ESDU- KariaNet- FAO ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUM & SURVEY … · 2018. 11. 16. · 1 ESDU- KariaNet- FAO ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUM & SURVEY Improving ICT solutions and rural communication - [PDF Document] (2024)

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    ESDU- KariaNet- FAO


    Improving ICT solutions and rural communication services forsmall-scale family


    Trends, Experiences perspectives in the NENA region

    Family Farming: the need for information and communication.

    Summary of online survey and studies conducted in 7 NENAcountries

    Prepared by: Salwa Tohmé Tawk and Sarah Karam

    Date: October, 2017

    The present report is a compendium of the differentinvestigations conducted by KariaNet1

    researchers in selected countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan,Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia) and

    the online discussion forum conducted with the FAO RegionalInitiative on Small Scale Family

    Farming in the NENA Region.


    There is a big potential for ICT tools to improve ruralcommunication services for small-scale

    family farmers and improve their livelihoods in the NENA region.However, connectivity, internet

    coverage and costs of internet and devices are still notadequate. The currently widespread and

    used tools are the SMS phone messages, the email and Facebookpages. Lebanon through the

    Lebanese Agriculture Research Institute and the Ministry ofa*griculture manages a mobile

    application (LARI-LEB) to send messages to farmers; in Jordan,extension agents often use social

    media (Facebook) and emails; also in Egypt and Tunisia SMS areused either by the government

    1 Knowledge Access for Rural Inter-connected Areas Network(KariaNet) is a regional network for the management and sharing

    of knowledge in agriculture and rural development in the MiddleEast North Africa region (MENA). With a focus on knowledge

    management KariaNet facilitates and supports demand drivencapacity building activities, action research and networkingactivities

    across MENA region through the use of Information andCommunication Technology (ICT) and non-ICT tools. The member

    countries are: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco,Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen. A competitive call for an

    expression of interest to host KariaNet was launched and inFebruary 2013, the Environment and Sustainable Development Unitat

    the American University of Beirut (ESDU) was selected to be thehosting organization. With a new focus on strengthening Local

    Food Systems (LFS), a proposal was developed in consensus withthe nine network member countries to sustain KariaNet work

    after the full portal management transition to ESDU. For thecurrent third phase of KariaNet, the network will be implementedand

    regionally administrated by ESDU.

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    or NGOs to link with farmers. You-tube short documentaries seemto be an effective tool that is

    easily shared on all social media and smart phones. Radio provedto be more effective than TV;

    for example the successful radio programs in Palestine.Moreover, farmer conferences showed a

    high impact in Palestine. Statistical data base on small scalefarmers is not available, and when

    available, it is not accessible and/or not reliable. Agricultureinput suppliers develop their own

    data base but do not share it; they also use ICT tools to informfarmers on agricultural practices;

    however, their advice is more directed towards the marketing ofown inputs. The main challenges

    facing extension services and the use of ICT is the limitedbudget and the diversity of farmers with

    respect to farming systems, literacy and age. Moreover, someareas lack the tools to use ICT (such

    as connectivity, computers and smart phones), hence the role ofextension agents remains



    Family farming in the Near East North Africa (NENA) accounts formore than 80% of all the

    farms. The sector therefore plays a significant role in foodsecurity and the social and economic

    cohesion of rural families. However, smallholder family farmersin the NENA region face

    unprecedented challenges marked by the impact of climate change,limited access to resources and

    inequalities. Access to information and communication isessential for the development of family

    farmers and rural communities. Small-scale rural farmers in theregion, especially women and

    youth, highly need information and communication supportregarding: suitable agricultural

    technologies and practices; land and water use and tenureissues; access to credit; market

    opportunities; producers’ organizations; and policy dialogue.Adequate rural communication

    services (RCS) in addition to affordable access to Informationand Communication Technologies

    (ICTs) are needed to meet such information and communicationneeds. ICTs and RCS are the

    current innovative trends for sharing information betweenfarmers and extension agents and rural


    Research in the NENA region suffers from information gaps on theextent of ICT use and

    efficiency. Enhancing the effectiveness of extension servicesand farmers’ organizations in this

    region requires assessing the current situation in theapplication of ICT and rural community

    services for rural development and family farming in addition toexploring the potential of ICTs

    and RCS in the region. For this aim, the Karianet network incollaboration with FAO Regional

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    Initiative on Small Scale Family Farming and the Communicationfor development team, launched

    an online survey and facilitated an online discussion in August2016 involving specialists and

    practitioners from seven countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan,Lebanon, Palestine Sudan and Tunisia.

    The team invited specialists and practitioners to share theirexperiences on how ICTs and rural

    communication services can address challenges faced bysmall-scale farmers, particularly women

    and rural youth. Both the survey and the online discussionparticularly focused on projects and

    programs that have demonstrated results and achieved scale, aswell as on exploring the role that

    specific stakeholders can play across different initiatives inthis field. Following the online

    discussion, 7 studies were conducted in 7 countries respectively(Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon,

    Palestine, Sudan, and Tunisia) in the period extending fromJanuary through June 2017. Two sets

    of questions were investigated and addressed in the surveys andstudies. The first set aimed to

    identify main trends in the use of ICTs and RCS in the regionand share experiences on the use of

    ICTs, community media and other RCS in support of agricultureand rural development. The

    second set concerned with respondent’s perspectives foridentifying a means to improve the use of

    ICTs and rural communication services in the NENA region - withthe ultimate aim of supporting

    smallholder family farming. (Refer to Annex 1 for more detailson the two sets of questions.)

    The following section is a compilation of the main initiativeson ICTs per country presenting

    initiatives implemented by the public and private sector.


    Public Sector

    There is a problem in communication with the farmers and thedifferent agents/stakeholders in the

    agricultural sector. In order to allow better knowledge transferand sharing between farmers and

    actors in the production chain, the DRDPA (Director ofRegularization and Development of

    Agricultural Productions) opted for the adoption of several ICTsto improve communication

    including dissemination through the website of the Ministry ofa*griculture the speeches presented

    in relevant events; outreach and extension sessions on radiostations "Channel 1" and "Channel 3";

    communication through mobile phones with leading producers invarious regions and for different

    agricultural chains; and publishing through a Facebook page( all the information that

    needs to be delivered to stakeholders.

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    Regarding the National Chamber of Agriculture, communicationamong the members of the

    chamber is not efficient and the only means is the emailcorrespondences. However, with farmers

    the mobile phone is the predominant means. The Chamber also usesthe website of the Ministry of

    Agriculture and Fisheries concerning the main activities inaction. The Facebook pages, one

    specific page for each chamber and province, as well as someunofficial sites dedicated to

    agriculture are also used to disseminate information to bothfarmers and agricultural investors.

