How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Cherry Blossom Trees (2024)

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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Cherry Blossom Trees (1)

If you’ve ever seen a Cherry Blossom Tree, you know how spectacular they are. As nature starts to unfurl from her winter rest, few early spring sights are as delightful as the blush of cherry blossoms carpeting the treetops.

These flowering cherry trees, known as sakura trees in Japan, bring a touch of whimsy and elegance with their pink flowers. This delicately beautiful spectacle lasts only a few short weeks around April, making it even more cherished and anticipated worldwide.

Cherry blossom trees, which includes varieties such as the Kwanzan cherry, Yoshino cherry tree, and Okame, are ornamental cherry trees prized for their spectacular bloom.

The cities of Tokyo and Washington, among many others, celebrate the arrival of these flowers during cherry blossom festivals. Hanami, which translates to viewing flowers, is a centuries-old tradition in Japan where people gather under the Sakura tree for picnics and parties.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Washington, on the other hand, holds the National Cherry Blossom Festival as a gift from the mayor of Tokyo in the early 20th century, a testament to the unifying power of these pink blossoms.

Whether in Tokyo’s vibrant parks or Washington’s emblematic monuments lined with cherry trees, cherry blossom festivals connect people with nature’s fleeting beauty. Witnessing the delicate pink petals fall like snow is something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.

As a master gardener, I’ve admired these stunning trees for decades and have extensively researched into them. I’ll share everything you need to know about cherry blossom trees in this guide, along with care tips to grow them easily.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Botanical Name: Prunus serrulata

Common Name: Sakura tree, Cherry blossom tree

Family: Rosaceae

Plant Type: Deciduous tree

Hardiness Zones: 5 – 8 (USDA)

Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade

Soil Type: Well-drained, loamy soil

Soil pH: 6.0-7.5 (slightly acidic to slightly alkaline)

Maturity: Around 20 years

Height: 15-25 feet

Spacing: 15-20 feet

Bloom Time: Early spring, usually in April

Flower Color: Pink

Native Area: Japan

Cherry Blossom Tree Plant Care

Caring for cherry blossom trees requires an understanding of their seasonal needs. In early spring, these delicate trees, known as sakura trees in Tokyo, begin to bloom with pink blossoms, enveloping parks and lining streets with an ethereal beauty.

Cherry trees thrive in full sun zones with well-drained soil. Ensuring sufficient moisture, especially during dry periods, is critical as cherry trees are susceptible to droughts. Applying a layer of mulch can help retain this critical moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Regular examinations for pests like aphids and caterpillars are necessary, as they can damage leaves, while diseases such as leaf spot and powdery mildew need to be addressed promptly to maintain the tree’s health.

Lastly, it’s noteworthy to remember that cherry trees are primarily ornamental; thus, their cherries are not as succulent as those bred for consumption.

These elegant trees serve as the centerpiece of various cherry blossom festivals celebrated worldwide, such as the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington and Hanami, the traditional Japanese practice of picnicking under a blooming sakura tree.

Understanding their care helps ensure that these symbols of spring can continue to gift us with their beautiful blooms every April.


Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

To help your cherry blossom trees flourish, adequate sunlight is a critical part of their care routine. These stately ornamental cherry trees, from the delicate pink blossoms of the Yoshino cherry tree to the full, vibrant flowers of the Kwanzan cherry tree, require a location with full sun exposure.

The more sun these trees receive, the more spectacular their spring blooms will be. Whether it’s an Okame, Sakura, or a flowering cherry tree variety, each prefers to grow in areas with direct sunlight for at least six hours each day.

However, they can tolerate partial shade, especially in warmer zones where the afternoon sun can be intense.

Planting these trees in full sun also helps prevent common pests such as aphids, caterpillars and diseases like leaf spot and powdery mildew by ensuring the leaves dry out properly after a rain.


Whether you are planting a stunning Kwanzan cherry tree, an Okame, or a Yoshino cherry tree, the soil conditions are integral to their growth and bloom.

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Cherry trees do best in well-drained soil that retains enough moisture to keep the roots healthy and hydrated, but is never waterlogged. A slightly acidic to neutral pH is ideal for these trees.

Adding mulch around the base of the tree can be an effective way to not only retain moisture but also keep the roots cool during hot summers and protect from droughts.

For successful cultivation and to achieve swathes of pink flowers in early spring, your cherry blossom tree also requires soil that is rich in organic matter; amending with compost or rotted manure can provide the needed fertility.


Watering is crucial for the health and vitality of your cherry blossom tree. These ornamental cherry trees require well-drained soil with ample moisture to thrive.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Make sure not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other diseases. In periods of droughts, it’s important to provide supplementary watering to keep the soil evenly moist.

However, in the cooler months, you can reduce watering as the demand for moisture decreases. These trees can demonstrate an impressive resilience, but for peak blooms and blossoms, regular and ample watering is a must.

Be sure to mulch around the base of the trees to help retain moisture and keep the roots cool.

