Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (2024)

What to know about our canvas prints

We print our canvas art on premium canvas made from a high-quality cotton blend. The densely woven material makes the canvases resistant and therefore very tough. The silk gloss surface is particularly durable and easy to care for. At the same time, the high-contrast colour application ensures brilliant print quality. This is how we ensure that the colours on our canvas prints don’t lose their luminosity, even years later. Since we consider sustainability to be of great importance, we use environmentally friendly UV inks for printing on canvas and only produce on demand to save resources.

In our shop, you’ll find canvas prints in different sizes and formats, ranging from mini to extra-large, from panorama prints to square formats – simply choose the print size that suits you and your home best. Our canvas prints are hung on stretcher frames made of solid pine wood. The sturdy frame and built-in wall mount enable you to hang the images on your wall quickly and easily.

In short, we provide top-class quality at the right price. See for yourself and scroll through our hand-picked assortment!

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (1)Printed on
cotton-mixed fabric (360g/m²)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (2)Painted look
with canvas texture

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (3)2cm thick
wooden stretcher frame

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (4)Ready
to hang

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (5)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (6)

Art prints on canvas

Want to add a touch of culture to your own four walls? Then take a look at our classic works of art, available to buy from us as canvas prints.

Pieces of art that were originally painted are ideal candidates from printing on canvas because an art print on canvas looks especially high-quality and tasteful. No matter whether it’s ‘The Kiss’ by Klimt, Monet’s ‘Haystacks’ or Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’, our prints bring the world’s museum masterpieces into your living room.

Large canvas prints

Do you love to gaze out at the sea? Our extra-large canvas wall art makes you feel as if you’re looking out at the dunes right from your sofa. Or are you more into urban scenes? Skylines of our favourite cities make perfect panorama prints. And if you don’t know exactly where you want to go, we’ve even got large format world maps.

Bigger isn’t always better, but with some designs simply more impressive. So make a statement with our extra-large canvas prints!

Discover our panorama prints

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (7)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (8)

Discover our panorama prints

Large canvas prints

Do you love to gaze out at the sea? Our extra-large canvas wall art makes you feel as if you’re looking out at the dunes right from your sofa. Or are you more into urban scenes? Skylines of our favourite cities make perfect panorama prints. And if you don’t know exactly where you want to go, we’ve even got large format world maps.

Bigger isn’t always better, but with some designs simply more impressive. So make a statement with our extra-large canvas prints!

Discover our panorama prints

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (9)

Canvas prints for your living room

Our canvas wall art will bring a breath of fresh air into your living room. The cotton structure and the high-contrast colour application create a paint-like look that brings our images to life. Not only does this appear refined and high-quality, but also creates a feeling of cosiness and warmth – our canvas prints are therefore the perfect means of creating an inviting living room.

There are many ways for you to integrate canvas prints into your living room. Why not position the images centrally, to catch the eye? Or choose the motifs to match your wall colour? You could even create a cosy seating area with several thematically coordinated canvas prints. There’s a perfect picture for every purpose, regardless of whether you’re looking for silent, calming forests, cheeky animal faces or simple dandelions.

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (10)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (11)
Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (12)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (13)

From the African steppes to the urban jungle of New York right through to Marilyn Monroe’s bright white smile, our wall art ranges from beloved to breath-taking. It’s important for us to offer you a wide choice, because we believe that the right canvas print can not only make your walls more beautiful but also express your personality.
So why not play with different designs, sizes and frames? There’s no limits to your imagination! At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide the atmosphere you want to create with our art.

And if clean lines in your living space are more to your taste, then check out our acrylic prints! The simple, smooth finish of this material is particularly suited to photographs, giving every living room a modern flair.

Canvas prints for the living room

Framed canvas prints

Of course, you can simply hang your canvas on the wall. But if you prefer to stage your favourite piece of canvas wall art properly, we recommend ordering it with a frame. The paint-style look makes canvas prints appear very stylish and high-quality, but adding a picture frame further enhances it, rounding off the look. We use floater frames for our canvas prints. These are particularly suitable for highlighting the plasticity of the canvas prints. This is because there is a gap between the image and the frame – referred to as the shadow gap. This provides a strong depth effect and leaves the printed edges slightly visible.

