights: Couple or single down private entrance bath Near bus YE 2 6827 KE 1 1248 CL VELAND Heights: Pleasant large clean room garage gentleman: ref A 1 9243 HI 2 7047 CLEVELAND Heights: Beautiful room lavatory privileges EV 2 1421 CLEVELAND) Hrights: Room kitchen privileges bus A 1 72 9 7 CLEVELAND Heights: 2 bedrnomj for a Aiivnsij ta 4H'40 CLEVELAND Heights: Bed sitting bath 3d Garage $13 YE 2 1083 CLEVELAND Heights: living bedroom new home garage EV 1 2103 CORNELL Rd 2077 near Euclid' Room use kitchen RA 1 8451 EAST Cleveland: Man: rear rapid and Peking GL 1 0419 EAST Cleveland lovely room: privl leges: business girl PO 1 6846 EAST Cleveland rR48 Rosalind': loy ed man bus MU 1 3277 EAST Cleveland: Room fnr man on 2 11 privileges MU 1 1930 AST Cleveland 1732 Holyoke man quiet room cooking LI 1 5151 HARVARD: RONTROOM GENTLEMAN WO 1 9792 DI 1 4615 49 Superior: Room and board for working mother aith child care EN 1 5257 55 2898: At rapid stop white 1 2 clean rooms reasonable 59 3629: Lovely clean room with own entrance: near transportation VU 8 7410 Ml 1 7181 71 HARVARD: Room 2 men own entrance shower bath VU 3 3662 75 1896: Clean comfortable rooms near bus $5 colored UT 1 4039 79 J5upertor: Nice large room: own entrance man white AC 1 5034 79 1696: large room private bath $11 Colored EV 1 4730 81 SLEEPING ROOMS WHITE ONLY EX 1 5251 82 1963 NEAR EUCLID Apt bunding Own entrance sink maid: $6 xvhite sw 1 1235 86 off Eiclld: Large room own entrance CE 1 8012 89 2044 NEAR EUCLID: ROOMS $7 UP: PARKING ATTRACTIVELY URNISHED WHITE CE 1 4830 i0T2 2044: Priviiegea Sober working white people 91: Clean coxy room side entrance bus: privilege colored SW 1 9087 93 CEDAR Room all privileges lady or couple SW 1 0513 eves 96 2061: Apt 6 Very beautiful room kitchen prlvileg eg 100 Euclld Nice room man home nrtfllr C1TT A A a 100 big room: parking White RA 1 1 217 105 area: Room working tingle lady or man LT 1 8811 eves 105 Superior: Comfortable: own entrance adults colored SW 1 6719 109: Parking near Home privileges LT 1 7993 Ill: Newly 'share kitchen bath Colored SW 1 7890 114: Lovely furnished room eni nloyed lady or man Colored After 5 PO 1 2813 BRACKLAND 12320: 3 ROOMS 1ST LOOR STOVE RERIGERA TOR RES RENT TO MAY 15TH BR 1 4400 BROADWAY AT MAGNET: 9 NIC! ROOMS $60 BR 1 1550 EVES AND SUN AC 6 8 1 85 BROADWAY 55: 3 4 room apt white eves MI 10354 BUCKEYE 130: Shaker i bedroom apt Iceless stove clean Heat SK 1 2341 HO 9 1 4 S3 BUCKEYE: 12302 orest Ave? 3 roama down 1 1 a HI 2 49 0 9 CARNEGIEX 102 10206 WILBUR AVE WE ARE RENTING TO COLORED PROESSION AL PEOPLE OR PEOPLE WITH GOOD JOBS NEWLY DECO RATED 24 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH WELL KEPT BUILDING STEAM HEAT RERIGERATOR AND STOVE LAUNDRY ACILITIES AND CUSTODIAN SERVICE REASONABLE ADULTS SVJ 1223 CARNEGIE 105 area 10202 Wil bur Quiet refined neighborhood: mod ern brick building colored 3 rooms 7 5 A 1 5768 CARNEGIE 10724 University Circle: Bay Slat? Apr 3 rx'ms decorated steam heat $75 Whitt adults Mrs Jones mgr GA 1 5781 CARNEGIE 3436: Colored Newly decorated 2 3 rooms All