Temperature and Humidity

Cherry blossom trees are highly adaptable to a range of temperature zones. They fare robustly in full sun and well-drained soil, but can also tolerate the cooler shades of Zones 5-8 with aplomb.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Watch for early spring sun; that’s prime time for ethereal pink blooms to unfurl across branches. Humidity doesn’t overtly influence cherry trees, but they do require consistent moisture.

In case of droughts, make sure to water them sufficiently to maintain the delicate balance of moisture that these stunning trees require to thrive and put up a spectacular show of pink blossoms come April.

Keep adequate mulch around to retain moisture and protect the tree in severe temperatures.


These trees thrive on well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. As a master gardener, I recommend applying a slow-release, balanced fertilizer early in spring, as the tree prepares for blossoming.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Ensure the soil around these delicate trees is always enriched with much-needed micronutrients by adding a layer of organic mulch. This also helps in maintaining soil moisture levels, which is crucial given cherry trees’ sensitivity to droughts.

Remember though, that over-fertilization can lead to problems such as leaf spot, powdery mildew, and an increase in pests such as aphids and caterpillars, hence it’s essential to refrain from too heavy a hand with the fertilizer.


Various types of cherry trees, such as the Kwanzan cherry and Yoshino cherry tree, require minimal pruning particularly during their early years.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Normally, these ornamental cherry trees are pruned post blossom in April or early spring to promote health and manage their stunning canopy form. The reason for doing so after the peak bloom period is to avoid accidentally removing buds that would produce the beautiful pink flowers and pink blossoms these cherry trees are celebrated for.

Remember, excessive pruning may stress the tree, potentially making it more susceptible to disease and pests. Lastly, always conduct a thorough clean-up to help alleviate the spread of lingering fungal spores which may cause infection.


To ensure their blooms are vibrant come April, a layer of mulch around the base of the tree can provide extra warmth and retain moisture. Both cherry blossoms and leaves benefit immensely from this practice.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

In Washington, where the national cherry blossom festival in early spring is a much-awaited event, even the ornamental cherry trees are carefully overwintered. Always remember that cherry trees need well-drained soil, even through the winter months, to keep root rot at bay.

Types of Cherry Blossom Tree

There are many different types of cherry blossom trees. Let’s look at the main types you should know about:

  • Yoshino cherry tree (Prunus x yedoensis): The first type, Yoshino Cherry tree, is known for its stunning and delicate cloud of pale pink blossoms that steal the show in early spring. This popular ornamental cherry tree, native to Tokyo, is a centerpiece during the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, where spectators enjoy the peak bloom, typically in April. Yoshino cherry trees thrive best in full sun, well-drained soils, and are hardy in numerous zones.

Yoshino cherry tree (Prunus x yedoensis) – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

  • Weeping Cherry tree (P. x subhirtella): Characterized by their dramatic, cascading branches adorned with clusters of lovely pink flowers, these trees are a unique addition to any garden. They also require full sun but can tolerate a variety of soil types. Weeping cherry trees embrace moisture, so they must receive ample watering, particularly during droughts.

Weeping Cherry tree (P. x subhirtella) – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

  • ‘Okame’ Cherry tree (P. ‘Okame’): This tree bursts into life in early spring with vibrant pink flowers, even before its leaves make an appearance. This sort of ornamental cherry tree is regarded as a Sakura tree in Japan, and its blossoms a symbol of Hanami, where people gather for picnics under its beautiful pink canopy. ‘Okame’ cherry tree also prefers full sun and kept in well-drained soil covered with mulch to maintain moisture.

‘Okame’ Cherry tree (P. ‘Okame’) – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

  • ‘Kwanzan’ Cherry tree (P. serrulata ‘Kwanzan’): This is another celebrated variety that boasts a multitude of bright pink, double-layered blossoms and intricate bronze leaves that emerge after the blooms. Kwanzan cherry trees are widely revered and featured in numerous cherry blossom festivals. While these trees are quite hardy, they must be monitored for pests such as aphids and caterpillars, and diseases like leaf spot and powdery mildew.

‘Kwanzan’ Cherry tree (P. serrulata ‘Kwanzan’) – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

How to Plant Cherry Blossom Tree From Seed

Planting a cherry blossom tree from seed is a simple process. Let’s look at it stpe by step:

Step 1: Preparing the Seed

Most cherry seeds, including those from ornamental cherry trees such as the opulent Kwanzan cherry tree or the early blooming Okame cherry, require a cold stratification before planting. This process mimics the winter cold and helps trigger germination. Wrap your cherry seeds in a damp cloth and place them in a ziplock bag before chilling them in your refrigerator for around 10 weeks.

Step 2: Planting the Seed

When early spring arrives, prepare a site in full sun, taking into account the zones in which your specific cherry tree variety thrives. Cherry trees generally prefer well-drained soil and an area that offers some protection from harsh winds. Place your prepared seed about 2 inches deep into the soil, then cover with a layer of mulch to retain the moisture.

Step 3: Providing the Right Conditions

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Ensure adequate moisture for your young cherry blossom tree, particularly during dry periods or droughts. At the same time, avoid overwatering as this can cause issues such as powdery mildew or leaf spot. While cherry blossom trees prefer full sun, younger plants appreciate shades during the hottest parts of the day.

