The Immovable Object: A Last Epoch Guide to the Retaliation Forge Guard [0.9.1] - YTread (2024)

thanks foreign build video build


for the


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build that does damage by getting other people to hit us and i made this build because for some reasons a was that I saw that Forge Guard was like the least played domain of anything, uh, on the stairs in the arena, it was like the highest one was like 250 or less for waves, um, and people were talking, it's been talking in the chat as if reflecting the damage is. useless, there's nothing like just ignoring it, there's no point, so I'm a bit contrarian.

I guess I wanted to show that Forge Guard can do things that reflect damage, it can be useful and I really went out to see how far I can. bring Forge


to the arena with high corruption and such, so why should you care? It has worked quite well. You can see that I'm in second place on the leaderboard of a player, uh or on the ladder, one that way, 1000 is the first place I finished. in 998 that was due to a bug where my reprimand defensive ability did not activate and I died instantly, uh, although I should have been able to complete wave 1000.

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the immovable object a last epoch guide to the retaliation forge guard 0 9 1...

In my bitterness over that, no, no, not at all, everything is fine , but I say that because I want you to know that I think I have an idea of ​​what I'm talking about here in terms of competency of what Forge Guard can do. This build is very, very tanky, like three to four thousand Ward per second. translates to hundreds of a couple hundred thousand effective hit points per second. It can deal damage that scales with enemy damage, so your scaling is very easy. We can free up equipment for other things. You get some of the laziest Spire clears in the game. where you can clear the Aspire monoliths without even moving, but on the other hand it depends on the enemy, so there are some enemies that are really annoying and in some cases, in general, you know that your clearing times and the bosses' times are not they are. it's going to be as high as just a pure DPS build at least on lower corruptions. um, this setup is very soft if it's not protected by the safety of reprimand.

I mean, not soft, but you know, it goes a long way, um and because we always have to. By channeling the review group to be our tankier version of ourselves, we lose a lot of mobility, so if you choose this build, it all comes down to the reason I put those little teasers in at the beginning was if you like running towards danger. , if it seems that way. Is it fun if you want to run towards the big Sentinel laser b


s if you want to sit inside the lagoon beams if that appeals to you if you like watching the strongest attacks in the game come at you and then those enemies just get knocked down and die as a result um , so I think I could build I could build for you if you only care about optimal clearing times in farming, this is not the right build for you, so let's get into the mechanics, the first thing I want to talk about is reflecting the percentage of damage versus the damage reflected in the hit.

These are two different mechanics, so I'm using the reflected damage percentage, this means that any damage me or my minions take is returned to the source, so that happens afterwards. any armor is applied, any resistance, things like that, the final damage number comes and is returned to the enemy, this ignores the enemy's damage resistance and with one small exception which I will talk about later and which also works. return damage from damage over time abilities, on the other hand, something like this reflected damage to attackers or this flat reflected damage bonus on Thorn shell, these are only returned on hit, so you actually have to be struck.

Damage over time doesn't do anything and these just scale well, the only way to get percentage scaling is to use Thorn shell um, otherwise this is always a flat damage that is reflected back no matter how much damage you take it just would return that fixed number to the attacker, which is a viable low level strategy and druids can do it at a higher level. The malting bear build that you can see in the latest epic tools, this one right here, it's like they're really doing it. That actual Thorns damage reflected back to the attacker doesn't work with the damage.

However, over time, now that that is clear, the basic summary of how this works is, yes, we have three types of three components that work together in this build, the defensive core comes from the apostate shrine and that is the line that we care. is the plus six Ward for every one percent unmaintained physical resistance while channeling the rebuke of unlimited physical resistance. I didn't actually understand what that meant when I started this build, but what it really means is our full blade version before the 75 percent cap is applied, so my uncapped physical resistance is 537 percent. right now, which means for the Sanctuary Apostolate I get uh three thousand uh 240-ish uh Ward per second while channeling Rebuke and Rebuke, as you know, it's an amazing damage reduction spell, it reduces all damage by 80 percent and that's That's a multiplier so it's crazy it's like another set of armor that you're wearing it's cool it's awesome now to balance that out the shrine has another thing that says current health and protection lost when you cast a spell directly.

Reprimand is a spell, so what that means is that we lose some health, we gain some protection, and then when we cast it again, we lose some health and gain some more, which gives us upper and lower limits to our protection, basically, that fills in over time and then. It will go back to a lower value and then it will recharge again and yes, that's it, but that makes our defensive core just a rebuke and an apostate sanctuary for our offense, first level of our offense, like I said, we're doing damage. reflected but we don't reflect our own damage because we don't really want to take damage, we don't like to take damage, we're channeling reprimand correctly, so what we do is we use this reflected minion damage and we use a ring of shields.