utilities Adu I ts Reason bl CARNEGIE 79 3 and 5 rooms colored utilities Also furnished W1 3 9 7T CARNEGIE 4814: 6 rooms: parking: steam: hot water UT 1 3592 CEDAR CENTER 1 $130 WITH GARAGB 1st floor suite in modern bldg Custo dian at 2051 Warrensville Suite 3 or call ER 1 3050 TEMPORARY WORK WHILE UNEMPLOYED Earn $35 a wrek spare time commis sion sals this wek 423 Euclid Ave 3d loor INTERVIEWING NOW or saieu openings tn spring end sum mer extra training enjoyable work Convenient hours Call AVON CH 1 0775 UNUSUAL opportunity tn hugest mo tion picture and communkathne company in its field Must hav good typing ability as well 5 attention to detail: shorthand desirable are to 30 TO 1 6440 ALTERATION Exp rewes In ureas alre aUons: OU or part time GR 8 0550 Southgate Bride or ma! Shop WOMAN O'er 35 for working mother 5 Ukhta 12 to 8 a 3 children must srey nights white: 110 ak 1 7513 ELDERLY lady: to car for Md couple $30 per 3419 Hererfcrd Ave Par ma SH 9 4925 for appointmrnl 1 0 TEMPORARY East files or downtown fiU 1 4480 SLEEPING ROOM COLORED GL 1 7901 117 Slot Bus atop: room for 1 2 prefer older men or couple 117: LARGE ROOM privileges: colored man SW 1 8894 118: Room employed gentleman: hnme Prtvilere SK 3 1836 fContinued Io Neri Otoumn) WAITRESS: MUST BE EXPERI ENCED ull or part umo available Restaurant and errtull lounge Apply at 1660Q rookpartc 12 to 4 WAITRESSES exr rtence preferred uJ or part Gm No phnne calls In terviews 1:30 or 9 Ye Olde Houre Brecksville WAITRESSES: AU shifts meals uni forms vacation Apply in 11 am INC 11218 Euclid Ae WAITRESSES 21 30 exp: dan or nights apply EASTGATE COLISEUM 12 85 SOM Center Rd HI 9 0018 WAITRESSES experienced In person Kitchen help experienced 34S7 93 WAITRESS: ri Sat Sunday nights Apply tn person after 5 Howard Johnson's S905 Lake Ave WAITRESS Experienced and reliablenn phone calls) Apply in person 3002 Prospect WAITRESS Nights Apply In person Lak Ert Motel Restaurant 1530 Superior Ave WAITRESS ull part time Benky IT 2 6004 WAITRESS: or evenings Apply tn person Howard 24250 Lorain Rd North Olmsted WAITRESS: Experienced full time In ducing Sundays Asiatic Gardens 1172' Detroit Apply after 11 a WAITRESSES: prter Pan Snack Shop Apply 6873 Pearl Rd No phone calls please Interviews from 2 5 WAITRESS exp Columbia Restaurant 13 803 St Clair Apply In person No phone calls WAITRESS: part time experienced 4096 Lee Rd Ap ply eve's nly WAITRESS' BE OVER 21 KE 1 3191 ATER 4 PM WAITRESS experienced Solon Ohio CH 8 9846 WAITRESS: Must be experienced Otto Momt'i Restaurant 204 4 4 WOOL PRESSER: Experienced only 8315 Euclid Ave 34 Rent Rooms Board (Eatt ABERDEEN 7513: Room board If desired private EN 1 3787 ALVASON: Comfortable room for gentleman LI 1 03 8 8 STENCIL TYPISTS APPLICATION I TO 4 MONDAY THROUGH RIDAY MANPOWER INC TO 1 547' 314 Superior Rocm 5U TYPISTS TEMPORARY WORK 1 TO 5 DAYS PER WEEK IMMEDIATE OPENINGS HIGH HOURLY RATE 710 Citizens dg 850 EucUd Are 10600 squirt HoteL clean rooms: weekly rates $8 up tch en ri vt leges 1 6661 SUPERIOR Area: Lovely front room quiet Colored MU 1 3182 UNIVERSITY