    The National Institute of Plant Protection (INPV) is concernedwith major diseases and pests

    control and hence disseminates extension services to farmers andagriculture institutions in this

    matter. Through its stations installed in all the Wilayas(provinces) of Algeria and the experimental

    stations installed in certain, the institute seeks to fightdiseases through research conducted at the

    level of various laboratories. It receives reports from itsbranches (local and regional directorates),

    public agricultural institutions, chambers of agriculture,agricultural cooperatives, and agricultural

    associations. The results and advice are regularly and widelydisseminated via ICT tools: 1) a

    website ( in which news about the differentorganized activities are posted; 2)

    a Facebook page(

    on which awareness and vulgarization videos, as well aseffective products for vegetable protection

    are published; 3) e-mails that are adopted to disseminateinformation to all relevant institutions; 4)

    a weekly televised program called "5 ;"إرشادات فالحية) a programon radio "Channel 1" and "Channel

    3", which is called "معا لتنمية فالحية مستدامة" between2003-2005 and was relaunched in 2010, to date;

    6) mobile telephone communication (by messages or direct phonecalls). Contacts with official

    bodies and organizations are made through e-mails andcorrespondence. Agricultural investors are

    also contacted by mobile telephones and e-mails. The mobilephone is used to inform about events

    such as fairs and technical trainings. As for small farmers, theinstitute opts for radio stations as

    well as television stations. Since its inception in 1975, theinstitute has seen continuous

    development of communication tools and techniques over time. Themain stages through which

    the means of communication have developed are as follows: Stage1 (1975-1985): Posters and

    awareness posters at different agricultural establishments inthe national territory, as well as the

    adoption of telegrams to contact the directorates concerned.Stage 2 (1986-1994): the use of fixed

    telephone land line, but in a very limited way. Stage 3(1995-2003): television program on crop

    management and disease control. However, not all ruralcommunities had access to televisions at

    that time. Stage 4 from 2004: Adoption of radio broadcasts, andthis procedure received positive

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    feedback from farmers. And since then, the institute hascontinued to broadcast the program and

    improved it. Stage 5 from 2006: mobile telephone was used tocommunicate and broadcast

    information. Stage 6 from 2009: Social networks including awebsite on which all the main

    activities are displayed, a Facebook page on which the newdisease control measures and other

    relevant information are shared, and the adoption of videoconferences for training farmers

    remotely by experts.

    A good example of an experiment on ICT use and efficiency inAlgeria would be the “control of

    white fly” experience. In 2010, the region of BISKRA (southAlgeria), the first greenhouse

    production area, was a victim of the white fly that infects theproduction of tomatoes. During this

    period of concern in the peasant environment, the INPV played akey role in the fight against the

    disease and its considerable damage. Tests at the experimentalfarms of the Institut Technique de

    Développement de l'Agronomie Saharienne (ITDAS) under theguidance and support of the

    Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the INPV havemade it possible to find means

    of communication, and knowledge was transmitted to farmersthrough various field

    demonstrations. It is because of this fight that greenhouse cropproduction continues to exist. The

    main channels of information transfer are: 1) Technical and OpenDays: In collaboration with the

    agricultural associations and the various institutionsconcerned, INPV organizes technical days

    and demonstration days at its experimental station or at thelevel of the ITDAS. In addition, field

    visits are conducted by extension engineers at the level of thefarms with the farmers. During these

    trainings, the Institute used posters to illustrate the methodsof control and prevention. The

    dissemination is generally done by agricultural technicians andagricultural engineers. 2) The

    radio: Through radio broadcasts, the institute organizesawareness-raising and guidance sessions

    on the proper use of treatments for the disease, methods ofdetection and especially prevention

    techniques. These broadcasts are made 3 times a week and for onehour duration. 3) Mobile

    telephone communication: Farmers and participants are invited byphone to the technical days, the

    institute invites them by phone. Data collection and situationreports are most often carried out by

    phone calls interviews. The institute was able to master acrisis situation by adopting good

    communication methods, through which it networked with a greaternumber of actors. In Algeria,

    radio and mobile telephones are practically available for all,so intensifying extension through

    broadcasts is a good attempt. In addition, mobile telephones areaffordable. Online and social

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    media training is also a good learning method to be adopted inthe various agricultural training


    Private Sector

    Groupe Kherbouche is an agriculture consultancy firm andprovider of large agricultural

    equipment. It aims to expand its distribution network and itscustomer base. Its website

    ( and Facebook page offersfarmers all the information they

    need in the form of extension and material for sale. Emails arealso used but only with farmers

    having good levels of education, or the providers of inputs. Themobile phone remains the effective

    communication tool through which messages reach the highestnumber of targeted persons.

    The general secretary of Agricultural development and livestockcooperative Ouargla raised a

    big issue in convincing farmers to use ICT. With a firstattempt, they tried to activate a Facebook

    page to encourage farmers to follow the news,

    where Information on agricultural extension and other relevantinformation are posted. However,

    mobile telephones remain the most preferred means ofcommunication for farmers.

    Online Platform

    Institut Technique des Grandes Cultures (ITGC) – TechnicalInstitute for crops cultivation

    ( is a public administrative institutionunder the Ministry of Agriculture and

    Rural Development. It is a scientific and technical institute incharge of crop production and food

    security facing climatic risks.

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    Public Sector

    In 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the mobileextension initiative through cooperation

    with the Central Administration of Agriculture Extension, theAgricultural Research Center,

    Vodafone Telecom, and QuickServe advertising company. TheMinistry of Agriculture obtained

    farmers’ database from QuickServe which in turn broadcastsrecommendations to registered

    farmers. Vodafone Telecom offered lines to agriculturedirectorates, cooperatives and agricultural

    departments in selected governorates of the Republic. The lineswere then distributed to farmers.

    The telephone department of the Central Administration forAgricultural Extension takes the

    agricultural recommendations from the Agricultural ResearchCenter each month depending on

    the crop season and then asks QuickServe Company to send throughSMS the recommendations

    (including appropriate innovations, practices and weather news)to the farmers and extension

    agents. Future plans aim for hotline connections (two-waycommunication). As for voice calls, it

    is answered by subject matter specialists from the mobileextension service staff at the National


    In order to get a general overview of use of ICT, a number ofmeetings with resource persons and key

    informants of different levels and different professions wereconducted in order to have general

    information from key informants from different professions:

    - Director of Regularization and Development of AgriculturalProductions (DRDPA): Chérif


    - Head of Department at the National Chamber of Agriculture:Djeghboub Borhane Eddine

    - Communication Manager Groupe KHERBOUCHE: Hani Said

    - Agricultural development and livestock cooperative OuarglaHamdani Youcef

    - Head of Division National Institute of Plant Protection(INPV): Ben Salah Kamal

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    Research Center. In addition, a special webpage and a Facebookpage exist for sharing information.

    This service is provided at the normal call rate and the normalmessage price. The service is funded

    by the Ministry of Agriculture, and part of the cost of theservice is paid by the farmer in the form

    of a fee for the messages. This service is important since:information reaches the farmer without

    effort and without incurring the trouble of traveling andmoving; SMS messages allow farmers to

    share information among themselves; the service reaches as manyfarmers as possible; and it is

    possible to store messages on mobiles and therefore be areference to be used when needed.

    Private Sector

    The Bashaier platform, launched in 2016, is the firstAgriculture Digital Marketing Network in

    Egypt. It is one of the projects of the Knowledge EconomyFoundation in collaboration with the

    Research, Development and Innovation Program of the Ministry ofScientific Research and the

    Canadian International Development Research Center( Knowledge Economy

    Foundation (KEF) is an Egyptian NGO created by entrepreneurswith social business interests and

    by experts in ICT, business information, and agrifood to addressthe lack of knowledge

    management and dissemination at the core of Egypt’s developmentchallenges. Different

    partnerships have been established for this initiative includingpartnerships with the Agricultural

    Research Center (Climate Institute), Orange Telecom, the GeneralUnion of Producers and

    Exporters of Horticultural Crops (UPEHC), Microsoft, FoodIndustries Chamber, Faculty of

    Agriculture - Minia University, Société Générale de Surveillance- SGS (, and

    Borsa Merci Telematica Italiana ( The Bashaier

    ( is a digital platformaccessible through web/mobile

    combining technical and marketing information and presenting oneof the most important online

    marketplace for agriculture produce and input supplies, linkingfarmers to buyers. It offers small

    scale farmers access to market and technical information. Itoperates as third party independent

    facilitator linking small-scale farmers to market buyers. Itworks by establishing a Network of

    Village Entrepreneurs in partnership with selected Coops/NGOsand train them to manage

    alternative supply chains at local level and coordinate the bulkoffering of small farmers produce

    and the monitoring of contract farming. It is coupled withcapacity building on the principles of