Because the shield ring produces up to eight minions at a time, that means we have eight times the total damage of the reflected minions, they also inherit from our stats from our shields, so they get more reflected damage and this gives us a way to cope. Large amounts of damage percentage are reflected especially against area attacks and especially against area damage over time attacks, which is a unique ability, um in this latest epic, what it works best for is dealing with any high damage area of ​​effect skill, this is our counter. For those types of enemies, most bosses deal high damage, area of ​​effect abilities, um, and also many of the most damaging lethal enemies in the game, like when Gary casts Ice Golem, Siege Golems, uh, the diamond matrons, things like this that make a giant AOE. things that are brutal and drain your health very quickly, a lot of Orbis' shadow attacks, so we are using them to our advantage to increase our own damage and return it, but that doesn't cover everything because for many there are a lot of small enemies. in this game they deal almost no damage and some even things that don't attack at all, so we have to have one more level in our offense to fill out the frame and give us a counterattack for enemies with low damage options and for that.

We use manifest armor and it's kind of like this is still a


build but there's something hidden in manifest armor that you can't see unless you look online and manifest armor has this hidden attribute which is that it retaliates with a Nova 200 damage is needed at low levels, this won't happen that often, but once you go into a moderate corruption or go up to the Arena, this will activate every time the Armor is hit, and then it does 20 damage and it's a hit so what we do is we load things into our manifested armor that apply on hit and we use them to take out the low health low damage but numerous enemies that appear in the game and that's it, they're three, two, three, um. it's almost like a balancing triangle where we have our defense, our high damage counter, and our low damage counter, so that's a summary and now I'm going to dive into each ability and go over the special to master them. specializations and what kind of options you have, so first of all, let's start with the reprimand because this is our core.

I'm going to start right away and say everything here is buggy, everything on the left is buggy, this Protective Legacy. it just doesn't work and therefore a speed boost doesn't work and therefore the solid valve doesn't work, so ignore this, never do that, uh, and we don't care, because our shields reflect damage, think in damages. the biggest hit you can take if you're taking infinite damage, which will determine how much damage those shields can actually return with reflected damage, one is the percentage of reflected damage and the other is how many hit points those shields have because you can.

It doesn't reflect damage other than your hit points, so we care a lot about how many hit points we have and our shields have and we also care about healing those shields. Conveniently, Rebuke also offers a way to heal ourselves and our shields, so this is going to counteract the life loss we have from the apostate shrine and will also keep our shields alive, so we fully invest in these three nodes that they give us a base heal, it scales our heel based on our attunement and also gives us a multiplier of 60. per second we are channeling, so this also implies that we can actually take two routes with retribution and mana regeneration, we have to invest in it and anyway it's awesome to regenerate more mana, that's cool, so you can go this longer route. or you can go the more defensive route, which gives us additional bonuses to armor and/or elemental damage taken.

This is another multiplier of the damage taken from elemental attacks and elemental attacks are some of the most common high damage attacks in the game, but because of this accelerated healing well, there are two reasons why I like it, I prefer Guardian infinite. One is that we have this extra cooldown cooldown speed from Mystic Aegis and that adds a mana cost to rebuke, so the lower our cooldown on rebuke, the more often we'll be on. We'll have to pay this mana cost as well, the longer we channel, the longer we'll get accelerated healing bonuses for ourselves and our shields, and the less often we reject rebuke because it's a spell, the less often we'll have. lose Ward to Apostate Shrine, so it increases our overall Ward to go this way, making it more of a generalized way.

Also, 100 percent is awesome in general, but it's not strictly necessary for us, so this regenerative shell is just a waste of two points, basically extra duration. These two work together to extend our duration almost to 100 percent, bringing us to just under four seconds, so the goal here is to get under the full duration, as long as your cooldown is less than the duration we have. We're in a great place, everything else on this wing and this swing is based on damage, whether it's fire, void or both, so we don't really care that we deal almost no damage on hit and that's not the point of this build so ignore the rest and that's a rebuke when looking at the shield ring so there are some key points here so remember that because our minions reflect damage we want as many of them as possible and we want Let's do that, we go up here and we get more shields, that's three more shields and combined with this, that's two more shields, we start with three and we go up to eight, that's amazing, that gives us eight times our percentage of reflected damage returned by By casting the Ring of Shields to take advantage of them even more, we extend the duration and gain a hundred percent health bonus that the health bonus combines with bands for another 100 health bonus, giving a total of 400, which is essentially a double and a double. it's a 400 percent total health boost because they are the two highest multipliers and this also gives us 100 extra duration so we have the best chance of getting all of our health out of our shields and the shields don't actually follow us .

