Brownie Cookies | Ash Baber (2024)

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Brownie cookies are my new favourite kind of cookies.

THEY ARE SO EASY TO MAKE and they taste amazing.

They’re cookies but soooo much more fudgier and they have that crinkly crispy top that brownies have. I love them.

Brownie Cookies | Ash Baber (1)

Like I mentioned, making these is super easy, and the ingredients you need for it are also very basic.

Here’s what you will need to make the batter:

  • Dark chocolate – make sure to use dark chocolate and not milk. Milk chocolate will just add a lot of extra sweetness without adding enough chocolate flavour. So dark chocolate works best.
  • Unsalted butter
  • Sugar – we’re going to use a mixture of both granulated and brown sugar. The granulated sugar is going to add crispiness and the brown sugar is going to add flavour and fudginess.
  • Eggs
  • Plain flour – also known as all purpose flour.
  • Cocoa powder – unsweetened cocoa powder is always best to use.
  • Baking powder
  • Salt – to help enhance the flavours.

Brownie Cookies | Ash Baber (2)

My favourite part of these cookies is the crinkly top. I think it tastes so good and also looks good.

To achieve this we’re going to whip together our eggs and sugar on high speed for 5 minutes. You want this mixture to almost in double in volume and lighten colour.

Whipping the eggs and sugar together allows the sugar to dissolve, which gives you that crinkly top.

If you don’t have an electric mixer, you can do this by hand. You’re just going to have to aggressively whisk, your arm might start hurting but you got this.

This is not going to look like a cookie dough at all…because it’s not, it’s a brownie batter.

So just a heads up, it is going to be much softer than a regular cookie dough, don’t be alarmed.

When it comes to baking cookies, typically you would make cookie dough balls, add these onto your trays and then bake your cookies.

We can’t do that with these cookies, but again the batter is much softer.

The best way to form your cookies is by adding your batter into a piping bag fitted with a round tip.

Then pipe around 8 mounds of the batter onto your lined baking trays.

If you don’t have a piping bag, you could use an ice cream scoop, or just use a spoon and add dollops of the batter onto your trays.

I have done this, and it works out fine. The only reason why I prefer using a piping bag is because it gives you much better shapes.

But use whatever you have, the cookies will still taste the same, whether they’re perfectly round or not.

Brownie Cookies | Ash Baber (4)

Brownie Cookies | Ash Baber (5)

This is extremely important.

These cookies are going to be very soft after they come out of the oven. They will fall apart if you try picking them up too early.

You need to make sure to give them a chance to set up on the tray.

So once they are baked, leave them on the tray for about 20 minutes, then you can finally pick them up and dig in.

  • Pistachio Cookies
  • Tiramisu Cookies
  • Masala Chai Cookies
  • Single Serve Chocolate Chip Cookie
Brownie Cookies | Ash Baber (6)

3.9 from 193 votes

makes: 8 Cookies

  • 200 g dark chocolate

  • 120 g unsalted butter

  • 100 g granulated sugar

  • 100 g soft light brown sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 150 g plain flour

  • 25 g cocoa powder

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1/8 teaspoon salt

  • Some flaky salt, to sprinkle over the baked cookies (optional)


  • Start by pre-heating your oven to 180c/350f. Also line 2 large baking trays with baking paper, leave these aside.
  • In a pot, add the dark chocolate and butter. Place this onto medium heat and heat until all the chocolate and butter has melted, you can also do this in your microwave.
  • Leave this aside to cool down.
  • In a large bowl, add the eggs, granulated sugar and brown sugar. Whip these together on high speed for about 5 minutes. The mixture should lighten in colour and almost double in volume.
  • Pour the cooled down melted chocolate and butter mixture into this. Fold this in until combined.
  • Add the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt into this (if your cocoa powder is lumpy, make sure to sieve this first). Fold everything together until you can no longer see any flour.
  • I added this batter into a piping bag that I fitted with a large round tip, then piped 8 mounds of the batter onto my trays. You could also use an ice cream scoop or just a spoon to do this, but piping them will give you the best shapes. Make sure to leave gaps between the mounds, so the cookies have room to spread as they bake.
  • Bake these in your pre-heated oven for around 18-20 minutes.
  • Once baked, I sprinkled some flaky salt over them. This is optional but a nice addition.
  • The cookies will be very soft when they first come out of the oven, so let them cool down on the tray for about 20 minutes before trying to pick them up.
  • After they have set up, you can eat them. Enjoy!
Brownie Cookies | Ash Baber (2024)


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