    Farmers Producers Organizations (Indian model) which combinescooperatives as well as

    commercial functions; it covers capacity building on marketingprocedures and managing supply

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    contracts and support in developing and promoting marketingplans. The platform provides a

    permanent marketing link for small-scale farmers with the marketbuyers through analysis of each

    category of supply chain, and it develops corresponding manualprocedures to be followed by the

    Village Entrepreneurs and corresponding Coops/NGOs. The programstarted its first phase with

    16 pilot projects in two governorates, Beheira and Minia, withthe mapping of the most promising

    horticultural areas in the two governorates followed by theselection of the best NGOs and Coops

    to act as bulk contractors for the market buyers. This wasfollowed by the launching of the

    1st mobile service: “Prices on Egypt’s Wholesale HorticultureMarkets” in April 2015, in

    cooperation with “Mobinil” (Orange Group) using SMS and VoiceMail campaigns and adapted

    to the basic mobile sets models. In addition, a “Call Centre”with 4 digits number “7676” was

    customized to register interested small-scale farmers in theservice for the future technical and

    marketing support. This comprehensive marketing and technicalweb/smart phones platform

    includes 10 key services: online market place, horticulture inEgypt and Europe, small-scale

    farmers database, market buyers database, input suppliersdatabase, agriculture experts database,

    horticulture crop directory, agriculture projects directory,agriculture investors guide, horticulture

    export guide. The platform hence establishes regular two-wayscommunication between network

    of farmers associations and village entrepreneurs, small-scalefarmers and exporters, processors,

    retail chains, input suppliers, agronomists and banks/MicroFinance Institutions. It also enables

    small farmers groups to focus on good agricultural practices,while relying on Bashaier marketing

    platform to handle the marketing aspects. Part of this serviceis funded by organizations, but to

    ensure sustainability of services, the farmer pays asubscription of 8 pounds/month or 30

    piasters/day for information on daily market prices, climateinformation, agricultural extension,

    crop sale offers, purchase of production supplies, reception ofpurchase orders, sales offers by

    SMS, and offers of sales and purchases (via the mobile and theinternet). Another subscription is

    1 pound/day or 25 pounds/month to add the analysis of marketprices, access to all the data on the

    Bashaeir website, requests for crops purchase, and the sale ofproduction inputs. This service is

    significant as it: ensures sustainability of the project sincethe service is paid; allows connectivity

    between all parts of the supply chain; helps small farmers tomarket their crops at the best prices

    and do not leave it to the greed of traders and intermediaries;enables illiterate farmers or those

    unable to use ICT tools to call the short service number ofOrange Company allowing the employee

    to assist the farmer in registration; helps companies andfactories ensure the supply of their crops;

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    and helps to exploit the tools of information technology whichhas achieved a high rate of use in

    the recent period.

    Studies indicate that about half of Egyptians have access tosatellite channels on a regular basis,

    while the other half have an irregular access. Egypt is coveredby five local channels in Cairo,

    Ismailia, Tanta, Alexandria and Assiut, most of which provideagricultural and rural shows within

    its programs. Egypt Agricultural Channel was inaugurated inSeptember 2011, a self-funded

    channel targeting the quality of rural life through the human,economic, social, cultural and health

    aspects of the rural environment. Kabcha2 (2016) found that 110farmers (22%) from the study

    sample of 500 respondents were exposed to the Egypt agriculturalchannel. The reasons for not

    being exposed to the channel were lack of knowledge of theexistence of the channel, preference

    for watching other satellite channels, poor transmission of theEgypt Agricultural channel, lack of

    knowledge of the frequency of the channel, preoccupation andlack of free time. Most farmers

    watched the channel at a rate of 1-2 hours per day that focused(100%) on agricultural extension

    programs. In addition, the channel has a website( which includes the most

    important news and guidelines, the list of programs and theirdates of transmission, recorded

    agricultural displays, news of conferences and meetings,etc.

    The most important agricultural radio programs and broadcaststations include: 1) The “Talking

    Journal (الجريدة الناطقة): a radio program broadcasting anagricultural program on the most important

    strategic crops on a daily basis at 8:00 pm. 2) “Agriculture andDevelopment” (الزراعة والتنمية): a

    radio program that informs farmers about different agriculturaldevelopment programs and

    agricultural solutions. It is broadcasted on a weekly basis onCairo Radio. 3) “Our country's

    services” (خدمات بلدنا): a radio program that broadcaststraining seminars daily at 6:50 am. 4) "Dear

    farmer" (عزيزي المزارع): a radio program that arranges meetingswith farmers and officials about

    the most important agricultural issues and broadcasts extensionannouncements daily at 10:40 am

    and at 7:30 pm on the Greater Cairo Radio. 5) “A moment please”(لحظة من فضلك): a radio program

    that broadcasts guided calls at 2:10 pm and 4:10 pm on GreaterCairo Radio. 6) “Public meeting”

    ( جماهيري لقاء ): a radio program that broadcast meetingsbetween the masses interested in agricultural

    2 Kabcha, A.M. , 2016 (PhD letter), Analytical Study of theExtension Role of Agricultural Satellite Channels, Faculty ofa*griculture, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Saudi Arabia

    )رسالة دكتوراه(، دراسة تحليلية للدور اإلرشادى للقنوات الفضائيةالزراعية، كلية الزراعة، جامعة المنصورة، 6102عطية محمد كبشة، دعاءالسيد المنصورة، ج.م.ع.

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    fields and officials to discuss the most important agriculturalevents and on the air every Sunday

    and Wednesday at 12:00 noon on the Central Delta Radio. 7)“Egypt today” (مصر اليوم): a radio

    program broadcasting seminars and important technicalrecommendations of agriculture on a daily

    basis at 7:00 pm. 8) “Extension information” (معلومات إرشادية):a radio program broadcasting the

    most important daily agricultural recommendations of the mostimportant agricultural crops and

    agricultural areas. It is broadcasted daily at 7:55 am on theGreater Cairo Radio. 9) “Overview at

    four” (موجز الساعة الرابعة): a radio program broadcasting at4:00 pm, 8 episodes per month on the

    General Radio.

    Al-Ahram Agricultural Gate is a specialized weekly newspaperwith a long history. It publishes

    everything related to agriculture and rural Egypt. In additionto Egyptian and international news

    and reports, it publishes meetings, research, health reports,advisory guidelines, job opportunities,

    new ideas and lessons learned from projects. It also has awebsite ( which

    includes an archive of previous topics.

    The study found that the means of communication technology usedin the extension work in the

    governorate of North Sinai were respectively: mobile phone(85.7%), agricultural research and

    extension network (48.6%), international information network(42.9%), e-mail (31.4%), expert

    farming systems (25.7%), and voice-messages (11.4%). Therelative importance of the use of these

    media for the transmission of the extension recommendationsranked as follows: mobile phone

    (86.18%), agricultural research and extension network (26.32%),expert farming systems

    (13.82%), e-mail (3.29%), and International Information Network(1.32%).