Step 4: Addressing Common Pests and Problems

As your tree matures, watch out for common pests such as aphids, caterpillars, and various other insects that could cause harm to your tree and potentially ruin that anticipated peak bloom. Keep an eye out for early signs of disease, such as bronze leaves or powdery spots, which may denote a problem like powdery mildew or leaf spot.

Step 5: Flowering and Aftercare

After some time, you’ll be rewarded with the spectacular sight of cherry blossoms. When your tree’s blooms eventually give way to cherries, consider using them in your kitchen or hosting picnics under the shade of the leaves. A cherry blossom tree is not just a plant but a gift, a corner of beauty and serenity in your garden.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Remember: even after the blooms fade, caring for your cherry blossom tree is an ongoing task. Maintaining its health ensures that you will enjoy your cherry blossom tree’s mesmerizing blooms for many springs to come.

No doubt, the process of growing a cherry blossom tree from seed requires time and patience, but the result is a breathtaking sakura tree that stands as a testament to your efforts. Happy planting!

How to Propagate Cherry Blossom Tree

Selecting a Proper Specimen

The first step to successful propagation is choosing the right cherry blossom tree. The Yoshino Cherry Tree, Okame Cherry Tree, and Kwanzan Cherry Tree are popular varieties known for their beautiful pink blooms every spring. Look for a healthy tree in full sun and examine their leaves for signs of leaf spot or pests like aphids and caterpillars.

Cutting Preparation

For best results, the cutting should be taken in early spring, around April. This is the typical peak bloom time for cherry blossoms and when they are most vigorous. Select a young, healthy, bronze branch from the chosen cherry tree. The branch should exhibit no signs of disease or pest damage.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.


Make the cut below a node using a clean, sharp tool. Next, dip the cut end into a rooting hormone, then place it into a well-drained soil mix. Using a pot with drainage holes is a necessity to prevent waterlogging. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag to maintain moisture and place it in a warm spot that receives indirect sunlight.

Care and Maintenance

Ensure adequate moisture levels are maintained, but never soggy or waterlogged conditions. Sprinkle mulch on top of the soil to help retain moisture, especially during periods of drought. Keep the pot in a partially shaded area until the roots establish, then gradually expose it to more light.

Finding a Suitable Location

Cherry trees, such as the delicate sakura tree, are hardy in Zones 5-8. Once the cuttings have rooted – which may take several weeks – and the weather allows, gradually acclimatize your young tree to outdoor conditions before transplanting them into the ground. Choose a sunny, well-drained site in your garden, preferably with some afternoon shade to protect the delicate pink blossoms from late day sun.

Monitoring for Pests and Diseases

Keep vigilant about potential pests and diseases. Aphids, caterpillars and powdery mildew can all be problematic for ornamental cherry trees. Early detection and response are critical to keep these potential threats in check.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases for Cherry Blossom Tree

Aphids: These small, delicate pests can often be found on the leaves of cherry blossom trees, notably the Yoshino Cherry tree. Aphids suck the sap from the leaves, causing them to curl and distort. This damage can be especially apparent during cherry blossom festivals such as the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington held every April.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Caterpillars: These pests are particularly attracted to the ornamental cherry trees that grace many gardens. Caterpillars gnaw at the leaves, reducing their ability to conduct photosynthesis. During severe infestations, significant leaf loss can affect the peak bloom of the pink blossoms characteristic of the Kwanzan cherry tree and others.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Leaf Spot: This disease often impacts cherry trees, including the Sakura tree, a type of Japanese cherry blossom tree. It presents as bronze-colored spots on the leaves that may cause them to fall prematurely. Leaf Spot is more prevalent during moist conditions, making a well-drained soil and full sun vital for the health of the tree.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Powdery Mildew: The delicate cherry blossoms can fall victim to the fungal disease powdery mildew. This disease coats leaves, blooms, and buds in a white powdery substance that can hinder growth. The Okame cherry trees, late bloomers amongst their kin, are susceptible to this disease, and a heavy infection can tarnish the anticipation of their beautiful pink flowers.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

Common Plant Problems and Solutions for Cherry Blossom Trees

1. Brown Tips

One of the common symptoms of distressed cherry trees is the development of brown tips on the leaves. This could be a sign that your sakura tree might be dealing with drought stress. Make sure to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Lay down some mulch to help the soil maintain consistent moisture levels.

2. Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves could be an indication of a few issues. It might be a sign of poor drainage, nutrient deficiency, or pests such as aphids. Installing well-drained soil and regular application of fertilizers can address nutritional problems. For pest issues, you may need to introduce beneficial insects or apply organic pesticides.

Other Tree Guides from Planet Natural:

Elm Tree Guide: 10 Popular Types of Elm Trees in 2023

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Weeping Cherry Tree

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Cherry Blossom Trees (23)

Melissa Pino

Melissa Pino is a biologist, master gardener, and regular contributor for Planet Natural. Melissa’s work focuses on promoting environmentally-friendly practices, helping people create healthy gardens and finding ways to achieve overall health and wellness.

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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Cherry Blossom Trees (2024)


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