Helshu: urnished room plus atudlo for 2 nice men or students a 1 1 9 3 2 8 4 98 WARRENSVILLE Heights on Harvard Rd lovely room SK 1 3151 YALE Ave: Lovely sleeping room on 3d floor Colored GL 1 7252 HOTEL 1 524 EUCLID Downtown Weekly rates $10 CP 266: Room board cldfri? lady: private home $80 AN 1 0154 SALES Must have ither direct sales or tele phone solicitation exp jnq ice Lns to $8000 ADVERTISING Chief retail T' Copywriter reta'I To rvuf Tn TYPIST CLERICAL Insurance mortgage $3 nn Investments To $325 NEED YOU BOOKKEEPERS $375 SECRETARIES $350 KEY PUNCHERS $335 TYPISTS $280 JR SECRETARIES $270 BEGINNER $250 DOWNTOWN SALESMAN Clothing and haberdasher experience well known to Cleveland and Ohio Jobbers and retailers open proposition Box 11120 Plain Dealer SPOTTER: Experienced silks and wools Steady worker HE 2 221S TRUCK DRIVER: CHAUEUR'S LI CENSE CITY REERENCE SU 1 1572 TRUCK semi or xtra'ght 15 vrs experience with one company Dependable Ol 1 1 274 TRUCK driver young family man 34 experienced desires Saturday post tion only IV 6 3971 TRUCK Driver Local or Over the Road: 18 Experience Married wol 5 5 "5 2 or MI 1 4907 TRUCKING and general delivery parttime EX 1 9903 WAITER: experienced private country club a la carta service and banquets GA 1 3046 YOUNG married family man wants part time work eves Late model car Exp In dealing with public Box 22816 Plain Dealer RETIRED need more income Part time watchman external grinder chief inspector cxp handy with tools drive carL ON 1 7915 YOUNG man age 17 sks good hard work DEPENDABLE EXPERIENCED stock bey and sales OL 1 6425 YOUNG family man 21 seeking steady job with future 1 yr college I 90S 5 YOUNG man 21 mechanically in cltned needs job KE 1 8971 BOY well recommended desires work af te school weekends SW 5 1699 MARRIED man 39 desires any Hotv ext work LU 1 1893 AGE AMBITIOUS MAN HAVE CAR HE 1 4179 COUPLE: Live in for 2 adults Woman frr general house ork Husband can have outside job Must hsv driver's license Help in house and garden Nice alr conditloned quarters on 3d floor AH day Sundiy Thursday sf ternoon off Salary depends en ex perience Must apeak soma English A 1 3963 Reliable Woman With Car 10 part time 5 full time sales po sitions open if you consider your self dependable aggresalvt we can train you to earn upward to $100 a wk Call AC 846? between 1 and 5:30 and 6:30 to 8 pm to arran for Intervte COTTAGE TARENT Wann understanding woman to 45 experienced In working with children to live with and supervise children in welfare center Must live In: 5 day week salary and full maln tenance Box 14331 Plain Dealer WOMAN To do housework tn Inslitu lion Must Hve in ull and salary Call Mrs Kermode Tus day TE 1 9660 PHARMACIST Age 65 Semf retired Part tme relief Box 5713 Plain Dealer PHOTO LAB WORK VET 22 3 YRS EXP BE 2 3969 PORTER cleaning window washing nporwaxlngRA 1 1680 RUBBISH ANY TIME BAsem*nTS ATTICS CLEANED HEAVY OR LIGHT HAULING GA 1 0738 LIGHT HAULING CE 1 8249 30 Position Mali ACCOUNTANT mature wants posl tton where ability and experience arc required TU 6 3453 ACCOUNTANT office