    The two pesticides and agrochemicals companies Syngenta andShoura have been relying on

    different ICT tools to reach farmers to provide information andpromote their products since 2012

    and 2013 respectively. These ICT tools include: SMS messages,voice calls, a short customer

    service number, the company's websites( and ), and Facebook pages wherethe company's experts

    answer technical farmers' inquiries. In addition, farmers andsales representatives rely on mobile

    phone and computer connected to the Internet. In thesecompanies, a technical support unit updates

    information, and design advice based on field trials anddemonstration plots. The companies send

    SMS to the farmers on important agricultural advice. Themessages also include the short phone

    number for customer service allowing farmers to inquire aboutany problem. Through this service,

    farmers get agricultural information and warnings about theweather and the dates of agriculture

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    and the emergence of some diseases and pests with the nominationof the most important pesticides

    company, and the companies reach the largest customer base andthus achieve the required sales,

    and overcome the weakness of the number of sales representativesof the company. The companies

    organize agricultural extension seminars for farmers duringwhich a registration form is distributed

    to the farmers to fill personal data. Data includes: name offarmer, mobile phone number, name of

    the center/branch of the company, the village, and 3 crops asper farmer’s preference. In addition,

    Syngenta partners with an advertising company to obtain thefarmers' database. The cost of the

    service is covered by the companies as part of their advertisingstrategy. This cost is compensated

    by increased sales. Receiving SMS messages is free of charge,and the voice call service is charged

    at a regular minute price however it is judged cost-effective.These services are significant since

    information reaches the farmer without effort and withoutincurring the trouble of traveling and

    moving; large broadcast of information is possible; and travelfor the delegates of the company to

    reach farmers costs less.

    Online Platforms

    Kenana Online Community Development Portal( is a project established

    by the efforts of The Ministry of Communications and InformationTechnology to increase

    community integration using ICTs aiming at: empowering rural andmarginalized communities

    through development projects and raising awareness of benefitsof ICTs; promoting development

    in rural and marginalized areas through application oftechnology solutions to establish an

    integrated sustainable development model; empowering womenthrough illiteracy eradication

    programs; and improving services in education and healthcare andsupporting SMEs. It is available

    in Arabic language.

    KarmSolar ( is a solar technology andintegration company that delivers

    innovative solar solutions to the agricultural, industrial,tourism and business sectors. Since its

    founding in 2011, KarmSolar has been Egypt’s largest privateoff-grid solar energy integrator,

    with exceptional experience in developing its award winninghigh-capacity solar pumping stations,

    including the region’s largest off-grid Hybrid Pumping &Irrigation System (147 kW). KarmSolar

    also offers MW-scale off-grid solar energy stations andgrid-connected utility-scale installations.

    Committed to R&D and innovation, its goal is tocommercialize sustainability, enabling businesses

    to gain from an increase in productivity whilst benefiting from,and protecting, the environment.

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    Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institute(AERDRI)

    ( established in 1977.

    AERDRI conducts applied research in the fields of agriculturalextension, rural community

    development, and rural home economics. The overall objective isto communicate the results of

    such studies to policy-makers and to assist them in providingbetter extension service that

    contributes to Egypt’s sustainable agricultural development. Itis available in English and Arabic


    Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)( was

    established in 1970, upon the desire of the Arab countries.Realizing the vital role of agriculture

    within the region's economy, the Arab countries recognized theneed for coordination between

    their different policies in agriculture, natural and humanresources as well as economic

    development, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of a fullyintegrated Arab economies. It is

    available in Arabic and English languages.


    The study revealed that the use of ICT services in Jordan isoften irregular, except in the formal

    framework of the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Centerfor Agricultural Research and

    Extension, and some institutions dealing with agriculturaleducation, such as universities, where

    the agricultural information is archived and recorded by pressreports, short televised interviews,

    and broadcasting radio programs on a daily or periodic basis andas required by the official and


    This study includes a detailed analysis of some successful casesof ICT use for small farm

    households. A questionnaire was used to collect the requireddata and information through a

    personal interview of two officials in each area. The study datawere collected during February

    and March 2017. The questionnaire included two sets of guidingquestions:

    - The first set of questions helped identifying main trends inthe use of ICTs and RCS in

    the region and share experiences on the use of ICTs, communitymedia and other RCS in

    support of agriculture and rural development.

    - The second set of questions helped identifying a way forwardto improve the use of ICTs

    and rural communication services in the NENA region - with theultimate aim of

    supporting smallholder family farming.

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    private television stations and channels. The media mostlydepends on interviews with experts,

    technicians, people concerned and press reports. Early WarningSystem and Knowledge Stations

    has been launched in addition to the use of social networkingtools such as WhatsApp and

    Facebook by research institutions and many people interested inthe agricultural sector. But this is

    not done through a certain methodology or planning, and theoutcome of this work and the impact

    obtained are limited.

    Agricultural extension methods used include: 1) Text messagesthrough mobile phones, especially

    in the case of frost and heat waves. The messages are usuallysent via groups on WhatsApp and

    Facebook among farmers and extension agents to exchangeexperiences and information. This

    process is applied through private mobile phones or extensionsites of the extension department on

    Facebook or through a direct hotline; 2) Short agriculturalmessages on the local TV news relative

    to the agricultural seasons; 3) Social media (Facebook),YouTube, photography; and 4) Periodic

    magazines and newspapers. In some areas, IT centers allowfarmers to use computers to obtain

    information. In general, technicians and extension workerscommunicate with each other using

    social media such as Facebook, e-mail, and WhatsApp. Inaddition, courses are usually held for

    agricultural extension workers to train them on the usage ofinformation technology in order to

    document agricultural work and records of agricultural land andpractices for each farm (The

    records are prepared by the Research and Extension Departmentand distributed to the farmers).

    Some organizations use electronic training via Skype, and onecase has been monitored where a

    group of farmers and stakeholders in Gaza / Palestine have beentrained.

    Farmers' experiences are documented through: reports and fieldvisits; photography clips showing

    the nature of the activity or technology that would be presentedin the periodic technical meetings

    and seminars; radio interviews or illustrated agriculturalprograms; the website of the National

    Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan Radio and Television andprivate stations; publications

    that include success stories for rural women and farmers (casestudies are published on the social

    networking sites and the Agricultural Research and ExtensionDepartment website

    (; and social networkingpages, by uploading short

    videos on social media. There is a reluctance in financingdocumentation on agriculture in the

    projects due to budget limitation and incompetence in the fieldof knowledge management.

    Moreover, there is a reluctance in sharing knowledge that wouldnot be acknowledged.

  • 15

    Knowledge in Jordan is shared through: 1) Extension visits tofarmers by extension service

    providers; 2) photography, recording and presentation of shortinstructional films for new

    agricultural techniques and success stories in variousagricultural branches during the orientation

    meetings; 3) media coverage for agricultural activities; 4)television broadcasting: TV news reports

    about exhibitions and agricultural festivals such as the “olivefestival” and “guava festival” and

    other agricultural events such as the celebration of the treefestival; in addition to reports on

    agricultural information and methods (ex: ( المبيدات الزراعية-برنامج سواعد اإلنقاذ ) “Pest Control

    Program- Agricultural Pesticides”;5) social networking

    pages such as Facebook and WhatsApp for institutions, farmers,associations, initiatives and

    activities; and 6) printed extension material.

    Public Sector

    The Ministry of Agriculture, through the Extension Department,notifies farmers of emergency

    situations related to weather and pest outbreaks by sendingmessages through WhatsApp or

    Facebook and through radio and television broadcasts.

    The National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension(NCARE), receiving its core funding

    from the government, is responsible for: organizing agriculturalresearch and extension plans for

    sustainable development; adopting the latest agriculturaltechniques for local conditions;

    disseminating appropriate technologies to farmers throughextension agents; enhancing knowledge

    and improving skills of researchers and extension agents througheducation and training activities;

    conducting socio- economic studies; evaluating the effect ofeconomic factors on agricultural

    production; and capacity building of researchers and extensionagents in collaboration with local,

    national and international partners and providing training andcross-learning opportunities in order

    to better address agricultural development problems. NCAREwebsite (

    and Facebook pageالمركز-الوطني-للبحث-واالرشاد-الزراعي

    5467199966659971/ share important information on agriculturalexperiments and best practices.