With our picture frames, there is not only a choice between different models, but also between a variety of colours. This means you can match the frame perfectly to your home furnishings. We pay close attention to quality. Our picture frames are made of solid wood or aluminium and we take care of the framing by hand. You can order the frame alongside the image while shopping, saving you the effort of searching for something suitable yourself.

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (14)

Picture frame KENT

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (15)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (16)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (17)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (18)

Top-quality aluminium frame, brushed with a visible shadow gap (10mm), including wall mounts.

Frame colours:

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (19)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (20)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (21)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (22)

Frame colour shown: black

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (23)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (24)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (25)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (26)

Picture frame KENT

Top-quality aluminium frame, brushed with a visible shadow gap (10mm), including wall mounts.

Frame colours:

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (27)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (28)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (29)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (30)

Frame colour shown: black

Picture frame FLOATS

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (31)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (32)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (33)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (34)

High-quality frame made from solid wood, natural wood grain with visible shadow gap (10mm), including wall mounts.

Frame colours:

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (35)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (36)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (37)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (38)

Frame colour shown: black

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (39)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (40)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (41)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (42)

Picture frame FLOATS

High-quality frame made from solid wood, natural wood grain with visible shadow gap (10mm), including wall mounts.

Frame colours:

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (43)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (44)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (45)Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (46)

Frame colour shown: black

Frequently asked questions about canvas prints

Frequently asked questions about canvas prints

  1. What is a canvas print?
  2. Advantages
  3. Assembly
  4. Material
  5. Weight
  6. Delivery time
  7. Possible use
  8. Wall mounts
  9. Sustainability
  10. Cleaning
  11. Mounting

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (47)
Customer Support Manager

Do you have any questions?

Call us:
00800 900 900 30
(Monday–Friday 10a.m.–4p.m. CET, additional charges may apply)

Write to us:

1. What is a canvas print?

A canvas print is a printed fabric (canvas) that is stretched across a wooden frame.

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (48)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (49)

2. What advantages do canvas prints offer?

The textile structure is the main characteristic of canvas art, as it is this, together with the rich, high-contrast colour application, that gives them their high-quality ‘painting’ look. One big plus is that the textured surface does not reflect, so canvas prints are suitable for any wall, regardless of the lighting conditions.

Our prints on canvas are stable, durable and relatively light. In contrast to many synthetic materials, they are quite robust and the natural materials are pleasant in a home setting. The colours are also light and wipe resistant.

The stretched wedge frames create a beautiful spatial effect. Your canvas prints come ready to hang and don’t require a frame – but if you wish, you can finish your print with one of our premium floater frames.

3. How is my canvas print assembled?

We produce all the canvas prints ourselves in our production facility in Leipzig, Germany, in three steps:

  • First of all, we print your image on large canvas rolls and cut them out using a high-performance cutter.
  • Then we construct our wooden stretcher frames from individual pieces of wood that is FSC®-certified, so that we can flexibly combine 20×20cm to 120×180cm in 10cm increments.
  • Finally, we put each piece of canvas on a suitable wooden stretcher frame and fix it with a tacker. For large formats, this step is done purely by hand and we may use intermediate struts or slats to stabilise it. For smaller formats, our team uses a machine to precisely fit them onto the frame.

Of course, we check the quality after every production step, so that you get a high-quality and error-free canvas print.

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Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (51)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (52)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (53)

4. What is the material like?

Our canvas material consists of a 360g/m² cotton/polyester blend, which has a wonderful textile structure, like a real artist’s canvas. When combined with the colour application, the woven surface looks brilliant and very lively.

All the stretcher frame struts are made from pine and carry the FSC® certification for sustainable forestry and our Canon inks for canvas printing are of course also certified for use in homes and offices.

5. How much do the canvas prints weigh?

They’re relatively light. For example, a canvas print measuring 100×100cm weighs approx. 2,4kg. Hanging them up and moving them is therefore very easy, above all with the supplied wall brackets.