manager experi eneed: prefer administrative Box21524 Plain Dealer ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping service payroll tax reports etc for small businesses At my home EDUon 1 4495 ADJUNTSTRATIVE EXECUTIVE ex Perienced in retailing banking and labor relations A Yale and Harvard Bu incss Schoo! graduate currently Mgr of leading women's quality spe cialty store In South Dedrcs equally challenging tn Cleveland Box 19916 Plain Dealer ART students need part time jobs Call 3 1 Krlska EX 1 1 4 6 0 AUTO MECHANIC: 20 YEARS EX PERIENCE SW 1 51 8 CARPENTER work: irst class cabi nets: also electric plumbing tile etc EV 2 8145 'ARPENTER: Equipped experienced Remodeling stores hom*ort reasonable Will take anything DI 1 4224 CHE co*ck: all round experience SH 1 0353 CLERK exp accurate typist depend able fun time GL 1 3135 CONSTRUCTION man carpenter by trade equipped for all type? of work Have layout and leadership ability willing to work with tools HI 2 5206 COXSTRUCriON timekeeper field of fice experience payroll cost ate fta 9 2575 CONSTRUCTION helper truck drive potter experienced VU 3 5299 CUSTODIAN sober wlfe team: 2 0 yrs ex WY 1 9628 DRATING students part time Jobs Cali Mr Kriska EX 1 1460 1 ACTORY' work desired by middle ace man Has lai model station wagon can do nick up and delivery AT 1 7597 AMILY man age 28 high school rraduate de ires any type honest work 1 7 yr? shipping receiving stork and warehouse 883 6972 ILE CLERK TYPIST REERENCE full time EN 1 2325 GARDENER Cleanup fertilise seed cultivate Lakewood TO 1 5839 $150 HR Call 1 6 0630 HANDYMAN Spring cleaning wall driver SK 2 1145 handy man with chauffeur's license" colored Gz 3248 HEAT treat foreman: experienced In all types control furnaces hidu ca ammonia endo as exo gas Argon gas Box 3 5 Olatn Dealer HOTEL custodian: fully exp: wni relocate small hotel morel or apt CTOellent references CH1 9299 INSTRUMENT MAN controllers industrial indi cators w'th Instrument training Also dsig of email mechanisms desires posinm small progressive co 20319 PLAIN DEALER LABOR amily man steady and reiiab'e SW 1 0908 1 lAirfTENANCE Exgenc nt qualifications painting paper hanefln plumbing: some electrical earpenu 1 2 74 4 iSCIIANIUAL engineer a're cp plumbing heating air conditiorin process piping aut matic sprinkler Design estimating sales and field sup vUion Aggressive Sox 2p419 Plain Dealer OICE MAN Shorthand typing bookkeeping PBX good background college grad MU 1 5712 OICE cleaning or walls exp young 1 man EXl TSTO OICE CLEANING: WALLS LOORS PANEL EXPEN 6348 PAINTING KE? TONING ING REASONABLE BY EXPERT PR 1 0594 PAPER CUTTER 10 yn exp on Seybold cutter GA 1 3719 PHARMACIST tRerirtcrcdt: Wants lief work: $4 hr East side Sun til i 2 $6 hr) Let me know the hours you need Eox 23019 Plain Dealfrr 1 PHARMACIST: Experienced desires to work relief shift: rate $4 25 per hr What hours do you have? Box 23119 Plain Dealer 75 1886 2 rooms nicely deco rated Colored HE 1 1509 75 1878 2 Hitt ROOMS COLORED $15 82: OR COLORED KITCH ENETTg GA 1 2194 87 1933 near Euclid: 2 3 Vrnm private bath