    In addition, in some of the typical farms, field activities arebeing implemented for the training of

    farmers where crops such as strawberry and production ofseedlings are being demonstrated. These

    experiments are documented and published on NCARE Facebookpage.المركز-الوطني-للبحث-والارشاد-الزراعي-1794566693902245/المركز-الوطني-للبحث-والارشاد-الزراعي-1794566693902245/

  • 16

    Agricultural extension units do not have any organized andcomplete electronic database,

    especially for small farmers; therefore, it is difficult toreach them and send information. These

    information are available with those who work in the fieldincluding extension agronomists and

    engineers. The Directorate of Agricultural Information andManagement in collaboration with the

    Training Directorate at the National Center for AgriculturalResearch and Extension train farmers

    on farm records and documentation of all agricultural practicesto estimate the financial benefits

    of the farm and monitor agricultural operations. The NationalCenter for Agricultural Research

    and Extension, in cooperation with Jordan Telecom Companies, hascreated a database that is still

    limited by sending SMS on warnings of frost and hightemperatures. These messages are sent free

    of charge to farmers.

    The radio broadcasts on the official Jordanian radio a programentitled "With the Farmer" and the

    local radio stations broadcast weekly agricultural programs,evening and daily morning programs,

    through which the farmer can obtain information, guidance,techniques and modern methods in

    agriculture, both plant and animal production. These programs aswell highlight the role of projects

    and activities in serving farmers and women and reveal successstories for farmers, both men and

    women, and deliver their voice and demands.

    Private Sector

    The collective approach of farmer field schools has been appliedin several major agricultural

    areas in Jordan, particularly the Jordan Valley, within theframework of a regional program

    entitled "Regional Program for Integrated Pest Management (IPM)"funded by the Italian

    Government and implemented by FAO in collaboration with theMinistry of Agriculture. The

    program started in 2004 and terminated at the end of December2012. The total number of

    beneficiaries was about 3,000 farmers. It worked to promotelocal adaptation to integrated crop

    management mechanisms and local agricultural products. Theimportance and results of these

    farmer field schools are documented on the Good Practices inAgriculture website



    Online Platforms

  • 17

    African – Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO)

    ( is anon-political body enjoys observer

    status with various UN and other international organizationslike Food and Agriculture

    Organization (FAO), International Fund for AgriculturalDevelopment (IFAD), United Nations

    Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United NationsEducational, Scientific and

    Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP),

    International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), Centre on IntegratedRural Development for Asia and

    the Pacific (CIRDAP), etc. It also promotes collaboration withvarious international

    organizations for the economic and social welfare of the ruralcommunity. It is available in

    Arabic, English and French languages.

    National Agricultural Information System (NAIS)(http://www.nais- a national

    platform for Information dissemination and knowledge sharing andexchange for Agricultural

    Research and Development (ARD) for target groups andstakeholders in Jordan. It is available in

    Arabic and English languages.


    Public Sector

    Around 28 centers of advisory services in Lebanon communicatewith farmers directly by phone

    to reply to the farmers’ concerns and give them advice. Theyorganize seminars and farmer field

    schools often linked to externally funded projects and theyinform and invite farmers in their region

    by sending them SMS messages. These SMS are sent through thedirectorate of the ministry of

    agriculture (there are 5 directorates) based on an email requestby the center of advisory service

    who provides the content of the message and the list of phonenumbers to be reached. However,

    the budget is limited to 2000-3000 SMS per year, and many agentshave no mobile phones. The

    ministry had one project where they used to send SMS to farmers,but the only success ICT tool


    In order to study the use of ICT in Jordan, severalinstitutions, companies

    and associations, including the Ministry of Agriculture and theNational

    Center for Agricultural Research and Extension (NCARE), were

    interviewed as main centers for agricultural extensionservices.

  • 18

    has been the LARI SMS messages and currently the App LARI-LEB.In addition, the ministry has

    a farmer record for grapes farmers and a list of farmers percenter.

    The Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) is agovernmental organization under the

    Minister of Agriculture Supervision. The institute conductsapplied and basic scientific research

    for the development and advancement of the agricultural sectorin Lebanon. In addition, the

    Institute keeps close ties with the farmers and tries to developresearch activities aiming at solving

    their problems. It has 8 different experimental stations (TelAmara, Tourbol, Kfardan,

    Kfarchakhna, Abdeh, Sour, Fanar, Lebaa) located in agriculturalareas. Research Projects are

    conducted in the stations through its different agriculturaldepartments and laboratories. The

    Department of Irrigation and Agro-Meteorology (DIAM) isresponsible for maintaining the

    network of sixty weather stations all over Lebanon. The weatherstations are currently covering

    almost every microclimate zone in Lebanon. The Departmentcollects all the information from the

    stations, stores the climatic data and checks its accuracy. In2009, LARI introduced a short message

    system (SMS) to send early warming to farmers in Lebanon.Farmers received daily warming on

    irrigation water advices and requirements, early warning systemsfor pests and diseases (in

    collaboration with the other departments), drought events andweather forecast in direct relation

    to agriculture. In 2015, a smart phone application (LARI-LEB )available on apple and android

    was introduced that provides the farmers with the sameinformation also maintained by DIAM.

    LARI has now more than 3000 registered farmers and more than14000 subscribers to this service

    via SMS, smartphone and web-based application. However, manyfarmers are reluctant to use the

    application as they do not find applications practicalespecially due to their low experience in using

    such technologies. In addition, LARI has two specializedsoftwares specific to the analysis of data

    for potato and apple crops respectively. This enables LARI tosend alert messages based on

    weather data and analyzed by the system to give timely andaccurate advice and messages to the

    farmers. However, these messages are only accurate for theregion covered by the weather stations

    and not always relevant to areas with a specificmicro-climate.

    Private Sector

    Pesticides and fertilizers companies share information regularlythrough their Facebook pages.

    They get in direct contact with farmers through theirrepresentatives in the field who are agriculture

    engineers and give direct advice to the farmers and respond totheir phone calls.

  • 19

    Mada Association ( is an active non-profitorganization for development in the

    North Lebanon since 2004. A recent project funded by theEuropean Union supported 133 apple

    growers in Akkar to build their capacity on good agriculturalpractices. The project installed a

    weather station in the area where the apple growers are presentand commissioned LARI to send

    alert SMS to 300 farmers on weather forecast, pest outbreaks,and expected diseases, with

    instructions on the required control and preventive measures. InDecember 2016, this service was

    evaluated among 75 beneficiaries of which only 29% use the LARILeb application; all

    beneficiaries receiving SMS messages from LARI-MADA aresatisfied and prefer it compared to

    the LARI-LEB App. Early warning on pest outbreaks and time ofspraying were selected as the

    most useful information received. The advantage of this serviceis that the messages were specific

    to the geographical location of the farmers and was serving themdirectly.

    The Georges N. Frem Foundation (GNFF)( is a

    Lebanese non-profit organization established in 1997. Itsmission is to improve the economic

    prosperity and quality of life of the Lebanese people throughthe implementation of effective

    programs targeting economic, agriculture, education andcommunity development. Since its

    inception, GNFF has assisted growers across Lebanon to modernizetheir orchards and provided

    them with technical assistance on good agricultural practices toensure the production of safe and

    healthy products. In 2009, GNFF pioneered in launching the SMSmobile phone service to growers

    as part of its extension program from its own budget. Theagriculture team at GNFF regularly

    sends through SMS messages relevant and timely advice on propercultural practices (pest control,

    fertilization, irrigation, etc.…) to more than 1,000 growersspread in Lebanon and who took part

    of the trainings implemented by the foundation. Growers are alsoprovided with a hotline number

    to contact the team members and get the needed advice. Somegrowers also communicate with the

    team via email. More recently and in view of the widespread ofmobile apps, GNFF started to

    connect with the growers via WhatsApp. Moreover, a monthlyinformative newsletter is sent to

    the growers in a form of a link in addition to invitations toworkshops and events. Growers also

    use this app to consult with the engineers on urgent symptomsthat cannot await the scheduled

    field visit. GNFF believes in the role that ICT can play instrengthening the linkages between the

    growers, engineers and new research and will always strive touse new technologies that are

    convenient for the growers to transfer appropriateknowledge.