6. How long does it take to receive my canvas print?

Since we only manufacture on demand, we usually require two to three working days for the production steps in our own art print house. Finally, we will pack your canvas securely and send it to your home via one of our reliable shipping companies.

7. Are the canvas prints waterproof?

Our canvas prints shouldn’t come into contact with running water and should not be hung in damp rooms such as bathrooms, as the wooden stretcher frame and fabric can warp due to the high levels of humidity. However, if you hang your print in a toilet or a small guest bathroom with ventilation, it shouldn’t be a problem.

You can also wipe down your canvas with a damp soft cloth to clean it, which will not damage the surface.

8. Are the wall mounts included?

Yes, we provide one or two wall mounts on all our canvas prints, depending on the size. This means you can hang your prints on the wall with minimal effort. The canvas print wall brackets are clamped in or hammered in firmly under the stretcher frame and hold securely. So, all you need is a nail or a screw on the wall to attach the bracket. Since the prints are relatively light, you can usually hang them without any need for assistance.

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (54)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (55)

9. Are canvas prints sustainable?

Yes, we value sustainability when it comes to our canvas wall art. It’s important to us that we know where our materials come from, so we source all components – from the canvas to the wooden stretcher frames, to the floater frames – from responsible, long-standing partners.

The pine wood which our stretcher frame struts are made from, for example, is produced carbon neutrally in Germany, sourced from European forests and is certified by the FSC®, which stands for sustainable forestry. In contrast to other technologies, Canon’s eco-friendly UV inks have the advantage of not containing solvents.

In general, we do not waste materials, since we produce all our prints on demand, i.e., only after your order has been placed. We also reuse undamaged parts from returns where possible.

10. How can I clean my canvas print?

Dust and light dirt can be removed with a feather duster or with a soft, damp cloth. Don’t worry, the prints are smudge-resistant, but don’t rub too hard on the canvas surface.

Please note that the inks we use are light resistant and do not lose their luminosity due to occasional dusting and cleaning.

11. How do I attach my canvas print properly to the wall?

We recommend that you first hold the canvas up against the wall to determine the perfect position. You can also ask someone for assistance, so that you can check the positioning yourself, from 2–3 metres away. Once you’ve chosen your spot on the wall, mark it with a dot in the middle above the canvas. Then, on the back of the wall art, measure the distance between the top edge and the canvas print wall bracket (or the opening with the bracket). Mark this distance underneath the first spot you marked and put a nail or a screw into the wall here – and your canvas print is ready to be hung! For large format wall art, repeat the procedure at a second point, then at the same height as the two wall brackets.

In the event that the canvas or the wooden stretcher frame is slightly warped (e.g., due to transportation or because wood ‘works’ as a natural product and is exposed to changes in ambient environments), you can fix your wall art in place using a very small nail. To do so, simply hit the nail at a slight angle along the edge into the wall, so that the nail holds firmly against the edge of the canvas and presses this slightly towards the wall.

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Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (57)

Canvas Prints | Buy Wall Art Canvas at (2024)


What is the most popular canvas size for art? ›

A 20″ x 16″ print is one of the standard canvas sizes that can suit many image types. You could display family photos, your favorite artwork or anything in between.

How do I turn my canvas paintings into prints? ›

To turn your art into physical prints, first digitize your artwork using a high-quality scanner or camera. Edit the digital image for color accuracy and resolution, preferably 300 dpi for fine prints. Then, choose a reliable print-on-demand service or a professional printing company to produce the prints.

What is the difference between wall art and canvas? ›

Art prints are usually framed behind glass to protect the print from environmental factors and physical damage. The glass can add glare and reflections. Canvas prints are usually stretched over wooden frames, creating a gallery-wrapped effect where the image continues around the sides of the frame.

How do I print wall art from Canva? ›

Printing your design
  1. Open the downloaded PDF from your device.
  2. Select Print or the printer button on your PDF viewer. ...
  3. Select your personal printer's model from the options. ...
  4. Check your printer settings. ...
  5. Select Print to start printing.