That's not a bad thing because it allows us to establish sort of defensive fronts with our shields where they have to break through. Enemies will have to break through multiple layers of shields to potentially get to us, so it's actually supposed to be inconvenient, but. I prefer it that way, adding duration even better because this is also multiplied by the duration bonus of 100. 10 reflected damage is pretty negligible, but we could also take it and then heal each shieldIt has a base healing amount that is fantastic. We can also specify to have a base healing effectiveness, which is very nice, but we can already give our shields a base healing effectiveness through equipment and our other abilities, so this is not essential, other options we do not want reduce the health of our shield.

We don't really mind slow retaliation or pressure, this is a bonus for us, that would be nice, but it's not essential and it's not 100 uptime, same for the iron form, this is fine, but it doesn't have much impact, and these bonuses again are good, but it's more important to have healing effectiveness because ultimately we don't want to increase the resistances and armor of our shields too much. Prematurely, we incur that penalty here, but that will produce the rate of damage our shields can return toward greater corruption. It's not going to matter, as air shields can still die very quickly to many attacks, so it's something to keep in mind, especially with lower corruption or if you're leveling up, we really don't want to add resistances or armor unnecessarily. or block. opportunity even for our shields if we can avoid it.

These are bonuses on Death Shield that we don't really care about um because it's just that's not how we're doing damage and this healing is just for us, we don't care because we're using Ward the same here, this is it. fire damage bonuses, that's not how our shields do damage and this is only when we use Warpath, so that's really what matters. I wouldn't increase this any further, we really want our shields to be grouped together as much as possible so that the armor comes through. I think it's one of the most interesting abilities in the game.

Oh, just so you know, for health scaling, shields only have five health points per attribute point, which is very low. The 4X um multiplier for health is very important because of that and all of our The Minions in Forge


scale with both strength and Attunement manifest armor. It's basically worth twice a shield, uh, so it's worth two health shields, but this one, like I said, remember it doesn't really deal damage, I mean, yeah. reflects damage but that's not the key way it deals damage, the main point is to get skills by hitting and using that fire, Nova retaliation, the key notes to consider are getting him a sword and a shield because the sword will do this .

It says sword, but it's whatever weapon we've equipped that really allows us to better customize the manifested armor and this shield allows us to get some healing effectiveness and pairs well with our ring of shields as well along the way. There are plenty of additional node shapes to modify your manifested armor. You can use this fire damage. You can go slower. You may bleed or be physically torn apart. You can also add reflected damage. All kinds of suck. Burst. Forging, for example, really sounds. Cool but it's only a basic attack, just turn your basic attack into this AOE spell and still by just doing one hit at a time you can get five and ten Fire Nova hits in a row when your Forge card is when your armor manifest is loading. going into a horde of enemies that rely on your auto attacks I don't think is good, plus Blast Forge keeps manifested armor at range making it less likely that your Fire Nova will actually hit someone so this really he ignores it much better.

It's so redistributed steel that we have to get three points anyway and it's also surprising because it's always good to have a fixed damage multiplier and a bulwark. A great flat health multiplier and helps cancel out some of the health penalty from redistributed steel. this is terrible health regenerated per second, don't ever invest in this except for the two points to get to the ball job. What's much more interesting about manifested armor is these four core nodes, so by default, manifested armor will get 100 from your hull armor. gloves and boots stats with these you can get up to 340 percent of the gloves, boots and helmet and up to 260 percent of the body armor, meaning you have a small manifested armor for walking that essentially has three and a half pairs of boots and gloves. or helmets or whatever and it's very easy to abuse this with some unique items, especially if you get legendary versions of them, as you can see, gloves are going to be very important, but all three can be viable, all four can be.

Really viable, there aren't many unique armors that pair well with uh, for on-hit damage, but the other three can be great and also have a chance to taunt. I think this is not very necessary, but it can be useful in eliminating enemies that aim to attack players, so one point is useful, these three are our core and for the other two points we actually have a couple of other two options or various other options, ah, you know what I missed? Importantly, ring of shields is an instant casting spell. Instant casting means it doesn't require a casting animation and it doesn't require any casting time, which means you can cast instant casting spells while you're channeling, so while I'm.

By channeling rebuke, I can cast a ring of shields and it continues, so instant casting is very desirable for this build and to that effect we have a couple of options, first of all, seals of hope, uh, when we go to the left here. us, it's cast instantly, the rest of these don't really matter, I mean the damage increase is good, although the real use of Hope's seals is for invigoration and as you can see, I respect them all the time, that's why I have 17. points right now um, but the real use here is invigorate, which gives us 30 per Stealth of increased healing effectiveness for ourselves and most importantly for our allies, this is a key way to add more healing effectiveness to our shields and our armor manifested and this route upward. here it takes us to the extended duration and another maximum seal.