  • 20


    The use of community communication is common acrossorganizations and many individuals in

    Palestine, but knowledge production is not done in a systematicmanner and may be weak. The

    impact of use of these tools has not been evaluated so far. Theextension tools used include: radio

    programs; TV meetings; text messaging through mobile phones;social media; YouTube;

    photography and news press. Farmers’ experiences are usuallydocumented through the website

    of the Palestinian radio, television and other Palestinianstations, social networking pages, and

    sites of the General Directorate for Guidance and RuralDevelopment. Knowledge in Palestine is

    shared through 1) individual visits; 2) short informative filmsduring extension meetings (these

    movies showcase new agricultural techniques and success storiesthat pertain to various branches

    to agriculture); 3) media coverage (radio, television,documents) for group and individual

    activities; 4) TV broadcasts showcasing reports, exhibitions andall sorts of agricultural related

    events; 5) distribution of the "Agricultural calendar"; and 6)Facebook pages to promote

    institutions and people. There are no studies conducted toassess the percentages of farmers that

    have access to the internet or are interested in watchingtelevision or listening to radio broadcasts.

    When it comes to mobile phones (dial-up connection or mobilenetworks), a number of

    communication companies reaches the majority of farmers inPalestine except for the areas

    occupied by the Israeli regime and dominated Israeli lines andconnectivity, hence hindering the

    spread of timely information through text messages. Through theuse of different social platforms

    such as Facebook and the internet, a farmer can get in contactwith agriculture extension officers.

    In addition, he would be able to browse the official website ofthe Ministry of Agriculture and

    other institutions to access extension material. This can beachieved through the use of mobile

    phones or laptops owned by farmers. However, no studies havebeen done in this regard. Access

    of small-scale farmers to information and knowledge is hinderedby: the location of some farmers

    near the borders or in remote areas where access to the internetor transmission signal of mobile

    phones is weak; or interrupted electricity (case of Gaza). Theprocess of storing data is done

    through individual initiatives or by institutions and usuallynot shared. The only source of statistics

    is generated by the Palestinian Central Bureau of statistics,and it only covers general indicators.

    Public Sector

  • 21

    The use of information and communication technology in Palestineis often irregular, except in the

    Ministry of Agriculture Information Department, where theagricultural knowledge is documented

    in press reports, media coverage and radio broadcasts. This isdone periodically and based on the

    needs of official and private radio stations.

    The National Strategy for Agricultural Extension aims to empowerfarmers by expanding the

    exchange of information and transfer of knowledge and skills andchanging their behaviors in order

    to help them manage their resources efficiently. The strategyaims to do all this in the context of

    environmental conservation. However, in all strategies (for theagricultural sector, extension, olive

    sector) there were no clear indications of agriculturalknowledge sharing, neither on the strategic

    objective level nor in regards to policies or interventions. TheMinistry of Agriculture provide the

    only examples from Palestine. However, its efficiency cannot beproven due to the lack of

    evaluation to assess viewers’ ratings, the specific audience andfollowers. At present, the

    Agriculture Directorate has no electronic database. Informationavailable at the regional level is

    partially stored as administrative files, making agriculturalinformation available at the district and

    village level limited and insufficient.

    Farmers’ experiences are documented through radio interviews orvideoed interviews upon the

    possibilities available for farmers, in addition to reportingand documenting the success stories and

    new agricultural techniques and disseminating them on theagricultural channel of the Director of

    the Department of Agricultural Media

    Knowledge is shared in the Ministry of Agriculture through theDepartment of Agricultural Media

    that follows the General Extension Directorate through: 1)Sharing specific agricultural news; for


    32975&type=3&pnref=story. 2) Presenting shortinstructional films for new agricultural

    techniques and success stories in various agricultural branchesduring the extension meetings. 3)

    Media coverage of group and individual activities. 4)Demonstration of reportages on exhibitions

    and agricultural festivals carried out by the directorates ofa*griculture "Guava Festival, Grape

    Festival, Cherry Festival...." on TV. 5) Press coverage of localand international agricultural

    exhibitions and participation in provincial exhibitions. 6)Media coverage of various awareness

    campaigns based on agricultural seasons and in cases of hazardsfacing agricultural practice "rain,

    floods, frost, heat, diseases on agricultural crops orlivestock". 7) Sending text messages via cell

  • 22

    phones to warn, guide and educate farmers, with more than 17,000registered people on the

    agricultural media list. 8) Displaying agricultural radioprograms through official radio and local

    radio stations. 9) Social networking pages and sites of theGeneral Directorate for Extension and

    Rural Development; examples: How to protect your farm and animalwealth from frost...;;

    Agricultural Calendar; Agricultural

    guidelines; Theimpact of high temperatures

    on the agricultural sectorHttps://; Agricultural


    Agricultural guidelines on plants used for decorations; Bee-keeping

    In addition, the Department of Agricultural Media in theMinistry of Agriculture works on

    publishing new techniques and how the farmer can apply them, andclarify through a reportage or

    a short extension film the extent of the farmer’s application ofthis technology and its impact on

    production. This reportage would be uploaded to YouTube and thefollowing examples illustrate

    this: Short video on: Pollination of vegetables, origin, taste,method, incubation and reproduction; Short video aboutcompost manufacturing

    units in the Jordan Valley areaHttps://; Video on

    breastfeeding made locally for small babiesHttps://;

    Video about olive trimming in West Line Areas; Palestinian GreenGold Project and program from

    the field Https://; and The‘beautiful patience plant’

    and information about itHttps:// The Department

    of Agricultural Media documents as well farmers' success andresilience stories, communicating

    their voices to officials, and finding solutions to theirconcerns, for example: Farmer Jihad Sarras

    from Khallet Afana, Bethlehem Governorate: Story of commitmentand success

    Https://; VegetablePollination: The success story of

    farmer Iyad Maluh Https://; Asuccessful

    agricultural project, Mrs. Sabha Abu SousinHttps://;

    and a Successful story on how to manufacture liquid soap: SabhaDouha


  • 23

    The Department of Agricultural Information in the GeneralAdministration for extension and Rural

    Development, at the Ministry of Agriculture in collaborationwith the Palestinian

    Telecommunications Company "Jawwal", has carried out a programthrough which extension alert

    messages are sent notifying users about high or low temperaturesor the impact of particular pests.

    These messages were delivered through a computerized program, atthe Department of

    Agricultural Information in the Directorate General forExtension and Rural Development, to more

    than 17 thousand beneficiaries registered on the agriculturalmedia list. These included farmers

    and rural women, associations, nurseries, beneficiaries ofprojects, fishermen, private enterprises,

    agricultural extension officers, and ministry employees. Theservice was free of charge. In

    addition, radio programs are broadcasted through the officialradio station "Voice of Palestine"

    and local radio stations. They transmit weekly agriculturalprograms, during both the evening and

    the morning, allowing farmers to obtain information, knowledge,techniques and best practices.

    For example, an agricultural radio program "AgriculturalMessages" is now being displayed on

    the official “Voice of Palestine” radio, enabling theagricultural advisor and the agricultural expert

    to direct the extension letter based on the agriculturalseasons. The farmer can send messages to

    the official or other farmers. These programs are prepared andsubmitted free of charge by the staff

    of the Department of Agricultural Information.

    Private Sector

    Some organizations use text messages with the beneficiaries ofsome projects. For example,

    American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) sends to 70 farmersmessages and information about

    food security projects in a specific area.

