How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 5, 2024

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Define your character's role


Choose your art style


Use references and inspiration


Collaborate with programmers


Optimize your character's design


Experiment and iterate


Here’s what else to consider

Game characters are the stars of your game, and you want them to shine with personality, emotion, and style. But you also need to consider how they will interact with the game engine, the code, and the hardware. How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? Here are some tips to help you balance these aspects and create awesome game characters.

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  • Karthik Bindumon Game Designer | Gamification Consultant | Ludology and Neuroscience Aficionado

    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (3) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (4) 4

  • David Castella Design Guild Lead at Amber Studio

    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (6) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (7) 4

  • José Magalhães Game Designer | Game Developer | Front-End Developer | Writer | Editor | Screenwriter | Director | Playwright | Poet

    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (9) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (10) 3

How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (11) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (12) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (13)

1 Define your character's role

Before you start sketching or modeling, you need to have a clear idea of what your character's role is in the game. What is their backstory, motivation, and goal? How do they fit into the game's genre, theme, and story? What are their skills, abilities, and weaknesses? How do they relate to other characters and the environment? Answering these questions will help you define your character's personality, appearance, and behavior.

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  • Leonardo Cunha Creative Director | Game Designer | Game Producer | Project Manager | Product Manager
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    Designing game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance involves a symbiotic relationship between their design and their role in the game. Expressive characters with distinct personalities and appearances enhance immersion and emotional engagement, enriching the player experience. Memorable characters leave a lasting impression on players, fostering attachment and investment in the game world.Based on how important is a character, invest your efforts and resources accordingly.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (22) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (23) 6

  • Yaqoob Sheikh✅ Unity Game Developer (3D/2D | AR/VR | UI/UX | VFX | Game Designer)
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    Consider how the art style itself can symbolically represent the themes and messages of your game. Think about how different styles handle perspective, colour palettes, and animation to enhance the narrative or create emotional impact. Drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and art forms can breathe new life into your art style. This not only adds depth and meaning to your game but also appeals to a wider audience.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (32) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (33) 6


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2 Choose your art style

The art style of your game character should match the tone, mood, and genre of your game. You can choose from a wide range of styles, from realistic to stylized, from cartoonish to pixelated. The art style will affect how you design your character's proportions, shapes, colors, textures, and animations. You should also consider how your art style will impact the performance of your game. For example, realistic characters may require more polygons, textures, and lighting effects, which can slow down the game engine and the hardware.

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  • Kartik Solanki Aspiring Game Developer | Pre-final year Student at Nirma University | Passionate about Crafting Immersive Worlds | Skills: Unity, C#, Game Design, Problem Solving
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    If you're making a casual game then the pixelated form can be included, if you're making high definition graphics for AAA games then game engines can vary, you can use UE for better effects. If it's a horror game the environment style may be dark, if it's an adventure or exploration type, then the more game mechanics, more interactive actions can be included and similarly the colors, textures and lighting effects will vary.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (42) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (43) 3

  • José Magalhães Game Designer | Game Developer | Front-End Developer | Writer | Editor | Screenwriter | Director | Playwright | Poet
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    Choosing your game character's art style is key, matching the game's tone and genre. Options range from realistic to stylized or pixelated, influencing character design elements like proportions and textures. It's crucial to balance aesthetic choices with game performance, as more detailed characters can strain the engine and hardware. My experience has taught me to harmonize visual style with gameplay efficiency, ensuring the art enhances the game without hindering performance.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (52) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (53) 3


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3 Use references and inspiration

One of the best ways to create expressive and memorable game characters is to use references and inspiration from other sources. You can look at other games, movies, comics, books, art, or real-life people and objects that have similar or contrasting features to your character. You can also use references to study anatomy, movement, facial expressions, clothing, accessories, and other details that can enhance your character's design. However, you should avoid copying or plagiarizing other works. Instead, use references as a starting point and add your own twist and originality.

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    Check out the characters on mass scale animations, movies and tv series.Their backgrounds, they way they develop as their story progress, what kind of characters do they interact with and why?All these questions get yourself a memorable character design.Examples? Read Dead Redemption, Overwatch characters, Apex Legends Characters, and of course League of Legends.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (62) 7

  • Javi San Juan Senior Game Designer at Tripledot Studios
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    You can enhance character designs by weaving in diverse cultural and historical elements. Drawing from traditions, folklore, and history enriches characters with unique visual motifs, traits, and stories, making them resonate deeply with players. This method not only crafts memorable and expressive characters but also promotes inclusivity, allowing a broader audience to connect with your game. Emphasize authentic representation and avoid stereotypes to ensure characters offer genuine insights into varied experiences, setting them apart in the gaming world.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (71) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (72) 2


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4 Collaborate with programmers

Designing game characters is not only a visual task, but also a technical one. You need to collaborate with programmers to ensure that your character's design is compatible with the game engine and the code. You should communicate with programmers about the specifications and limitations of your character's design, such as the polygon count, the texture size, the rigging, the animation, the collision, and the logic. You should also test your character's design in the game engine and make adjustments as needed.