If I had more points, I would limit this and then look for mana efficiency. It would be nice to pick up the fifth seal, but it's not essential and there are limits to how much mana you get. intensive especially with uh with this instant cast penalty um these other ones so this is all kind of offensive that we don't use we're not using our seals for this it's a nice bonus for healing but it's not really effective and requires some investment in uh Divine Flair and maybe a well of light, of course a well of light, but then if you do that, you'll get a big heel every essentially one and a half casts of stealth, but you'll miss out on the healing effectiveness and we have other sources of healing. i.e. reprimand, so I skipped this part and honestly, it's very tempting to get this opportunity blocking procedure, but then, it's just for us, so it's an unfortunate reversal and so volatile.

I'm a little sad that I'm using this to be honest because it's like everyone uses volatile reversal, but we're not using it for health or mana regen, we're just using it for time rifts, so this increases damage over time and just flat enemy damage, those are really the only two nodes we care about. about um and then prevent Rift arrival at start and arrival at start, so departure and arrival let's use consistent words here, people other than that, we increased, we decreased the cooldown dramatically and our rollback only cooldown in two seconds and medium and that's it, it's just a small thing, but that can actually make our damage over damage and damage over time completely melt enemies.

Unfortunately it's pretty effective, although it's an instant release that we can't use while channeling it, it somehow gets us out of our rebuke and we're actually stuck and have to physically let go and restart the rebuke, so it's not cool, it's not ideal, but for monoliths it can be very nice to add something extra, faster cleanup, we have a couple more options besides volatile reversal and Hope seals. I can see, well, a common one is Shield Rush. The good thing about shield rest is that we don't have to specialize, we can use it as long as the only benefits of the specialization are these two points that deal damage received and moderately, you know. you get some mana efficiency and can increase stun chance and damage, which will only deal, but since we do so little damage, you're still pretty unlikely to stun most things, so the only point of really specializing is getting this damage while Rush all of this wing here has to do with the final hit damage and this node returns us to the starting position, which really defeats the purpose of our use of Shield Rush, which is maneuverability, um, and then everything else is damage and damage, so one interesting thing about Shield, like I said, we don't specialize in it, we can just use it.

One funny thing about Shield Rush is we're channeling, we're channeling and now we're running and I'm not doing it. I don't know if you saw that, but as soon as the avalanche ends, we start channeling again as long as we hold down the rebuke and we have a lot of bonuses while channeling, so it's kind of advantageous to continue channeling, so having a movement skill that keeps the channeling isn't bad at all, I'll take it, uh, if I need it, if I need some movement, if I don't mind movement, this is my preferred ability to deal damage right now, oh, but you can also go for Forge Strike, Ford Strike. will give us more minions which is great but it requires throwing or physically attacking something that isn't thrown which is good, if I take Forge strike I would normally go down to Eagle Strike so it can be cast anywhere and if I just


strike .

I'll take this node without cooldown too that way, if you see some sort of swarm of enemies, you can just chain a Forge attack, add to them from a distance and hopefully reach your max forged weapons, then this mass. Production is important to have a chance to create forged weapons, otherwise it is quite low and disappointing and this is important for well forged weapons because it will increase their duration and maximum from six to ten. There are a couple more options, Arcane welding. It's cool because you get a small boost from Ward when you summon your weapons, which can be nice, especially since you're not channeling Reprimand.

The reinforced armor is also nice because you get a quick armor boost by a decent 100 percent. This is all the damage we didn't get from Forge's attack, which we don't care about, it's similar here and we don't really need to stun things, so this is fine, engine support is fine, additional bonus area, but other than that, it's really about The purpose here is to have even more bodies that are persistent and mobile, which shields usually aren't and get all of our damage reflection, so if you're using Ford Strike, you might also consider using Multi-Strike because of this node here. heated fodder, so every time you hit someone with a multi hit you get a weapon stack that lasts a couple of seconds as you build up stacks of weaponry, once you reach the limit you can do a Forge attack and summon weapons of the strength. equal to the number of weapon stacks you had, so with perfect steel and the Anvil doctrine you can get four maximum weapon stacks and summon forged weapons at a time, this multi attack can also be useful because you can add more effectiveness of armor and blocking for each stack of weaponry so it's good it's good and this is definitely what I would do at low levels just to produce forged weapons it's multi attack plus uh Ford attack but eventually they get overshadowed because it's just You can have 12 weapons forged without adding equipment, the set in particular, but with the ring of shields we can get eight rings of eight shields per cast, a cooldown of eight seconds and a duration of 32 seconds, so we will end up with 24 at 32 escudos. and so adding 12 uh adding 12 forged weapons just isn't worth breaking our reprimand and risking being hurt and killed.