    Daily radio programs are broadcasted such as "with the farmer”,broadcasted by the official radio

    station "Voice of Palestine", and the "Blessed Land" programbroadcasted on the Holy Quran radio

    / Nablus. Through these programs, daily communication withfarmers and citizens are established

    in order to raise awareness and give proper advice concerningvarious agricultural fields and

    common disease between humans and animals.

  • 24


    Public Sector

    The General Directorate of Agricultural Extension of theMinistry of Agriculture launched in 2009

    and for the first time the mobile Agricultural ExtensionService, known as the Mobile Agriculture

    Service, to support farmers with agricultural news andinformation in different agricultural fields

    in a simple and timely manner. SMS messages are sent for free onan average of 15 messages per

    month from the Central Administration of Agricultural Extensionunder the supervision of a group

    of experts (subject matter specialists). The service waslaunched through two telecommunications

    companies, Zain and Sudani. The General Directorate ofTechnology Transfer and Extension

    initiated the transfer of extension material through thisservice. A contract was signed with Datanet

    for the implementation of the program, which aims to involveproducers through individual contact

    on a 4-digit short number 1519 to provide him with technical andmarket information.

    Private Sector

    The Sudan Integrated Food Security Information Program (SIFSIA)program, funded by the

    European Union, is implemented by the Food and AgricultureOrganization of the United Nations

    (FAO) in cooperation with key national institutions in Northernand Southern Sudan. It is a Mobile

    Market Information System to help farmers in getting bettermarket deals; and traders in making


    To study the use of information and communication technology inPalestine, eight institutions and

    companies were interviewed as the main providers of agriculturalextension services:

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Arab Agricultural Development society (PARC)

    Applied Research Institute –Jerusalem (ARIJ)

    Union Agricultural Working Committees (UAWC)

    MAAN Development Center (MAAN)

    Economic and Social Development Center of Palestine (ESDC)

    Meqdadi Agricultural Company

    AlJunaidi Agricultural Company

  • 25

    decisions about what, where and when they can buy and sell. Italso provides policy makers with

    the information they need to make markets more efficient andguide researchers with lines of action

    for applied market research. SIFSIA works with the government toenhance its ability to manage

    existing information systems in the market and to strengthentheir capacity to produce, analyze

    and disseminate food security information. In the meantime, theyare working together to build

    more modern systems and strengthen public-private partnershipsto make them sustainable.

    In addition to mobile services, the radio plays an importantrole as an ICT tool in Sudan. FM 95

    addresses agricultural issues and related problems that are ofimportance to the population. It

    transmits news and urgent alerts through the following programs:i) daily program on agriculture

    news (3 minutes news); ii) weekly (every Sunday) agriculturejournal broadcasting a specific

    educational topic; and iii) weekly (every Monday) extensionagriculture program.

    In an attempt to compare the two preceding tools, the radio andthe SMS, it is revealed that radio

    programs are considered the best system in Sudan due to the highilliteracy among the farmers and

    the wide coverage by radio waves especially that the FM coversall parts of Sudan and uses local

    dialects. The system of SMS by mobile is a good system in thedelivery of agricultural information,

    mainly prices, but the system is used by a small proportion offarmers due to the high rate of


    Country Level Platforms

    The Sudanese Agricultural Extension Site( is the official site of the

    General Directorate of Technology Transfer and Extension of theMinistry of Agriculture and

    Forestry. The site provides its information services to theworkers in the agricultural sector, the

    farmers and the companies.

    Kenana Online ( isconsidered one of the most

    important information portals visited by students, researchersand workers in the agricultural

    sector. It is an Egyptian based portal and has a special pagefor Sudan (

    It is one of the important interactive portals in the deliveryof agricultural information and includes

    a number of websites (the site of agricultural extension andlivestock and the project of upgrading

    and development of the Ministry of Agriculture State of NorthKordofan).


  • 26

    Public Sector

    In 2013, the National Institute for Agricultural Research inTunis (INRAT or Institut National de

    Recherche Agronomique de Tunis), in collaboration with theRegional Commissariat for

    Agricultural Development (CRDA de Siliana), established a pilotremote communication system

    through SMS for farmers who cultivate grains and forage. Thissystem targeted at first 50 farmers

    and expanded to reach 160 farmers in 2016. The number ofbeneficiaries is still low compared to

    the total number of farmers (around 20,300 individuals) of which60% are small land owners with

    areas that do not exceed 10ha. The service is supposed to bereaching 1000 farmers in 2017. This

    service aims to increase productivity, by improving thetechnical capabilities of grain and forage

    farmers in Siliana. The SMS messages are free and are addressedto large, middle, and small scale

    farmers and to 30 extension agents. They include information onthe adjustment of the seed drill

    to ensure an adequate application rate for seeds andfertilizers; the treatment of seeds against fungal

    diseases and weed seeds; the appropriate and timely use ofphosphate (P2O5) and ammonium

    nitrate fertilizers; the prevention of fungal disease incidence;the maintenance and adjustment of

    some parts of combined harvesters to avoid grain losses; theprevention of field fires; and

    invitations to attend capacity building events. This ICT servicewill be further developed to include

    irrigation advice to increase the productivity of irrigatedcrops. However, this requires the use of

    smart-phones, technical and financial assets and agriculturalequipment, which are not always

    available or affordable for small scale farmers.

    The CRDA Siliana also relies on broadcasting voice messagesthrough a loud speaker set on a car

    and visiting the agriculture areas to alert from diseaseoutbreaks and veterinary care and other


    As for the dairy breeders, they use mobile phones more often asthey need to communicate with

    the experts by phone calls or SMS messages regarding matterssuch as artificial insemination and

    veterinary care at the CRDA – Siliana (OBP3 2017). This tool isconsidered the most effective and

    most used by around 60 to 70% of dairy breeders.

    3 Office of Breeding of Pastures (OBP), 2017, Annual report ofthe activity of the Regional Commissariat for AgriculturalDevelopment in Siliana, entitled 2016

    التقرير السنوي لنشاط ، 6102الجمهورية التونسية وزارة الفالحةوالموارد المائية والصيد البحري المندوبية الجهوية للتنمية الفالحيةبسليانة، " ."2016المندوبية الجهوية للتنمية الفالحية بسليانة بعنوانسنة

  • 27

    In addition, the agency for extension and agriculture educationAVFA (Agence de Vulgarization

    et de formation Agricole develops radio andtelevision

    programs that are broadcasted during specific seasons to raiseawareness on plant pest, disease

    control and animal health care. This initiative is funded by theministry of agriculture.

    Private Sector

    Some agricultural cooperatives use websites and/or Facebook topromote their services and

    innovations in the agricultural sector such as the GDA(Groupements de Développement Agricole)

    ( and the SMSA (La SociétéMutuelle des Services

    Agricoles de Majel Bel Abbès). The latter was established in1999 and works in the region of

    Magel Bel Abbas for organic production of pistachio, almonds anolive oil; it has a website and a

    facebook page to share information (;


    Suppliers, entrepreneurs and engineers rely on emails, SMSmessages and websites to access

    information related to market, technology and agriculturepractices.


    The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) issignificant for ensuring farmers’

    access to information which is crucial for their development. Inaddition, ICTs contribute to

    reducing gender imbalances in agricultural extension andinformation services for rural women in

    this region. Rural women do not meet agricultural extensionworkers, especially when they are

    mostly male, and rural women do not participate in meetings ortrainings. Information will be

    available to these women through ICTs. Radio and televisionprograms for rural women especially

    in the field of home gardens and food industries must besupported.