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  • Karthik Bindumon Game Designer | Gamification Consultant | Ludology and Neuroscience Aficionado
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    Involve programmers from the beginning and share concepts to gather feedback and iterate together. Brainstorm solutions collectively, consider trade-offs and celebrate successes collaboratively. View programmers as valuable creative partners rather than technical blockers. Their expertise and creativity can greatly enhance your character design. Embrace their suggestions and work together to find innovative solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (81) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (82) 4

  • Miles Houk Computer Science and Broadcasting student at Eastern Kentucky University


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    In teams large enough to have an art director, individual artists won't have to worry about this very much, as said director will be assessing and informing the team of any considerations if they are good at their job.However, smaller and more independent teams should be sure to not neglect this, as if not handled early it can cause a lot of friction between the two most important teams in a game production.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (91) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (92) 2


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5 Optimize your character's design

Optimizing your character's design means making it as efficient and effective as possible for the game engine and the hardware. To do this, you should reduce complexity and size without compromising quality and expression. For example, you can use low-poly models and simple shapes for distant or background characters, texture atlases and compression to save memory and loading time, level of detail (LOD) techniques to adjust resolution based on camera distance, modular and reusable assets to create variations, baking and pre-rendering to simulate lighting and shadows on your character's texture, and instancing and pooling to reuse the same model and texture for multiple instances. All these measures can help you optimize your character's design.

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  • Javi San Juan Senior Game Designer at Tripledot Studios
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    To further refine character optimization, focus on a strategic balance between artistic detail and technical constraints. Embrace procedural generation where appropriate, such as for generating complex textures or landscapes that characters interact with, minimizing manual effort while maintaining visual richness. Consider the emotional impact of your character's design, ensuring that key expressive features are prioritized for higher detail levels, preserving character identity even in low-res formats. Implementing adaptive quality settings allows your game to dynamically optimize for various hardware capabilities, ensuring a broad audience enjoys a seamless experience.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (101) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (102) 3

  • Karthik Bindumon Game Designer | Gamification Consultant | Ludology and Neuroscience Aficionado
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    Optimize for peripheral awareness by using distinct colours, shapes, and silhouettes for quick identification. Take into account the target platform and audience when optimizing.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (111) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (112) 2


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6 Experiment and iterate

Finally, designing game characters is an iterative and experimental process. You should not be afraid to try different ideas, styles, and techniques, and see what works and what doesn't. You should also get feedback from other designers, programmers, testers, and players, and use it to improve your character's design. You should also playtest your character's design in the game and see how it feels and looks. By experimenting and iterating, you can create game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance.

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    Conduct user testing. Test the character in different game scenarios to endure it functions well in various gameplay situations and gather feedback on the character design and performance.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (121) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (122) 3

  • Engr. Arbaz Khan Games Production Manager | Senior ASO | Google Certified Play Store Lister | Android Games Tester
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    Game characters must collaborate with the game theme and User interface. Sometimes the User exits the game only due to the limited character choices.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (131) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (132) 2


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • David Castella Design Guild Lead at Amber Studio
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    Affordance; is the design aspect that hints how an object should be used just by looking at it.A character should convey it's function, especially on a game, when designing a character always keep the player interactions on top of the list.Why the character is relevant for the player?, what kind of interactions the player is expected to get out from said character?Build around affordance,Is the character a merchant? Make it obvious by adding goods to their design, or shape the character like a shop.Is te character an electric trainer? Maybe add a light bolt somewhere, clever designs that no one get are not fun. Unless you are breaking the pattern on purpose, like a mimic chest ;)


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (141) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (142) 4

  • Lawrence Ritchie Artist / Designer / Writer / Technician
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    If you get an opportunity to work on an expressive character or characters consider things like:- What is their role is in the narrative?- Do they serve a function in progressing the gameplay or story?- Do they have a trope or personality type?- Maybe create a simple backstory (although it may not be seen or told) it may differentiate their reactions and responses during action and dialogue. It may even determine their animations in the way they move or walk etc.- If you want the player or reader to feel something for a character, make an aspect of them relatable in some way.


    How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (151) How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (152) 3


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Game Design How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (153)

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How can you design game characters that are expressive, memorable, and optimized for performance? (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.