One thing I do want to say about uh I said you couldn't move shields, that's not entirely true actually with Shield bash. If you take the shield wall node, you can move your shields, they will form a line wherever you hit the shield, and the shield hit is really cool because it has two seconds plus 75 percent, so it's really like a stun 3.75 uh seconds guaranteed. which is crazy with a large area and you can also get block percentage, uh, block chance and effectiveness, you can get guaranteed blocked hits and also some slow, slow, slow debuff or extra charges, you don't get this, but additional charges, so it is definitely an interesting option, but again it requires slowing down ourchanneling to use it, so it's kind of situational, but if you use the shield ring a lot during monoliths and feel like the Manifest armor isn't enough to keep up the damage, then yeah, I'd like to try Shield Bash and see if you like it , if you like to carry your shield with you and it can be interesting because it makes it feel very tactical, like you are arranging pieces on the board to move your shields? out there, so it's fun other than that right now, that's really, you can look at Abyssal Echoes just because it has this healing option down here for even more healing, but it's a spell, so it drains your ward and your health and, um, you have to throw it a bunch, if you try it, it would go into screeching echoes to get the recasts and then the heavenly gift, those are the main pieces, um, yeah, those are the skills you made, okay, cool, so I'm going to talk about the team, but I want to talk before I talk about the team.

Well, I have to talk about passives and let's also talk about stat priorities, so the number one priority is really going to be cooldown reduction because that will bring our reprimand below duration, channel duration and It will make shield ring usable as much as possible which will increase our overall damage, you know, one of our overall damage mechanics, tears, wings, however you want to think about it after physical resistance is our top priority to take advantage of max out our Apostate Shrine uh, then minion HP just to add even more survivability, more damage potential from all of our minions so that reflects the damage percentage, so because we're generating so much Ward, we want uh Ward Retention, we're not an intelligence class, so the way we get it is through freezing shackles and freezing resistance um cold resistance, excuse me, just like the apostate shrine's freezing shackles us.

They provide unlimited cold resistance protection retention, so it is another unlimited value that we are looking for in our equipment. and but any source of word retention is great, so after that I would say that reflecting damage percentage is important on our shields. You can also get it on chest armor, but it will only affect your manifested armor, and then just look for Attunement and Strength because those will be the two, uh, the two stats. Attunement is more important because it will affect the HP but also the damage of our manifested armor and the healing rate of uh retribution and other healing that we do.

Attunement first and then force just for a little bit more extra armor and um it also adds minion low HP which is always nice um if you're doing more excuse me sorry. water, if you're doing a more offensive build you'll probably want to use calamity for extra damage over time on your Forge guard and in that case you'll want to turn on fire duration and damage, so that would be the next priority statistics to consider. but before we get too far let's talk about our passives first, so we don't really care about vitality and hit points, like it's good, but the more hit points you have, the more you'll get lost in the Apostate Sanctuary, the more we'll have to cure.

Back we'll just be a dash class and that will be our main source of survival so here we start with Juggernaut to get the strength bonus, we get extra armor and another defensive layer to reduce damage from nearby enemies and you can kind of choose If you want Brave Charge reduces the cooldown of shield dash and volatile reversal because they are both movement skills, but you can also put it on stalmart for additional blocking effectiveness. Both are reasonable, so Forge saved if we analyze it. look at our passives, we have fantastic additional physical resistance for the shrine of the apostates and we also have a three percent armor increase for every hit we have taken in the last 10 seconds, when you are really invaded and armor really matters, this can be up to 50 to 100 stacks easily, you know, a 150 to 300 percent armor boost, which really makes the armor boost less desirable overall and flat armor much more useful for us, which also means that strength isn't as useful because instead we can just take hits and um.

If we don't take hits, then we take damage over time and armor doesn't matter much anyway, so that's the way we think about armor as we look at forge card passives. When I look at this I see 40 physical resistance which is an extra 240 Ward per second when I get hit and another 60 armor bonus which is amazing. Take advantage of any blocking opportunity whenever you can and we go down this weapon master tree, these points don't matter, these points don't matter. It doesn't matter at all, but we want this Anvil stance to give us 25, another layer of 25 reduced damage, which is fantastic.

The thorn mail gives us base armor and also some thorns. This is not the percentage of damage, but this is the fixed damage returned which helps at low levels, but actually. We're only in this for the armor and I'm not getting more flat armor, just get as much armor as you can, this is every time we block we get more armor. Fantastic, I love it, it has synergy with all our other reactivities when we get hit, um melter. it's done it's cool because it applies to our minions um and it works on hit so if you want to go all out then yeah take it but no but 70 isn't that exciting plus without Calamity and power up percentage then o duration, then it's much less exciting or bleeding penetration, I guess that would be fine too.

Attunement with iron, we will be like Attunement and we like armor. The minion armor is okay, but it's really just a nice attunement boost for us, we don't do it. I love it, but there's nothing else we really need right now. This is kind of a final score dump, so giving us and having extra health like I said is fine, not a bad thing if you're using uh Forge Strike, you should. I have at least a point here because it will give you two more max forged weapons and this is a weird casting directory address so if you're casting that you might want this but I actually want if it had a dodge skill rating .