    - A questionnaire targeting a group of agricultural extensionworkers, big, medium and small scale farmers

    - Interview with agriculture extension agents and farmers -Meeting with heads of agricultural extension centers affiliated tothe Regional

    Commissariat for Agricultural Development in Siliana. - Reviewof annual reports of three development institutions: a)Regional

    Commissariat for Agricultural Development in Siliana, b) Branchof the Bureau of Livestock Breeding and the Provision of Pastureand c) National Institute of Agriculture in Abu Salem

    - Online research for reports related to ICT

  • 28

    Stakeholders and employees in the agricultural sector in theNENA region are realizing more the

    importance of ICTs for rural communities; in Jordan for example,stakeholders are valuing the role

    of ICTs in the social and economic development and genderequality. Therefore, ICTs services

    have been offered in this region including mainly phone calls,SMS, online portals, TV and radio

    shows initiated by governmental organizations or publicinstitutes or through a collaboration

    between both public and private sectors. Phone calls and SMS areconsidered in many countries

    of the most successful tools used such as in Tunisia where 60 to70% dairy breeders use this tool.

    However, surveys have revealed that application of ICTs stillfaces considerable challenges in

    many countries in the NENA region specially that it requires theuse of technical and financial

    assets, not always available or affordable for small-scalefarmers. In Jordan and Palestine for

    example, some agricultural areas do not receivetelecommunications network or receive a weak

    network because of their remote location such as the southernJordan Valley and Gaza respectively.

    The Online Discussion Forum and Survey on Improving ICTsolutions and rural communication

    services for small-scale family farmers (2016) and the studiesconducted in 7 countries (Algeria,

    Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, and Tunisia) in theperiod extending from January

    through June 2017, revealed that the high prevalence ofilliteracy among farmers presents a major

    constraint as well usually resulting in the young generationmost using such services. In addition,

    ICTs services providers suffer from: lack of logistic tools suchas cameras, voice recorders and

    special computers; the high cost of communications and lack offunding to achieve specialized

    television programs or specialized agricultural radio programson radio stations…; lack of training

    required for those in charge of agricultural media; and lack ofknowledge sharing strategies. For

    example, in Egypt, the main challenge is the limited budget andthe complexity of technological

    services. Projects implemented in this field lack sustainabilitysince they rely mostly on external

    funding, however, some studies have shown that rural people arewilling to pay in return for proper

    knowledge and information (case of Egypt).

    In order to enable farmers’ access to ICTs and thecommunications services, the following aspects

    should be taken into consideration: (a) access to andavailability of Internet in rural communities;

    (b) affordability of ICTs based products and services; (c)awareness of the importance and

    usefulness of information and communication technologies and (d)the ability to translate ICT

    access to value. In order to improve the efficiency of ICTsservices provided, technological means

    must be provided to support farmers as well as workers in theagricultural extension sector.

  • 29

    Cooperation between the private sector and the public sectorwould increase the efficiency of ICTs

    services. Furthermore, necessary training and capacity buildingshould be provided for trainers,

    extension agents as well farmers on the use of the ICTs tools; afulltime staff in the field of ICTs

    with the right qualifications is inevitable to be hired. Theextension agent remains an important

    facilitator in defining farmers’ extension needs. Moreover, itwould be effective to develop new

    applications that focus on agricultural knowledge targetingyouth who are already acquainted with

    ICTs tools. Comprehensive studies and surveys must be conductedin the field of agricultural

    activity, and there must be indicators for the effective impactof such technology; in addition, it is

    important to classify farmers based on a number of indicatorssuch as access to ICTs tools,

    connectivity, and literacy, prior to any action planning.

    Annex I


    The survey particularly focused on projects and programs thathave demonstrated results and

    achieved scale, as well as in exploring the role that specificstakeholders can play across different

    initiatives in this field.

    Guiding questions, divided in two main blocks:

    A. Trends and experiences

    The first set of questions will help identifying main trends inthe use of ICTs and RCS in the region

    and share experiences on the use of ICTs, community media andother RCS in support of

    agriculture and rural development. The five (5) guidingquestions are the following:

    1. Do you use ICTs or other types of communication media toolsas part of your work in

    agriculture and rural development? Please describe.

    2. Are you aware of examples of the use of ICTs andcommunication services or media that

    work in your field? Please share relevant examples and lessonsfrom your experience

    making reference, if relevant, to the usefulness and costefficiency for small-scale farmers

    who have limited access to resources. Do you have evidencesabout the results?

  • 30

    3. Farmer Field Schools (FFS) represent an effective approach toshare knowledge among

    farmers in the NENA region. Are you aware of existingcontributions of ICTs and

    community media, such as rural radio, to FFS in the NENAregion?

    4. Based on your experience, can you identify the mainchallenges that the region is facing

    when it comes to share information and knowledge through ICTsand other media and

    suggest ways to enhance their accessibility in your country? Howcan these challenges be


    5. Data about smallholder and family farmers are pivotal todesign informed policies to

    strengthen their livelihoods. What are the main sources of dataon smallholder and family

    farmers in the region? Are there examples of ICT-based datacollection systems used

    by/with farmers (e.g. registries)?

    B. Perspectives

    The second set of questions will help identifying a way forwardto improve the use of ICTs and

    rural communication services in the NENA region - with theultimate aim of supporting

    smallholder family farming.

    1. Do you believe that ICT tools and services are accessible tofarmers in your region? What

    are the data gaps regarding the status of small-scale farmers’access to information and

    knowledge as well as the challenges they face?

    2. How can programs in knowledge sharing through ICT and othercommunication

    media/tools reach small-scale farmers in a cost-effectivemanner?

    3. How can access to training in ICTs and Communication fordevelopment be improved to

    support small scale farmers in general and rural women and youthin particular to improve

    agriculture? What are the skills and support they need?

  • 31

    4. What are the factors that affect farmers to get timely andrelevant agricultural information

    via ICT tools? How can ICTs help to reduce gender imbalance inagricultural extension

    services and information delivery? Are there existing examplesfrom your region?

    5. What is the potential of blended ICTs, communication servicesand community media?

    6. What are the policy implications to promote access to ICTsand rural communication

    services for family farming in the region?


    Nhadir Alouar

    Agronomic Sciences

    First assistant of president of the agriculture department

    Abbes Laghrour University – Khenchela


    Rasha Mouhammad Alsayyed Chebaneh

    Agricultural Extension Research and Rural Development ResearchInstitute

    Agricultural Research Center of the Arab Republic of Egypt

    Kassem Mohamed

    Chief Researcher (Emeritus), Extension Methods and Aids ResearchDepartment

    Director of the Information and Communication for Developmentunit, Rural and Agriculture

    Development Communication Network (RADCON);

    Focal point, innovation platform in Egypt, CRP Dry-landSystems


    Babuq Sersa

    Agriculture engineer/ Freelancer/ Trainer

    Coordinator and trainer for small-scale projects in foodsecurity and agriculture,


    Tohmé Tawk Salwa

    Farming Systems and Sustainable Development

  • 32

    Associate Professor,

    Lebanese University, Faculty of Agriculture,

    Department of Economy and Development


    Sarah Karam

    Research Assistant

    American University of Beirut, Environment and SustainableDevelopment Unit


    Qadous Naser

    American Near East Refugee Aid ANERA/ Ramallah Office


    Nazik Salahaldeen Dafalla Ahmed

    Sudan National Biosafety Council

    Bio-safety Officer


    Lakhdar Hichem Ben Mohamed

    Expert in agriculture and rural development/monitoring andevaluation and research in

    «structuration socio-professionnelle» production chaindevelopment and combatting


    Ministère Agriculture, FIDA, FEM, AFD, ICARDA, OIT,CE/ENPARD


ESDU- KariaNet- FAO ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUM & SURVEY … · 2018. 11. 16. · 1 ESDU- KariaNet- FAO ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUM & SURVEY Improving ICT solutions and rural communication - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.