white SW 5 4774 97 1840: 3 large rooms White Very reasonable See custodian RA 1 7555 100 2049 3 rooms bath also 2 rooms $1250: entrance parking White RA 1 1217 2 115 522: 2 rooms furnished use kl tchen: colored PO 1 24 5 7 120 St Clair: Room and kitch enette furnished white 1 3606 1 3 Unlon: 3 furnished rooms? kitchen privileges children Reasonable White Call after 4 pl SK 1 3036 140 of kinsman: 3 rooms ad Jotnlng bath atove 1celss utilities own entrance white LO 1 3224 (ConUnued 1a Next Column) COIT Idarose area: 5 rooms white: Lot water EV 1 2566 COLONIAL Heights: Lovely fflc'ncv heat $50 good location TV 1 6760 Cornell Rd 2034 near Case RescBe Universities and Hospitals 31 rooms being decorated elevator quiet wH matnlalned bldg Sea custodian Suite 18 CE 1 5120 CORNELL: 2 room apt: steam heat stove refrigerator campus CE 1 8513 EV 2 0137 (Cootlnued oo Next Page) 35 Rent Room Board (W) AIRPORT Kamms area: Room gentle man I home WI 1 7355 BAY Village Man Private Shower nuance Parkin TP 1 1 9 3 wgaDVIEW Schaaf: Nice room man garage available 1 5935 BROOKLYN 4624 State R4 man: own entrance: bus PROOKLYN: Clean room shower em ployed gentleman 1 5668 CLARENCE: Coxy sleeping room pri vate entrance AC 1 9333 CLARK 25: Clean room own en trance Sober man SU 1 2816 cl*tON Bal tic Attractive room own I a nee sunroo WO 1 7922 DETROIT 89: Private Man Bus stop phone free parking Available Mon noon WO 1 2031 RANKLIN 5210: Gentleman: sink 1 cleM AC 6 8944 AC 1 4 72 RANKLIN 7315 Room board or privileges OL 1 6 4 48 Inquire apt 2 LAKE Ave 12547: Large double twin beds Semi private bath Also single room AC 6 8811 LAKS Ave 118: Comfortable room kitchen privileges LA 1 7731 9 i zrH 1 LAht AVc A4UOI quality home man AC 1 622 S2 LAKEWOOD: 1 large room employed couple also 1 room for single em ployed person near rapid stores AC 6 4397 LAKEWOOD: Large pleasant room In apt: employed person privileges breakfast optional: TV stereo bus rapid parking LA 1 7512 LAKEWOOD: Refined home ha pleas ant room for gentleman employed $6 AC 1 4 323 LAKEWOOD Quiet 2d floor room share bath kitchenette with 1: pri vate home $35 month AC V0363 LAKEWOOD: Bedroomsitting room employed lady LA 1 2727 LAKEWOOD: NICE ROOM: GIRLS: ALL PRIVILEGES AC 1 7409 LAKEWOOD GIRLS' CLUB Lovely room privileges LA 1 7255 LAKEWOOD Comfortable sleeping room for youn man au i usax LAKEWOOD: Lovely room lady pri vate Maaison nne LAKEWOOD Detrolt 140: 2 rooms Privileges optional AC 6 9392 LAKEWOOD: Clean room: privileges employed man LA 1 9468 Well furnished above average adult home mam LA 1 6334 LORAIN 9709: Sleeping room pri vate entrance WO 1 9691 LORAIN 140th area Sleeping room employed man OR 1 7704 LORAIN ANT 12020 Private entrance Kitchen privileges MEMPHIS Ave Nice room Gentleman Near buses L520 PARMA 7261 York Rd: Larga room parking In yard 3 PARMA: ROOM AND BOARD: TV ENTLEMAN SH 1 4 746 PARMA: sleeping room young man preferred SH 1 5719 PARMA HEIGHTS: PLEASANT ROOM $10 TU 6 3547 eves PEARL Bagley: Room for 1 2 men BE 4 3122 VEGA 3015: 3 rooms bath down front elderly couple $55 14: Large