I'd actually like to keep it I think because it adds another layer of defense against hits so flat armor is cool I don't care but we need it for shield creators this is really about I mean 150 health for The minions is fantastic, it's a great source of health for the Minions and the three percent chance to cast shield rings is just an added bonus. It's good when it happens, but don't rely on it, so when we use potions we get another armor bonus which is great and, more importantly, there's another source of health here. physical resistance and a defensive layer for damage over time, that's cool and they double when you take a potion, so this is a fantastic liquid iron, it's fantastic, do it because they are damaged, we don't care about them and, uh, This is good because it would add three percent cold resistance and therefore word retention if we use freezing shackles, but that's not a huge amount per point, so it's kind of a fight between the power and the paladin tree solarum walls we want. reach the sigils of hope, so we'll spend at least 15 points, uh.

Tuning and, most importantly, resistance to cold. This is a fantastic node, more block chances and 30 healing per second, essentially, if you always get hit, it's pretty reasonable, especially because If you hold down Alt, you'll see that it scales with um, it gets more healing per Attunement point, so another heel for our Shields, our manifested armor, but we have to take a point in Holy Nova so that it actually applies to them, um, you could. Let's consider the value for healing, the effectiveness on ourselves, but it's not really worth it for our Ward build and we don't need spell damage, everything else is a similar strength, I don't care and finally, for empty night, uh, 10 points gives us both the skills. unlocked, which is good and the most important thing is that 40 physical resistance again, so another 240 words per second of additional health is great and we will take the void resistance.

Obviously, we are a bit limited in vacuum resistance, so it is not strictly necessary. So, like you. You can see we have a Forgeguard, he has a lot of armor, a lot of flat armor, we don't really have to worry about armor that much. When it comes to gear, we can really focus on those stats that I said were our priorities. With that, as I said, we already saw the Apostate Sanctuary. I mentioned the cold resistance of freeze shackles. You don't need any unique items to play this build, but these two in particular make it much, much more effective.

Without Apostate Shrine you have to rely on healing and your health for how many max hits you can take is much less effective, it scales much lower than six words per second and without Freeze Shackles our Ward retention will be very low and what more importantly, almost if you look we have Prospect Shackles that give 140 percent freeze on hit and 33 freeze duration, so with our manifest armor multiplying those by essentially 3.4, that equals over 100 freeze duration and more 400 percent chance to apply freeze per hit, so every time our manifested armor becomes takes 200 damage, it will apply four stacks of freeze with over 100 increased duration, so this is the start of dealing a lot damage with manifested armor.

I want to say a lot for our standards, for our Tank Turtle standards to be amplified, we look at the stimulated destiny. Now the most important thing when shooting the shoe slot, the boot slot, is really the cooldown recovery speed that comes first, but, if you can, if you see if you can get a legendary cooldown recovery of destiny stimulated, incredible, I was very lucky in this, um, in this. merge, but even with um, the reasons for encountering the fade is so big is that it has that 127 percent damage over time and 14 chance to apply bane.

Bane is very high damage, zero damage, damage over time, Affliction, but it only stacks four times. It's not ridiculous, but again with that, with the multipliers that that manifest armor can get, it really turns that damage over time and that chance to apply Doom into big buffs and more damage with our Freezing Shackles. I wish Snowdrift worked with freeze shackles. in manifest armor because that two percent cold penetration with freezing per 10 freezing rate multiplier would be absurd because you have a freezing rate multiplier of 180 which is multiplied by 3.2 3.4 and then two percent cold penetration is multiplied by 3.4, so that would be kind of crazy. and that's probably why it doesn't work.

This snow blizzard doesn't see the freezing rate multiplier when on manifested armor, so skip it, don't use it, but for the other slots, you can see I'm using a set item. Uh, it sets items that you might think are terrible, but they have some really unique modifiers that can make them useful for other builds. The nice thing about Synthea's dying breath is that it doubles for our minions and resolves all resistances, so we get them all. resistances, our minions get all the resistances and then the forge guard and forged weapons get another 25. All the resistance is because they are also using the last breath of synthesis effectively, so 50 resistances for a minions is actually kind of cool, um again, not at such low levels because it will reduce your reflected damage for forged weapons, but for the end game, that's cool and we want resistances anyway because it's physical resistance and cold resistance, both They're great for us for a helm, everything else, so we really like the omen buzzes for cooldown reduction.

The physical resistance is fantastic. The cold ring of shields is a good option here because it adds more health to the minions so I really like seeing that and then this is not a perfect helmet. I'd rather have a Mint tune or uh fire damage if so. Like I said, if you want to be more offensive with your Forged Arm Manifested Armor, use Calamity because this will add an all-on chance to his retaliatory strike, it's Fire Nova and also, if you have Legendary potential, you can get higher damage. of fire and longer ignition duration, but that can then be multiplied by the specialization ofManifested armor.