What is the most popular size for wall art? ›

Typically, the most popular of these print sizes (and thus the most sellable) are 10” x 8”, 10”x14”, and 12” x 12” – although this all depends on the customer or artist. These sizes are ideal for curating art gallery walls and providing versatility to suit any home interior.

What is the most sold canvas size? ›

It's the perfect size for portraiture or landscapes and it's the right fit for a portfolio making it easy to lug around. For canvas prints, some of the most popular sizes are 11″ x 14″ and 16″ x 20″. This is because they are very affordable for a good size.

Do canvas prints look like paintings? ›

The image is then placed between sheets of acrylic, often referred to as plexiglass. When comparing the three types of prints, custom canvas prints evoke an artistic feel. This is because they're similar in appearance to oil and acrylic paintings.

Can you get a canvas made from a printed photo? ›

Your images are printed from an inkjet printer onto premium polyester canvas and hand-stretched around a 2cm or 4cm pinewood frame. Our easy-to-use online builder has been intuitively designed to allow you to turn your favourite image into a beautiful photo canvas that you can display on your walls within minutes.

Should I get a print or canvas? ›

It's challenging to say outright that art prints look better on paper or canvas since both have pros and cons, but canvas seems to be the better option. It is more versatile than fine art prints, and you can hang them up almost everywhere.

Do canvas prints look better framed? ›

Unframed canvas prints exude a minimalist style, while framed pieces may appeal to those favoring a traditional, complete look. Here at The Stackhouse, we pride ourselves on using museum-quality canvas and inks to provide high-quality, loose canvas prints.

Why is canvas art so expensive? ›

One of the primary factors affecting the cost of canvas art is its size. Larger canvases require more materials and time to produce, naturally leading to higher prices. For instance, small, desk-sized canvas or photo prints might be available for under $100, while wall-spanning pieces could easily exceed $1000.

How to get free canvas? ›

If you don't already have an account and need to create a course, visit our Try Canvas page and select the Get a Free Canvas Account button. Complete the account information fields and you'll be on your way!

What is the standard size for wall art? ›

Standard Wall Art Sizes
Small Wall Art SizesMedium Wall Art SizesOversized Wall Art Sizes
10″ x 12″18″ x 22″27″ x 40″
11″ x 14″19″ x 23”28″ x 42″
12″ x 16″20″ x 24″30″ x 48″
13″ x 19″36″ x 50″ (and up)
1 more row

What is canvas print wall art? ›

A canvas print is the result of an image printed onto canvas which is often stretched, or gallery-wrapped, onto a frame and displayed. Canvas prints are used as the final output in an art piece, or as a way to reproduce other forms of art.

What is the most common art print size? ›

A few of the most common sizes are 5×7, 8×10, 11×14, 16×20, 18×24, and 24×36 inches. Most art supply stores have an even larger selection of sizes.

What is the best size for art? ›

When hanging wall art, know the golden rules surrounding width and height. First, art should be between 4/7 and ¾ as wide as the furniture it's above. Second, the center of the piece should be about 58” high – that's the standard height for paintings in an art gallery.

What are standard canvas sizes for paintings? ›

COMMON LARGE CANVAS SIZES: 18″ x 24″ / 45.72 cm x 60.96 cm 20″ x 24″ / 50.8 cm x 60.96 cm 24″ x 36″ / 60.96 cm x 91 cm EXTRA LARGE CANVAS SIZE: 30″ x 40″ / 76.2 cm x 101.6 cm OVERSIZE CANVAS SIZE: 36″ x 48″ / 91.44 cm x 121.92 cm MINI CANVASES Anything under 4″ x 6″ / 10.16 cm x 15.24 cm is considered a mini canvas.

What is the best size canvas for painting beginners? ›

If you're unsure of which size you prefer, stick with medium sizes between 8″ x 10″ and 16″ x 20″. These sizes are versatile and affordable enough that you can try out several techniques and see which size works for you, or if you are craving a larger or smaller surface.


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.