sleeping room redeco rated: entleman OR 1 4526 2 THrunison: Lovelv room: em jrtoyed man shower ON 1 1 0 87 41 2626: SEAWAY MOTEL Sleeping rooms: privata bath: entrance parking WO 1 9874 47 1906 2 rooms clean private entrance 1 adult 57: Pleasant room Elderly man Privileges Bus 631 9052 79 room $850 Work ing man or pensioner OL 1 3455 99TH 3241: 1 or 2 men Kitchen privileges WO 1 2 804fter6 pm 102 1302 off Clifton Private home Man WO 1 1073 1275 112 Nice room next to bath private tn tr a neg gentlem a A 1 8 464 114 1441: 2 lovely rooms Ladles rapid bus LA 1 3739 1 15 LORAIN Room all privileges lady WT 14688 fl 6 1297 off Clifton: Pleasant room for 1 or 2 employed men I52d 3828 south of Lorain ront rooms: 2 men OR 1 4184 155 near ord: Nice pleasant room a Iso twin $8 man OR 1 8004 JR SECRETARY EE PAID Good skills will laird you a top posi tion tn Jhl? growing co Town Se or call HALLMARK ASSOC 402 Mar shall Bldg MA 1 5467 Eves 752 0615 or IV 8 2192 PBX Receptionist $300 If you have a pleasant telephone voir and like to met people yuu can be the "hello for some downtown pto fesrtonal men Handle lheir snvill switchboard tract clients and a bit bring HURRY Nancy James 1531 Nat City Bank Bldg TO 1 3030 Secretary $375 Sales office tnteillrent manure good secretarial skills ae 24 45 Nrgo Hate fee JONES 1113 SCHOIELD BLDG TO 1 6282 SECRETARIES Poised Personable women with good shorthand and typ ing skills PERSONNEL $4 05 To vice President Industrial back ground Co paj fee PUBLIC RELATIONS JtQO Excellent dawntown Co 2 yrs cul MARKET RESEARCH $400 2 yrs college economics courses 23 27 Co pa vs fee PRODUCTION CONTROL 350 Assume responsibility aptitude for figures EDUCATION $330 To director able to work well with top executive car necessary SALES $350 Sales office exp Early 30s TRADE ASSOCIATION $350 Girl riday Bookkeeping ability Excellent downtown location INDUSTRY $375 Experience good phone voice Di versified duUcs In liaison office with foreign countries JUNIOR $300 Begmner with college High IQ Light shorthand will do MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE $300 College rood renin? exp in bank ing nr fire and casualty KEY PUNCH $325 High caliber lady with IBM exp alpha and numerical BOOKKEEPER $350 ull charge typing Small pleasant office TYPIST $300 General orrice dictaphone I 4 I New Illuminating Bldg i5 Public Square TO 1 3222 Harry Meade OR THE JOB YOU NEED 201 CAC Bldg 1118 Euclid SU 1 5061 Private Secretary 23 30 town $350 5400 Bookkeeper typist $390 Jr Accountant typing $350 8390 Secretaries all locations $325 5375 Receptionist typist 25 35 attractive no fee $300 $350 Ediphunc light shorthand No fe 5300 5 350 no iee xtnosTtn Medical Secretary West $3 15 Jr Stenographers $275 5325 Cost Clerk typing $275 5310 Comptometer young exp $300 ElUotl teher Biller relief BX $275 5300 lfr Typists $225 Receptionist light dictation $260 factory 21 35 $125 Power Sewlnc ep $1 Mary ield Stenographer Jr South East Secretary.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 6495

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.