I haven't been brave enough to combine them yet because I'd really rather have a level VI or seven ignition duration, I think, rather than level six physical resistance. Cool, but no, but if I'm going to cause a damaged Calamity, I want it to really be a damaged Calamity, so I'm still waiting for body armor, same thing, physical and cold resistance. Tuning into the prefixes and then force or actually me. I would probably take reflected damage because it's a little higher on body armor, it multiplies, so just to take advantage of manifested armor a little more, I wouldn't care about the percentage of reflected damage.

Oh, the shield is one of the most important points that you want. um, a high Shield block chance, I think so, I'm going back and forth, but I'm pretty sure the percentage of reflected damage will get the most total damage out of your, since the exalted prefix will make the most of your shields. and then increase healing effectiveness or potentially minion health, but by the end of the game you should have enough other sources of minion health, so it's best to just give them higher healing effectiveness and then physical resistance is for you and cold resistance if you can get it. the void isn't doing anything for me right now, the most important thing about the belt is cooldown recovery, everything else is second, but it follows the same general priority rules, so i'm using it, so there's the asks if you want to avoid the critical hit or not. with tank builds like this, um, I err on the side of caution and still do, but some people don't, it's really a personal choice.

I think you can get by without it, but I wish I could take it. Critical hit nodes like minions or enemy buffs on monoliths, so I like to significantly improve their critical hit chance because it means they are doing more damage to shields faster, so I like having an extra layer of protection. I think the ideal would be right now. Maybe I'd go with two rings or a ring and a helmet to avoid critical hits if I could get by with that, but now I'm wearing a ring plus an um, a blessing and aside from those same rules, I only get the best? opal ring you can get for that cooldown recovery as you can see I'm still using a rare one around here and it sucks an attitude mint two chance blocks garbage um for The Relic I mean if you can get it , a code from a Sentinel array is Awesome due to the skill bonus, armor bonus, and most importantly, armor mitigation of iso damage over time.

I would love to use one of these right now, but the most important thing is to have the channeling of all the resistances while channeling and the physical resistance that doubles our physical resistance. resist and also adds some cold resistance and then on the prefix side having extra retribution points is great and more armor is always good, for me that's it let's see yeah for idols everything is the best refueling paper that I can get and then secondly if I can get vitality which is good on ornaments and cold damage taken as physical is good only because a physical exam does not have that reduced effectiveness but otherwise only for publish and then for everything else physical resistance physical resistance uh uh, I don't know.

Why am I using necrotic there a little surprised. I must have been scared. I guess he was probably doing a run in the sand and was afraid he hadn't covered up the necrotic. Otherwise I would just use physical if I had better resistances here I would do physical uh. actually you know that reminds me of shield all resistance is probably better than cold because it would because your physical resistance gives you more words per second than cold resistance normally. um, as far as what's possible with other gear, just thinking about a burn lighter with a Night Strike chance is a great one-shot weapon for more offensive manifested armor.

A Thorn Shell is a good item to level up because you can increase all the fixed damage of the Thorns that we deal the fixed reflected damage to attackers and make quick work of it. Soul Threads from lower level enemies are great and unique for targeting legendary potential. If I could get a soul thread with cooldown reduction I would be very happy, as you can see this didn't turn out the way I wanted, but that's okay. I would really prefer to have a higher ward retention percentage anyway Aheso is good, you know, when you look at unique items in the shrine, we really want as low a health and protection loss percentage as possible on the freezing shackles, we want a as high freeze on hit and freeze duration as we can be stimulated. destiny, we want damage over time and chances of doom, but getting them with LP is not the easiest thing in the world, a soul thread that is.

I would like to have a much higher Ward word retention rate if I could achieve it. It's really worth it if you can get a base for the wipe, it's great because, from that two plus two block, Effectiveness times one percent of total uncapped resistance, that means we're already looking at uncapped physical and cold resistance that translates in a huge amount, let's see, yes, 3,000 higher effectiveness of black, that's crazy, but of course it's all random, so if you get a good one, go for it; Otherwise it's fine to use whatever bass you can get, the base isn't that important if it isn't. a cradle of erasure to get the best stats you can uh fun stuff to play with omnipotence um obviously a forge guard weapon when you get a good look at it what's really cool is the percentage of reflected damage because this goes to our manifested armor and everything our forged weapons, this is actually the greatest damage reflected.

I think you can get it for an individual minion, but just a certain amount of shields makes up for it and you lose all defensive bonuses, the ability to block is a fun thing to play with. honestly, um, if you don't have an apostate shrine and you don't have it and you just want to experiment more with reflected damage than considering a death rattle because it will increase the amount of damage your minions take if you have a big Leaf Seal, um, the 75 elemental resistance while channeling is great, I mean 75 cold resistance and we're always channeling so this is a great base, plus it has 10 elemental resistance and honestly I mean 7.9 to 8.3 , as if that weren't the biggest loss in the world and certainly.

Reprimand will be able to remove a couple of um from our minor cooldown recovery speed bonuses, so if you can afford it, it's something to consider. Thorn Thorne Slinger is another legendary base that is reasonable, uh, movement speed is excellent. It's the physical skills that would give us an extra point for the rebuke, the most important thing and yes, that's really elements and what I'm using offensive, defense versus defense options for the blessings, the most important one is probably the good channeling of the armor and physical resistance, get these two with As many rolls as you can for this word per second, like the Legends blessing, it sucks, we agree it's okay, I'll probably trade it for the chance to gain Protection when we get hit because when we get hit is when we're most vulnerable, although word per second helps against damage over time, but it's so minor that, you know, splitting here is kind of like I said.

I have critical evasion at the moment, but ideally I would like to change this for all resistances. I have more health. right now, but I'd like to change this to Dodge rating, so it's not a priority right now, but Dodge rating will probably help me a little more in terms of survivability, other than that you'll probably want to have a Lance control and a grand earn a fortune and then spend all their time in the monolith of blood, frost, and death trying to get the best freezing shackles possible. You can use Ascendancy Runes to improve your fishing in an Apostate Shrine, but I have to get them from The Source from a bot because they are a boss drop and I see four.

A loot filter I have. I'll put this as a link in the chat or description. Excuse me, but I have this type. I've been taking a more minimalist approach to loot filters lately um I think this is a good starting point where we basically always show level 7 effects because they're so cool um worth stacking um when you and they're so rare So yeah you find a level seven we save it somewhere where we lower our idols only to physical resistance and we post them again. I have a general rule for affixes that really matter, like reflecting damage and physical resistance, cold resistance, all resistances, um, and then I just have a one-size-fits-all rule for non-unique base items for non-unique slots, so what to get an Argent Crest for that cold resistance cooldown reduction cooldown reduction on the highest armor we can in body armor because you can always do it if you're just starting out You can always turn them into something that's useful or have a chance to turn them into something useful for you, and the idea would be that this is like a starting point and then you take the affixes that are important and break them down into individual element rules, if you want to gradually become more and more selective over time, once you start to have level six or seven exalts, then I would restrict the affixes in that slot, but I would start here and get finer grained over time and then have a rule just for all the only mains that I care about um these feeding rules just look for the affixes that I would really like um on that one with at least a level six, so I always look at all the, I mean, no To hide the exalted, it's always nice to see them, but this just gives you a little heads up that you might have something interesting, um, yeah, that's it for the build, that's the build, um, a couple of tips so this can make all the game content, uh, pretty safely.

In the case of jewels, the only thing you have to keep in mind is that its area damage over time spell stacks and doesn't wear off, so when you see that little empty patch under your feet, once you I get two of those or really just any time she uses. at her Crush moment, I change dimensions and move slightly so I can start channeling the rebuke again and then I just wait for her to come at me and keep trying to kill most of her bosses, you just sit in place, cast a Chain shields under your AOE and wait. so they die, um, if you don't know how to launch automatically, so I thought you needed a numeric keypad, but actually you can also do it with the soft key on the on-screen keyboard, um, all you do is change in your settings. you enter the keys and then you assign the skill you are using so this is very important to build reprimand channels all the time you want to have a way to automatically cast the reprimand because it is very bad if it falls and honestly it is very difficult for your body to simply hold down a button for hours at a time, no matter the length of your gaming session, so the way to use the numpad trick is to turn on num lock and assign a skill to check a key to the skill and it should say keyboard, press it, press a number, any number you want, it should say keyboard like this and then when you come back to the game, when num lock is on, if I press num lock six, num pad 6, I'm channeling the reprimand and then, while I'm fine, I'm channeling.

I just turned off the lock and then it keeps outputting itself, so right now my hand is off the keyboard. I can walk, but as soon as it comes back up and cools down, it starts channeling again. It is very useful when doing Echoes. I just wanted to add one more thing, for example, search, so our build works great at adding damage to enemies and is much worse at adding health to enemies because that just slows us down. charge damage stay away from health, but this is actually very good because the extra damaging damage nodes in Echoes are actually some of the most rewarding in terms of rarity and experience, so I think it works very well for high corruption level and That's the build.

I'm going to add some demos now, just a quick monolith and a Boss run. Yes, but thanks for sticking with me and checking these things out. Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign

The Immovable Object: A Last Epoch Guide to the Retaliation Forge Guard [0.9.1] - YTread (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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